Saturday, December 26, 2020

A Disturbing Sign: "Reason" Renews Its Vows With MSM

The following soft censorship rant by Steven Greenhut appeared at Reason, once a bastion of free thought and anti=authotitarianisnm. What is especially insidious about the article is that its implicit sanctioning of mainstream media as arbiters of truth. The author asks the reader to follow the lead of William Buckley, Jr. and dismiss all voices not approved by "The New York Time" (or the Associated Press. Or Google. Or Facebook. Or SPLC. It is one hivemind consensus.)

We have accepted the sellout of institutional libertarianism. That is old news. More disturbingly, this article was highlighted at Doug Powers Blog, an aggregate blog that has been included in our blogroll from early on. Et tu, Dougie?

Greenhut's comments are in regular type. BOSurvivor comments are in Bold type.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One of the modern conservative movement's greatest leaders, the late William F. Buckley Jr., retold a fascinating story from the run-up to the 1964 presidential election. As he explained in The Wall Street Journal in 2008, Buckley and his allies convinced Barry Goldwater to distance himself from the John Birch Society—a conspiracy-minded group that touted his candidacy.

Buckley noted that the society's president, Robert Welch, had at the time a "near-hypnotic" influence on the Right, despite his "wild" ideas: "(Welch) said Dwight D. Eisenhower was a 'dedicated, conscious agent of the communist conspiracy,' and that the government of the United States was 'under operational control of the Communist Party.'"

Buckley realized that Welch's fixations did a disservice to the anti-communist cause. So he convinced Goldwater to reject the core fallacy—"the assumption that you can infer subjective intention from objective consequence: we lost China to the communists, therefore the president of the United States and the secretary of state wished China to go to the communists."


We can all agree that members of The John Birch Society were turning into laughingstocks by the "respectable" news media, but questions persist: Did the Birchers deserve their ridicule and banishment from credible society? Were they accurate about the threats posed by Communism, threats that were downplayed by Buckley and his Ivy League cocktail buddies? Did Buckley pave the way for the rise of the Rockefeller wing and the mercenarical RINO's? 

I say no, yes and yes.


Goldwater, of course, gained the GOP nomination and lost the general-election vote by 23 percentage points. Thanks to Buckley's efforts, however, the GOP vanquished various fringe groups. The Goldwater candidacy built the foundation for the GOP's future and set the stage for a movement that helped topple the Evil Empire. Sometimes, losing is better than winning.


Johnson was unbeatable in 1964. To blame Goldwater's loss at the feet of the JBS is silly. Sillier too, is crediting Buckley--or even Goldwater--with the liquidation of the USSR.


In recent years, conspiracy-mongers and kooks have gained a similar foothold in the GOP. It's a huge problem on the Left, but as a non-leftist that's not my battle. My goal is to support a functioning right-of-center movement that has the credibility to thwart the utopian dreams of the progressive movement. At this time, the Right needs more self-analysis and less whataboutism.

The explanations are complex and subject to debate, but it's impossible to ignore that a portion of the Right has descended, quite frankly, into madness. I partly blame a president who has advocated "birtherism" and given a pass to supporters of QAnon, who embrace some inchoate theory involving Satan, politicians, and pedophiles.


At this point, we dispense with niceties and call StevenGreenhut a malicious liar. 

Trump did not advocate "birtherism". The Birther story is intriguing and well worth telling, but only if one includes the details. This blog has covered the Birther story in its many nuances including the allies of Barry Soetoro rewriting the saga in such a way that the pampered one is victimized by a vast racist conspiracy. The fact of the matter is, Barack Obama is the father of Birtherism.

"Supporters of QAnon" What does that mean? QAnon does not accept donations and is by any measure, self-supporting. The wild theories that follow QAnon are due largely to the law of averages. QAnon had millions, if not tens of millions of readers from all over the world. A diversity of opinion will follow. Some of the opinions might be disagreeable to Greenhut and the respectable members of the respectable news media. Readers of Q posts do not promote a consensus viewpoint, unlike our respectable Tass Media.

By the way, the exposure of Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, et al, seems to have some credence, despite the respectable members of the respectable media's reluctance to cover the subject. 

Trump will soon exit the White House unless he chains himself to his desk. But the conservative movement will need to chart a path forward—and decide whether it is primarily about airing a list of Festivus-like grievances, or whether it is tethered to important and mostly good ideas centered on promoting markets and limited government. So far, the prognosis isn't good.

My view is that if Trump had actually won the election, he would have been able to prove systemic voter fraud in one of the 58 lawsuits that his supporters have lost. I believe in the rule of law, and the legal system has rendered its verdict. It's crazy to go deeper into this rabbit hole, yet the conservative movement has yet to find bottom.


I do not know of a single person who looked at the evidence--really looked at the evidence with an objective eye--who has said that there was not massive electoral/voter fraud that significantly benefitted Joe Biden. 

If there was nothing to hide, why would Twitter, Facebook and Youtube silence anyone who tries to present evidence of a stolen election? Why would Google searches for "Election fraud" yield radically different results than searches using Qwant or Duckduckgo?


Nothing has been as loopy as the Jericho March, where religious supporters of the president gathered in Washington, D.C., last week to hold a prayer rally to protest the election results. Prominent conservative activists spoke, along with Alex Jones, the radio broadcaster who, among other things, once claimed that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings were a hoax. Buckley must have turned over in his grave.


Despite his silliness, Alex Jones probably has a higher accuracy rate than "The Washington Post." Do you remember Jones promoting a knowingly false "Russian Robots Hacked 2016 election?" I don't either.


As penance, Christian writer Rod Dreher watched the entire march—named after the biblical story of how the Israelites marched around Jericho blowing shofars until the city's walls collapsed. (Unless the media hid it, I'm pretty sure the Capitol is still standing.) As Dreher noted, speakers insisted that the election was stolen—as "an article of faith…If you doubt, you are a traitor, a coward, in league with the Devil. I'm not exaggerating at all."

Such, er, uncritical thinking is no longer confined to the outer reaches but has entered the conservative mainstream. "I am willing to die for this fight," a "Stop the Steal" activist tweeted. Nonsense flows freely on social media, but the Arizona Republican Party actually retweeted it with the words: "He is. Are you?" (Uh, no, but thanks for asking.)


Unfortunately, information does not flow freely on social media. Big tech is way ahead of Greenhut in silencing unsanctioned viewpoints.


