Saturday, October 9, 2010

One Page Post

I have previously posted comments about the silliness of the GOP's 45 page pledge that