A Virginia state senator posted that "President Trump should declare martial law as recommended by General Flynn." Former Gen. Michael Flynn, who spoke at the Jericho fiasco, retweeted a post from a group calling for Trump to "temporarily suspend the Constitution" and call for a revote. Conservatives say that ideas have consequences, yet only a few have spoken out against those who peddle flagrantly authoritarian ideas.

The Cato Institute's David Boaz last year wrote about the "no enemies on the Left" approach that liberals had long taken, as they refused to drive out socialists and communists. Pointing to Buckley's legacy, Boaz called for modern conservatives to eschew a similar "no enemies on the Right" stance and stay far from "fever swamps."


There are no enemies on the Left because the Left is Borg. If a Right Wing exists--and I for one says that it does not--it is not a hive. The Left is opposed by a coalition, not a countercult.


That's good advice. Conservatives might not agree on policies in a post-Trump world, but they should agree that some Buckley-style limits are critical for the movement's future.


Buckley-style limits? No thank you. I for one believe in free thought and the free exchange of ideas. Reason sold out.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Taiwan Mega Rally For Trump| 12-19-2020 |

In case you missed it, Trump is a beloved global leader who is spearheading a worldwide populist movement.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Updated Voter Fraud Scoreboard

Imagine if every thief in America synchronized their watches to perform their dastardly deeds at the same time on the same day. The 4000 annual bank heists, as well as the roughly 100,000 other robberies, would all be performed at 11 AM on November 3. Flooding the zone would overload the cops' resources but in time, they would solve most of the case. Now imagine the statute of limitations for these crimes is 79 days and you have a parallel to the myriad crimes the Democrat Party pulled off on election day.

The election-rigging used techniques of high tech and low, of great innovation as well as time-tested measures from their dusty playbook. Ballot stuffing, non-citizen voting, multistate voting, dead voters, ghost voters, zombie voters, algorithms, and much, much more. It is hard enough for professional monitors to track to say nothing of the people in the bleachers. The scale, scope, breadth, and depth of the election-rigging are staggering.

It is good to step back and get the big picture. Gateway Pundit produced a nice overview in November but some things have come to light since then. Sharyl Attkisson, the highly idealistic independent journalist, has compiled an updated hack/fraud summary dated December 20. It is not for the faint of heart.

She also has some great external links.


It’s easy to find articles claiming that there was no election fraud, or that it was “not widespread,” or that it was not enough to “make a difference.” It is less easy to find some of the actual complaints and allegations, unfiltered and undistorted. 

Here is a (fairly) complete list of (some of) the most significant claims involving 2020 election miscounting, errors or fraud.

Please note that this resource lists allegations. It is intended neither to validate nor disprove any particular claim. The information and links help provide counterpoints to widespread, one-sided media reporting so that you can research and make your own judgements. All elections officials accused of improper counting or fraud have denied any improprieties.

The legislatures of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan and Arizona are among those who have been holding public hearings on election fraud issues.

Full Story


Sunday, December 20, 2020

Rethinking The Premise of Blogging

This is not the first time I did the whole to be or to be with the blog. Recent conversations with a close friend have made me reconsider the reasons for blogging and the efficacy of one's efforts.

Is there merit in doing anything that only reaches a few hundred eyeballs at a time when mass mobilization is needed? It is a question I have asked since the birth of this blog. This leads me back to the genesis of this blog.

It was 2008, shortly after Barack Obama had won his first presidential election. I was confused, bewildered. America has just elected a man they knew nothing about--nothing!--the highest office on planet Earth. Naively, if not innocently, I held to the belief that if I could show the world that Obama was an empty vessel propped up by silly and sensationalist media who loved asserting their dominance.

In researching Barry Soetoro, I would discover things more sinister than I had imagined. The sultan of superficiality was not the "President Kardashian," as described by Rush Limbaugh. No, I would have to admit that King Barry had more depth than I had imagined, as in depths of depravity.

Let me remind the reader once more that I am not naturally drawn to politics. Ever since starting this blog, I have looked forward to the day when I could stop focusing on political issues. But each discovery of Deep State evil, each conspiratorial action directed at a president who delivered peace and prosperity and ultimately, a stolen election involving stratified corruption on a level previously unimagined, always brought me back to this blog.

Thank Google for bogging made easy. That is the appeal. Video production is easier all the time but it's not as easy as blogging.While blogging, I was always focused on the next project--videos and ebooks mostly--but the immediacy of blogging always brought me back to POS. 

My friend reminded me that  a blog will not critical events of outcomes uncertain. Point taken. The survival of our republic is in the hands of one man, Donald John Trump. His presidency is as pivotal and as profound as Abraham Lincoln's presidency. As with Lincoln, the commander-in-chief is walking a tightrope stretched across a pool of crocodiles. Whatever happens will happen with or without the input of this blog.

So why blog? For me, it is more than releasing frustration, more than blowing off steam. In researching the validity of Barack Obama, I discovered rabbit holes of sensationalism and weirdness. The real story of THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE belongs to the annals of the strange. Originally promoted by a Hillary acolyte, the story moves forward and sideways and ultimately comes back to an aspiring writer named Barack Obama. 

If that story deserves a sequel it would find several. The motives for Obama twisting and turning the saga would lead us back to speculation about Barry's real father as well as his dubious US citizenship. The blog would also take me through the looking glass of malignant narcissism and serious discussions about the viability of time travel.

This blogger has always had an interest in pop philosophy and wishes that it was as popular as pop psychology. You know, Socrates and Spinoza without the rigors of academia? Particularly dear to my heart, is the topic of belief systems. If I had not chronicled the mindless followers of Barack Obama, I would not have developed a keen understanding of religious and political cults. That, in and of itself has made blogging beneficial for me.

So where does this blog fit into the cosmos? The fate of the United States depends on how many aces Donald Trump has up his sleeve. The outcome will not be affected by my condemnation of or my cheerleading for (much more likely) Donald John Trump. What I can do is call attention to voices worth hearing. This blog can help in the formulation of new, informal news networks. This service is especially needed given the purges at Facebook, Youtube and Twitter, as well as the Tassification of our decrepit news media.

To blog or not to blog? Despite a 48 hour work week, multiple snow storms and a boatload of discouragement, I blog on. I am not sure I have a choice.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Barr Resigns: How Can You Tell?

Yes, this blogger has repeatedly ripped off Dorothy Parker with her query posed upon the announcement of Calvin Coolidge's death.

The world's largest paperweight has resigned. He leaves a legacy of cowardice and torpor and probably, corruption. He will now devote full-time to doing whatever he did or did not do as Attorney General, which is to say, he will do nothing.

Rest in peace, Mr. Barr. What? You were already doing that? OK, go back to sleep, Mr. Deep State. That pension check will arrive every month no matter what. Kind of like your working life. 

Let the snoring drone on.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sunday Morning Links

1. How About A Video Hosting Service Affiliated With A Gun Exchange" UGETube

2. Fair Play For AntiVaccers Department...Does COVID Vaccine Cause HIV +? Natural News

3. Do Lockdowns Spike The Suicide Rates?  Lifesite

4. Affadavit of Dr. David Keshavarz Concerning Dominion-Related Issues: Scribd

5.  Who is Dr. David Keshavez? AT

Interlude: The President Arrives at the Army-Navy Game

Sunday Prophecy: Prophecy about Shock and Awe, December to Remember

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Saturday Links

1. Barr Stalls Huner Investigation: WSJ (Pay Wall) Summary by Sundance

Blast From The Past: John Podesta Is Invited To A Pool Party:

Re: Farmers L Update and Welcome Mat


Friday, December 11, 2020

Friday Night Links

1. In Defense of Vigilantes: American Spectator.

Thanks JH

Frankurt Shootout?

Was there a shootout on November 3rd or 4th or 5th in Frankfurt, Germany involving two factions of the Deep State, one that is loyal to Donald Trump and the Constitution and another faction that is pure evil?

The rumor was that the White Hats utilized special forces to storm a CIA stronghold and successfully captured a server that was at the heart of a vote-rigging system. People died but the server was seized by the White Hats.

Mike Adams of Natural News is credited with breaking the news of the shootout, but this blog cannot confirm that Adams was the genesis. Nonetheless, the firefight story was repeated by luminaries such as Sidney Powell and Tom McInerney. 

From Healthranger via Distributed News:  

But new information is now surfacing that indicates there was a firefight at the server farm facility, involving US Army Special Forces units, engaging with CIA-trained paramilitary units that were flown in from Afghanistan in an emergency effort to defend the facility. One CIA officer was killed during the firefight, and he is now being reported across the mainstream media as being "killed in Somalia." Five US Army soldiers were also killed, and they are being explained away as dying in a "helicopter crash" in Egypt. Despite the deaths, the servers were successfully acquired by the DoD, and those servers were turned over to President Trump's private intelligence group, which is now once again led by Gen. Michael Flynn, recently pardoned and now allowed to process top secret information, since his security clearance has been restored

The naysay was immediate, and with good cause. A gunfight is not usually quiet. The locals did not report suspicious noises. There was no local emergency response. No police. No ambulance. Nada.

Let's not dismiss the story just yet. I hold the belief that The Defense Department has real silencers, not the cheesy twerp-twerps you see on TV or the mostly illegal noise suppressors that do not really silence ballistics. If a shot is fired in Frankfurt and no one hears it, does it make a noise? 

There is a second part to this rumor. Specifically, CIA director, Gina Haspel was captured in the silent riot. A variation on this theme has the Director being mortally wounded in the conflict. It would be easy crush these stories by a public appearance by Haspel. Have you seen one? This writer has not. "The New York Post" among other news sources, dismissed the false rumors and showed a picture of Haspel.

What is suspicious is that the picture that NYP et al have circulated was taken before the election, possibly several months ago. A CIA spokesman reported that Gina was at her desk in the article that is dated December 4. This blogger has been looking for Haspel online but she seems to have gone camera shy on us.

Yet another variation of the theme. Haspel was not in Germany (and why would she be?) at the time of the alleged battle but was apprehended elsewhere simultaneously. It would make sense that the White Hats would perform their acts of daring-do in a nonsequential manner, much like mafia roundups. Can't tip off the other targets. 

Not to start rumors here, but Haspel is not the only high profile deep state type to suddenly disappear. You might think they would all be dancing in the streets in anticipation of Joe Biden's upcoming inauguration. But let's not spread rumors.

This story will have a conclusion. If Sidney Powell presents a set of servers to a court of law, the chain of custody will be examined. This could get interesting.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Thursday AM Links

1. FBI Admits to Stonewalling Seth Rich Investigation: Law Flog

2. Anti-vaccer Dies Suddenly::bgdsearches

3. The Return of Hunter Biden. Oh My: US Senate

4. Post-Frankfurt Society: Gumshoe News

5. Frankfurt Skepticism: rewboss

More Prophecy


0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Sunday Prophecy: Amanda Grace Talks...A POWER PACKED WORD FROM THE LORD! GET READY! ARMOR...

Generally, prophets are vague and abstract. Not this time. I do hope that either Donald Young or Seth Rich--or both-- are being referenced here.


 1. Voter Fraud LA Style: LA DA

Even More Ballots? Chanel Rion/OAN

3. Stop Me If You Heard This One: Carlos Silva

4. Haspel Alive and Well? NY Post Note: NY Post uses stock photo from last summer. has anyone seen a post-election photo of Haspel?

5. Trump's Most Important Speech: D'Souza on Rumble

6. Was There Really a Firefight in Frankfurt? Free Republic

Concession With Honor? Insert Expletives Here

In general, good people have bad press and bad people have good press. Richard Nixon and his crew--especially John Mitchell and Spiro Agnew--are exceptions to that rule. 

Death does not diminish RN's status as a worthy pinata and I do not want to bash him for old time sake. What I would like to do is criticize him for conceding a stolen election in 1960.

Kennedy stole the presidential election from Nixon in 1960. To be more precise, Joe Kennedy, the patriarch, and his Mafia friends stole the election. Richard Nixon, the rightful president, chose to forego the noble fight on behalf of his supporters. His decision would foreshadow an eventual presidency that would be marred by calculated appeasements.

We have all heard the Republican apologists who have stated that Tricky Dick did the right thing in 1960 and he sacrificed his personal ambition for the good of the country. In reality, it was an act of inert cowardice. Richard Nixon placed his imprimatur on systemic corruption, an institution he deeply respected. Years later, Nixon's attorney general would accept cash payment for the presidential pardon of a gangster named Jimmy Hoffa.

President Eisenhower, a historic figure whose legacy seems to quietly grow like a massive oak, wanted Nixon to fight on. Ike believed in right and wrong. His morals were more arithmetic than calculus. Had Nixon donned the white knight's armor in 1960, systemic corruption might not have flourished and elections might not have been so easily stolen decades later. Of course, that would have meant that Nixon would not have been able to stuff his own pockets after he politely waited his turn.

One sees a  lot of Nixon in Bernie Sanders. Publicly, they were this and that, but privately they were both carpetbaggers. When Sanders told Hillary Clinton that we were tired of  "hearing about your damn emails," he excused multiple acts of espionage against the United States as well as brazen exercises in influence peddling. 

It would be revealed that Sanders was cheated by the Dems in 2016 and again in 2020. No tears from the socialist. He would buy a $675,000 "camp" after dropping out in 2016 and his wife would bring home millions as his campaign's designated media buyer in 2020. As with Richard Nixon, Sanders never concerned himself with doing the right thing. Like Nixon, Sanders will die a wealthy man enriched by their loyalty to the gods of institutional corruption.

Donald Trump is more Eisenhower than he is Sanders or Nixon. To all those moralists who say or suggest that they have to hold their noses or look beyond DJT's character, let me ask you this: Are your moral decisions life-threatening? Can your decisions result in fabricated criminal accusations, lawfare harassment, expropriation, and possibly even mortal imperilment if you choose to do the right thing? Donald Trump confronts horrors innumerable and in the face of danger, he chooses to do chart the course of maximum resistance.

Donald Trump, unlike Nixon and Sanders and every other money-grubbing whore, is fighting for the people who supported him. Concede? Never!

Special Segment: General Michael Flynn: The People's General


PA State Protest Vs Rep Cutler:


New Site

Blogs have formatting limitations and blogs hosted by Google are vulnerable to the whims of our overlords.

In fairness, Google has allowed this blog to discuss topics that might get one banned from Youtube or Facebook. This might say less about the Alphabet commitment to free thought than to the dwindled eyeballs that track blogs. Still, I do not want to make myself vulnerable to the Evil Forces of Google who could pull that rug ou7t anytime they please.

With loftier communication objectives I have procured a website that I will not mention by name until such time that it is up and running. This will be my fifth website. The first one was an vanity product. Forgettable in its essence but certainly a learning experience. 

The second site was devoted to commercial writing. It would become a blog (actually two but one was neglected early on), a free blog hosted by Google. The third site was devoted to weight loss and it too morphed into a free blog hosted by Google.

A few years ago I purchased a domain name and a host as I was enduring some serious health problems. It is still a bad memory. I wanted to do A, B and C and I did none of those things. My health bogged me down and I sometimes forgot that I owned a website. On a brighter note, I underwent a complete recovery and my health seems to be within normal limits in all measurable categories.

One would think that the fifth time around would leave a path free of bramble and brier. Yes and no. To mix metaphor, they went and rearranged the furniture on me. They do that sort of thing just to make my challenging life even more burdensome. 

I will give heads up and state that the site is intended to be primarily an aggregate site. Narrative and editorial features served-up on an escalator of interesting links. Looks great on the drawing board. But they moved the furniture on me again. I produced a sample page of five timely links and when they went public...they did not link to the desired sites. 

I want to launch the new site but I also want to continue to call attention to the immediate concern of blatant, widespread transnational election-rigging, the biggest scandal in US history, if not the history of planet Earth. So, I will use this site to do so until I resolve the technical difficulties that are not all that technical and probably not all that difficult. 

Stay tuned.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

100% Certainty It Was Rigged!!

This is interesting for a number of reasons. The subject matter is paramount, of course. Of secondary importance, Patrick Byrne, largely ignored by MSM is taking his message to someone who would have been dismissed as a kook a few months ago.

Broad-spectrum censorship has reshuffled the deck. Yes, this is YouTube, but new networks-both formal and informal--are now forming.

Back to the subject matter. This is chilling.

The Dominion/Barr Connection

 According to X22 Report, Sundance reported wrongly about William Barr. Barr was affiliated with Dominion Energy, which is an entirely different entity from Dominion Resources, the election fraud people.

Rest In peace, Walter Williams

 This is already less than a great week and I learn minutes ago that Walter Williams has passed away.

In keeping with my harried schedule, I will not pay proper tribute but Battleswarm is helping me.


Famed free market economist Walter E. Williams has died at age 84.

Williams is probably most famous for being a regular guest of Rush Limbaugh, but I probably first became aware of him from his work in Reason magazine, which published excerpts from his book The State Against Blacks. (No Amazon link, because the book is out of print and hideously expensive on the user market; a canny publisher should get it back into print.) Like Thomas Sowell (to whom he was often compared), Williams used his inside understanding of the American black experience to argue persuasively that free markets were the best mechanism to lift black people out of poverty, and that government intervention (be it a minimum wage, Affirmative Action, heavy business regulation, the welfare state, or closed shop labor rules) constantly undermined black economic progress.

Full Article

Sundance Blockbuster Scrubbed/Deleted/Removed

Sundance aka The Last Outpost aka Conservative Treehouse, the recently deplatformed website now in comeback mode, reported that AG William Barr had accepted Millions from Dominion Resources. That page now gives us this:

I am hoping this story was erased because it is untrue. I am hoping that Barr is not on the take. Time will tell.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Natural News Interviews Jeffrey Prather

I am still undecided on the veracity of Jeffrey Prather but he seems legit so far.

I only saw this video a few minutes ago so have to take my own credit for laying out what a hot civil conflict would look like. Specifically:

1. Team Red controls food and water.

2. Team Blue is vulnerable because they are concentrated in cities that are dependent on rural America for food, water, energy, and gas as well as other vital supplies.

3. Team Red will fight a strategic war. In other words, they will cut supply lines. There might be significantly fewer casualties than one might think.

4. Team Red has the numbers (though the vast numbers might not be necessary.) Yes, Seattle has a lot of people but how many of them are willing to goose step behind Antifa?

5. Team Red is prepared. Team Red will count in their ranks vast numbers of former and retired military personnel, former and present law enforcement personnel, current militia members, gun nuts of all varieties, farmboys, farmgirls, hunters, End Times enthusiasts, mean-ass bikers, as well as an assortment of mild-mannered folk who just want to lend a helping hand.

This is not to say that Team Blue should be underestimated. Some Antifa have trained with                   ISIS and there are reports that some members have fought alongside them. Now, let's get real. Team Blue is outmatched on a scale of absurd proportion.

6. Team Red has stronger morals than their adversaries. They are less likely to slaughter innocents or prey upon elderly passersby. Usual disclaimers about collateral damage and Team Blue holding innocent people hostage, but Team Red is not concerned with arson and looting and pillaging and random acts of terrorism.


This video was posted on Friday,. I saw it earlier today. It must have been recorded before that because they are speculating as to whether or not Michael Flynn will be pardoned.

The most disturbing aspect is the pronouncement that William Barr is on the dark side, something Prather has said before and something a lot of us suspected. Actually, I think he might be more on the coward than Quisling. His status has yet to be revealed.


Saturday, November 28, 2020

Sunday Prophecy: Rachel Hamm Interviews Amanda Grace From Ark Of Grace Ministries

Long video but to summarize:



In sunnary:


Color-Coded Cheat Sheet: Kudos to Doug Powers


Jonathan Roth - Civil War Coming to America?

Jerome Corsi on How Trump Became President

This video is probably vintage 2018. I accept the premise that two deep state factions vie for power. One is loosely formed around the CIA and the other group stems from the DIA. 

The two factions are divided culturally and ideologically. The CIA faction is global in focus and the DIA faction holds an America-first perspective. 

This explains why there is such an intense and pervasive and prolonged attack on Donald Trump. Do you really think they hate Trump because he Tweets or because he has orange hair or an insufficient number of celebrity friends? Do you really think they would be spending billions to get rid of Trump because he is crass and crude and gauche? The world doe not work that way.

 You don't sign George Stephanopolous to a nine-figure salary because of his oratory skills. Millions, literally millions of English-speaking citizens could perform his stated job as well as Georgie Boy. And it's not like the eight figures a year bring ratings. This is serious cash paid by serious people who want results.

Because I believe the set of conspiracies Corsi promotes are extremely plausible, I believe that Trump will prevail. This is not a game. If generals were serious enough to plot a coup against Obama, they are not about to hand the country over to Cheating Joe.

You get caught cheating on a scale previously unimaginable and you think the Michael Flynn types are just going to shrug and shake your hand? Have fun with your dark winter and global reset and nuclear Iran and we'll all sing kumbaya at your inauguration, Joe. This is not a game.

It might seem like Trump is vulnerable but rest assured, he has friends in high places.

On a side note, InfoWars has once assembled the most colorful menagerie of characters on the Internet. Led by Alex Jones, they had Paul Joseph Watson, Corsi, Roger Stone, Millie Weaver, and Steve Pieczenik to name but a few correspondents. Reminds one of the Greenwich Village golden age when Bob Dylan would follow Tiny Tim and Richard Pryor and Joan Rivers provided the laughs. Camelots never seem to last very long.

Thoughts on The Kinetic Civil War

Civil War is here. It has been here but many of us refuse to see it. If the Associated Press does not call it...

This is called negative hallucination. We overlook what is plain to see. The lawfare waged against Michael Flynn, the shooting of Steve Scalise (where many other Republicans were targeted), the suspicious crash of a train loaded with GOP operatives on January 31, 2018, the burning of Minneapolis, multiple church arsons. One might see a pattern here.

Our first Civil War officially lasted four years, 1861 to 1865. Unofficially, it lasted about twenty years. The 1850s was a decade marked by civil conflict between proslavery and abolitionist forces. Bleeding Kansas earned this moniker for a reason but the Hawkeye State did not hold a monopoly on mayhem. In what was then Virginia, John Brown and two of his sons were hanged after capturing a federal armory and attempting to lead a slave insurrection. In retrospect, the official war was a long time coming.

Despite the sobering carnage and the economic ruin inflicted on the South, civil insurrections followed the stillness at Appomattox. The Ku Klux Klan was formed in 1865 and it was not long before they became famous for doing what Klansmen do. Historians like to write about the big war, of course, but President Grant did a masterful if unsung job of stopping insurrections before they resulted in a second Civil War.

Some grudges never died but 1876 marked an end to an era. Former Union General, Rutherford B. Hayes, won a corrupted election and his presidency was on shaky ground. He appeased the antebellum South and paved the way for segregation and what would become known as Jim Crow laws. Peace came at a price but the Civil War era had concluded.

Wars sometimes feature a long introduction and an even longer epilog. Civil wars, even more so. 

The following tweet appeared on November 20th. 

The Daily Dot tells us that this was a prank and we were fooled again.

A workmate, who happens to be a true believer in the extreme, in this sad case, a Kool-Aid-guzzling, woke SJW recently informed me that Antifa does not exist. I am ever so gullible.

In keeping with my gullibility, I believe that Antifa does exist and that they are to the new Democrat Party what the KKK was to yesterday's Democrats.

The "prankster" mentioned a tactic that has already been floated by the Anti-Democrats. Recall a previous post concerning a trucker strike to support Donald Trump. It was planned for now--more specifically November 26 to November 29.  

Bold of them to plan a strike on a four day weekend, long after the Black Friday cargo had been delivered, followed by a high travel weekend that has traditionally been a calm before the holidays. The halfhearted strike was proposed before the many revelations of voter fraud throughout the country. The next strike might be more serious.

When the war goes hot, supply lines will be cut. Unlike Antifa and their wholesale destruction, the Other Side will fight strategically. Antifa does not have the clout to cut off food, water, gas, electricity, etc., to strategic areas. The Other Side does.

We are a long way from national unity.


Friday, November 27, 2020

This Case Has Already Been Decided In The Court of Analytics

 We further find that if these updates were only more extreme than 99% of all updates nationally in terms of their deviation from this generally-observed pattern, that, holding all else equal, Joe Biden may very well have lost the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia, and that he would have 42 fewer Electoral votes — putting Biden below the number required to win the Presidency.  Either way, it is indisputable that his margin of victory in these three states relies on four most anomalous vote updates identified by the metric developed in this report.

We once again note that this analysis is largely restricted to four individual vote updates out of a sample of nearly 9,000. This report by no means suggests stopping investigations in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, or elsewhere; it is merely that these four key ballot updates are both profoundly anomalous with respect to a metric which removes any component of different states having different partisan leanings or a different number of voters. Furthermore, this analysis does not require that we regard the final vote totals in any of these states (or counties thereof) as suspicious, nor, critically, does it require that we accept that the observed data should follow any particular distribution a priori.  We merely show that the data, adjusted appropriately to remove differences in size and political leaning between states, does follow a certain pattern, and that four key vote updates deviate profoundly from that pattern.

It is our belief that the extraordinarily anomalous nature of the studied vote updates here, combined with the staggering political implications, demands immediate and thorough investigation.



Ken Blackwell (Not the Worst-Dressed Woman Dude): "The Greatest Election Heist in American History"

 The pieces are finally coming together, and they reveal a masterpiece of electoral larceny involving Big Tech oligarchs, activists, and government officials who prioritize partisanship over patriotism.

The 2020 election was stolen because leftists were able to exploit the coronavirus pandemic to weaken, alter, and eliminate laws that were put in place over the course of decades to preserve the integrity of the ballot box. But just as importantly, it was stolen because those same leftists had a thoroughly-crafted plan, and because they were rigorous in its implementation and ruthless in its execution.

Full article at Breitbart:

Is Cornpop a Foreign National?

GSA Preliminary paperwork might lay a trap for Basement Biden.

Does he have to disclose his Ukrainian arrest warrant?


Mark Zuckerberg's Efforts to Buy a Presidential Election

Whatever else might be said about the world's most famous gray alien, he does seem to get more for his dollar than Michael Bloomberg.


The Centre for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) got $350 million from Zuckerberg, which was $349 million more than their normal budget.

Under the pretext of assisting election officials conduct “safe and secure” elections in the age of COVID, Zuckerberg donated $400 million — as much money as Congress appropriated for the same general purpose — to nonprofit organizations founded and run by left-wing activists. The primary recipient was the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which received the staggering sum of $350 million. Prior to Zuckerberg’s donations, CTCL’s annual operating expenses averaged less than $1 million per year. How was Zuckerberg even aware of such a small-potatoes operation, and why did he entrust it with ⅞ of the money he was pouring into this election cycle, despite the fact that it had no prior experience handling such a massive amount of money?

That money went to Democrat precincts in swing states:


Just The News:Ground Zero For Voter Fraud News

Despite his repeated claims of the imminent indictments that have yet to materialize, Solomon is usually on top of deep state news. 

Dominion User Manual

 I have yet to read this but here it is.

Democratic Member Seeks To Disbar Two Dozen Lawyers Challenging Election Results

 Johnathan Turley

 Also Jonathan Turley

Pam Kelly, A Forgotten Kennedy Victim, Passes Away.

This is an article posted by the great Howie Carr. One of the sharpest differences I have with Carr and other Kennedy haters is that I do not judge the Kennedys collectively. John Kennedy was a great man and Bobby Kennedy might have been bound for glory had he not been gunned down by a Palestinian madman. The rest of the clan, well that is another matter altogether.

I was sadly disappointed when Carr's long-awaited book about the Kennedys finally surfaced. I was expecting a scholarly tome in the tradition of Collier and Horowitz that would be discussed on C-Span 3 and reluctantly moored in our nation's libraries. Instead, Carr fell back on his tabloid roots and gave us "Kennedy Babylon" which I have not read and probably will not read. Howie the journalist would take a backseat to Howie the showman.

Despite getting in a couple of insults about JFK, Carr delivers an interesting obituary.


She is survived by, among others, a 31-year-old daughter and two grandsons.

The accident had no adverse impact on Joe Kennedy’s life and career, of course. For crippling Pam Kelley, he had to appear before a local judge who had graduated from Harvard with his uncle and namesake Joseph Kennedy Jr., a judge who like Joe’s father Bobby
had once worked in Washington for Sen. Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin.

In between sporadic attendance at a string of second- and third-tier colleges, Joe was accompanied to court by his mother Ethel and his uncle Ted.

The senator was making his own first appearance in a state courtroom since pleading guilty to leaving the scene of an accident after killing Mary Jo Kopechne in his own motor-vehicle accident four years earlier on Martha’s Vineyard.

For putting Pam Kelley in a wheelchair for the rest of her life, the family-retainer judge fined Joe Kennedy $100.

Full Article

Trump supporters descend on California’s Capitol after Democrat governor...

Sky News is a sanctioned dissident in YouTubeland. They have yet to go full-blown Fox Deep State just yet. I suspect that day will arrive soon. 

Interview of Patrick Byrne, tech millionaire founder of Overstock by Cha...

I feel like they are gaslighting me again. Notice that the OAN video is not posted on OAN's Youtube channel. It is posted by a Youtuber named Allen Ward. I could not find this video on OAN's Youtube channel. 

I went to OAN and did a search for Patrick Byrne. Here is a screenshot from a few minutes ago.

I hate to fuel even more paranoia. Is there no one we can trust? Are there as many Quislings at OAN as there are at Fox? I don't know. 


Jordan Sekulow: There is plenty of time to pursue election legal challenges

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Sunday, November 22, 2020

The State of The Unity

 I will try to be brief even though these are subjects upon which I love to bloviate.

I read Marshall McLuhan's "The Medium is the Message" decades ago and I have reflected on the author's ideas many, many times. 

Now. let's jump over to The Ages of The Internet.

1. Pioneering Days: A devout Catholic friend of mine spent a small fortune downloading encyclicals. The Catholic site was in Baltimore and using dialup--the only available option--he was subject to long-distance charges (remember those?) Being that even text documents could take hours to download and there were frequent interruptions, my friend paid top dollar for his cyber adventure.

2. The Usenet Era. When I first got on the Internet I spent almost all of my time visiting newsgroups. I later wandered into chat rooms but mostly I jumped from sites that focused on jokes and sports and entertainment.

3. The Website Era. Lots to be said about this timeframe but I am keeping it brief. Germaine to this conversation, newsgroups gave way to websites.

4. The Blog Era. I created three websites prior to launching this pre-formatted blog and it was a lot of work. Not hard work but incredibly time-consuming. Blogs were liberating. 

5. The Social Media Era: Epochs and eras and millennia and life cycles play themselves out in accelerated fashion. Social media are not dead but their golden age is over.

6. The Tower of Babel Era: As in Scripture, an all-powerful entity has deliberately created confusion and we scramble to learn new ways of communication. We are just getting started in this era and I have no idea where we are headed.


What's this got to do with anything? 

Good question. "The medium is the message" is a cliche that overstates the communication. But it is a damn good cliche. The preacher might expound on the same principles in the tent, on radio, on cable, or on Facebook but more than style changes along the way. Some topics play better in some media and other topics play better elsewhere. As well, the audience changes--demographically as well as to the degree of involvement and interest-- with each change of medium. Sly preachers take these things into account.


Briefly and succinctly: The tribal nature of politics follows similar but not parallel trends. Old school Conservatism predated the Internet and a lot of the dinosaurs did not digitally evolve all that much. But informal networks formed in three Internet Eras:

1. The Website Era.

2. The Blog Era.

3. The Social Media Era.

The dinosaurs of the Website Era feature a few sellouts and traitors. Drudge, Twitchy, TownHall, National Review Online. But even here, there are many voices who cannot and will not deny that this election was stolen.

The Blog Era informal network. I was a little bit worried about them two weeks ago. I am referring to this guy's blogroll. Main Street, if you will. I can say that the opinion on Main Street is damn near-unanimous: Our Election was stolen!

Social Media Refugees: They are much more radical and outspoken than either of the two prior-referenced groups. Though they struggle to be heard after being silenced, Planet Deplatform is unanimously holding the opinion that the 2020 election was stolen.


In summary, Zuckerberg and Dorsey and Soros and anyone who has an agent have worked hard not just to deceive us, but to demoralize us and to create discord amongst us. To those ends, the ruling class has failed. 

We are unified as never before!

Sidney Powell Appearing on Joe Rogan, Brandon Tatum, Tim Pool and Ben Sh...

Bring On The Military Tribunals!

History might reveal whether William Barr is compromised or comatose. In the meantime, it is immaterial. He is not doing his job. Barr stopped putting on a good front a couple of months ago.

History might not provide the details of how John Durham tried to run out the clock but we don't need the details right now. 

History might find a chapter for Christopher Wray somewhere on the reinforced patented alloy shelf that holds barge-ballast volumes of "The Annals of FBI Malfeasance." For now, let's just say "you're fired" and send him off to Pensionland.

It is not hyperbole to say that we, the United States of America, are at war with a transnational criminal cartel. We have to let that sink in. In the modern era, the era of the nation-state, we define war as belligerence between countries. 

In the globalist era, we battle forces that are shrouded but not invisible. They might not all fly the same flag--better to deceive that way--but they share common objectives and they have started a war with the United States. Our enemies consist of nation-states acting in an official capacity, non-governmental organizations, recurring characters like the Soros Crime Family, and the next generation of Soros wannabes. Stateside, the cartel has seized control of the Democratic Party and is aided and abetted by Big Tech and the news media.

It is impossible to overstate the gravity of the situation. Election-rigging is warfare. A bloodless coup is a coup, nonetheless. We have been attacked by enemy combatants. We must take appropriate action.

Forget the optics. Trump is a dictator and all that jive. We cannot win the approval of MSM. They have aided and abetted the enemy and will do so until we crush our opponent. 

Trump has nothing to lose. We have heard many a rumor that Trump might suffer "legal trouble" as he returns to civilian life. No doubt, he will be harassed and tormented for the rest of his life by the new Comrade-in-Chief. And no one thinks they will leave his family alone, either. You can bet our ruling class will make a tortured example of this populist gate crasher.

Let the trials begin!


Sunday Prophecy: PROPHETIC WORD: TRUMP Will Be The Next PRESIDENT !!!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Sidney Powell on Howie Carr

The interview is here.

Powell does not come on until about 21:00.

Highlights: Powell estimates that as many as seven million votes were stolen from Trump.

                   Powell estimates that as many as ten million votes were illegally awarded to Joe Biden.

                   Among the foreign countries who participated in the election-rigging were China, Serbia, Iran,                    and even Liechtenstein.

                   Federal suits will be filed by the Trump team next week.

This is a must-listen interview.

Dr.SHIVA LIVE: MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Exposes the Real Frauds Who D...

Dr. Shiva is an honorable man but his political instincts are not great. Republicans in Massachusetts face an uphill fight and this guy antagonized too many people, including radio host, Howie Carr.

Still, his analysis is valid.

Sidney Powell returns fire after Tucker Carlson’s tantrum last night


Did The MSM Tell You About This?


Stranger Days Are Here Again

Things are moving quickly.

I am not going to embed the 96-minute Trump Legal Team press conference. It was dramatic. It was sensational. Was it epic?  You can watch all of it here

 An aside: I advocate for the newer media (Bichute, Rumble as opposed to Youtube/Google.) But damn, Bitchute is hard to navigate. Their search function is circa 1994. Whatever else might be said about Youtube, we can usually find videos that have not been banned. BUT HOLD THAT THOUGHT!

The content of the presentation is without precedent. A dream team of lawyers has made a series of bold claims. The meat space accusations are jaw-dropping. The digital accusations--Dominion and Dominion related matters--are stupefying.

Later in the evening, Tucker Carlson opened his show condemning Sidney Powell for not sharing her evidence with him. Carlson had been the last honest man standing at Faux News. Was it an et tu, moment? I don't think so.

To be certain, Powell's accusations are earth-shattering. Her claims, if validated, constitute acts of war. They cannot be ignored. In Carlson's own words, the hacking of the 2020 election is "the single greatest crime in US history."  I considered posting Tucker BUT HOLD THAT THOUGHT AND PLACE IT ALONGSIDE THE THOUGHT YOU ARE ALREADY HOLDING.

If you want to see the Carlson opening, go to Fox News.

Let's see if I can pull this together.

 I do not trust Fox News. There was a time, roughly ten years ago, when Fox News offered an alternative viewpoint for a couple of hours a day. Yes, the partisan hack, Shepeard Smith, hogged more airtime than anyone else and the network was more chat than news but they had a guy who was not afraid to touch the third rail. He mentioned George Soros a few too many times and soon he and Fox parted ways.

Fast forward to some time in 2018 or 2019. Youtube was going full-blown partisan but they did it in increments. One of the first things I noticed is that Youtube autoplay followed almost everything with a Fox News video. Ugh! Those wretched sanctioned dissidents in all their slimy essence! I do not care about Gutfeld's reactions, much less, Donna Brazile's. 

It wasn't all bad. I ended up seeing a few Tucker Carlson segments I would have otherwise missed. Maybe the AI had determined that I might sit through a Carlson segment but quickly abandon an "Outnumbered" piece. As mentioned, Carlson was one of the few people I trusted at Fox news.

Fox News and Youtube do not want you to see this segment. You can go to the Fox News site and find it but it does not seem to be on Fox News' Youtube channel? Interestingly, there are several leftist "Even Tucker Carlson Says Trumps's Legal Team Are All Liars" sorts of videos that only show part of the segment. These vids are usually supplemented with the videographer's rehashing of Dem/MSM talking points.

So why is the complete segment absent from Youtube? Because for most of the opening, Carlson discusses Rudy Giuliani's claims of analog voter fraud (taboo) and MSM's inaction on this issue (double taboo.) Instead, we have edited versions featuring soy boy commentators.

Youtube, in cooperation with Fox News has enhanced their mind control procedures. Yes, Tucker might be getting a little bit catty because Powell won't give him a scoop but isn't it about time she released the Kraken? Or Kraken Lite? Given the election and post-election timetable, these revelations cannot be as leisurely as a John Durham investigation.

In sunnary:

1. Google is evil.

2. Fox News Sucks.

3. Show us the evidence!

Monday, November 16, 2020

Durham and Wordpress

I was feeling confident yesterday and then I received a double dose of bad news.

1. Wordpress deplatforms "The Last Outpost."

2. Durham is rumored to fold his hand.

The second part first. Durham was the slow-motion prosecutor who was supposed to bring the thugs and traitors to justice. Like a lot of Washingtonians, his talent might consist of little more than collecting salaries. He was our hope and dream but waiting on Durham was like waiting for Godot. Sufficient evidence was never an issue with the likes of the Crossfire Hurricane Gang. Sufficient integrity is another matter altogether.

We will have to wait a little bit longer to see if Durham formally folds. It is but a rumor but then again, his history of inaction speaks loud and clear.

Wordpress. Big tech has many tentacles. I thought Wordpress was primarily a commercial tech establishment. They might not have had a political agenda a month ago but now, they obviously do. How long before Gab or Parler go to the dark side?

"The Last Outpost" formerly "The Conservative Treehouse" is edited by a man named Sundance. Sundance keeps a low profile. I learned from reading "Unmasking Obama" that he is a retired grocery executive who lives in Florida. I don't know much more about him except that he is both a skilled reporter and shrewd analyst. He covers corruption--FBI, DOJ, Democrats--better than anyone else. My favorite aggregate site, Doug Powers Journal, a site listed in our blogroll, links to "The Last Outpost " more than any other site. Some days, 6 of 36 links direct the reader to Sundance, and some days he is the only link reading.

Because the Lefty thugs do not usually know their enemy, they often attack the cape instead of the bull fighter. This time, they nailed the matador. Sundance is a key player in the samizdat. Information warfare con has reached a deafening roar.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Lin Wood: China Is Involved


Bonus Prophecy! President Trump will ‘lead America back to God,’ according to 1983 prophecy


Sunday Prophecy: Kim Clement prophesying about Donald Trump 2007

This blog posted this vid in 2016 (or was it early 2017?) One of the few repeats on this 11-year-old blog.

Oh, and Clement might have hit a home run with Trump, but he struck out with Bill Gates.


Sunday Prophecy:A Prophetic Perspective on Donald Trump | Jeremiah Johnson | The Watchma...


Sunday Prophecy: My Thoughts on the Election: We Win! | Tim Sheets


Sunday Prophecy: Donald Trump Will Win - 70 Days Shift - Prophetic Word from the Court of...





Sunday Prophecy: More Prophet Charlie...

POTUS opened the door of all doors.
Expand your thinking.
What is the keystone?


Sunday Prophecy: Elijah List Interview regarding update on the United States Election 202...

Saturday, November 14, 2020

11-14-2020 Trump Supporter Knocked out By Black Antifa |Million MAGA March


A Quick Commentary About the Million MAGA March

Despite what the MSM says, they are not protesting the results, They are protesting the FRAUD. 

The results will be determined in court.

I am heartened that so many people have not been demoralized, despite professional gaslighting by the MSM and Big Tech. Gotta hand it to those peeps. They can still get some of us to despair.


If There Be Civil War

 It might not be as bad as it sounds. It might not make for a good movie. Not enough blood and gore.

My friends and I have sometimes speculated on what a second civil war might look like. I have said all along that if Team Blue continues to up the stakes, it will not bode well for them. 

It is hard for some of us to think of a war on a checkerboard map. We are more accustomed to north v. south, east v. west, homeland v. distant king. The next civil war will be a little bit different.

The biggest disadvantage the Deep State minions face is that their population is concentrated in small geographic areas, areas that are not agriculturally productive. If push comes to punch, the Left is much more vulnerable to disruptions in supply chains, as well as glitches (one of their favorite words) in electricity and potable water.

Usual disclaimer. The beautiful people will hide out in Aspen or Davos or an island in New Epsteinia as their loyalists burn furniture to stay warm, gorge themselves on housepets and pass up the big screen to loot that last battle of Evain. Think Detroit. Detroit is their blueprint. A place where the citizens are  subjected to a gauntlet of misery but the Dem leaders are content because they have vanquished the competition. In peace, the beautiful people will give us universal Detroit over the long run. In war, Blue America will morph into the Motorless City overnight.

All the while, the Zucks and the Hunters and the Barrys will live the good life as their pawns practice enhanced sustainability. If this scenario--specifically the havoc wrought by disruptions of food, energy and most critically, water--seems unlikely I will remind you that a trucker strike is planned for November 26 to November 29 to protest both the Green New Deal and a possible fracking ban.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One of the organizers of the “StopTheTires2020″ Facebook group Jeremy Riewoldt wrote in a Facebook post.

“Our message is simple and hopefully effective. We fully intend to exercise our rights and will not have politicians making crippling decisions, that will negatively affect our future and the future of our children.

President Trump has worked diligently for four long years to protect the rights and freedoms of all Americans, and very importantly the blue-collar workers of this country.

The blue-collar workers are literally the ones that make the wheels turn! Without truck drivers, this country could not survive for long. Our intention is not to harm anyone. We would like to make a point that we do NOT wish for any companies or private truck drivers, supplying any kind of medical supplies and/or services, to participate in our movement.

We will not participate in the leftist, Biden/Harris Green New Deal. We do not support the banning of fracking. The United States of America operates as a capitalistic economy and OIL is the fuel she survives on.


 By the way, there was a test run, or rather a test stop, performed on 11/11 earlier this week. I heard about it from Dustin Nemos but could not find a mention of it from MSM. Whysoever would they soft pedal such a feel good story?

Another btw. I have to salute big tech for successfully disrupting our communications. You did that well, big guys, but it is going to take more than rearranging the furniture to keep us down. You almost got this looming trucker strike offstage. Nice try.

Truckers are mostly good people and they might be reluctant to inflict harm on innocent people. They might, however, deliver up a few ultimata. Something like, "Good people of Atlanta, deliver these Enemies of America to the Red State Militia and you will find food and water and gas and generators back on the shelves of the one store you forgot to loot." Do you think the rank and file would go Kamikaze for their civic leaders and political donors? 

The next war on American soil might not feature the soundtrack of the shot heard around the world or bombs bursting in air or the shelling of Fort Sumter. No, the next Civil War might resonate with the collective snore of a million truck drivers, fighting the good fight in their backyard hammocks.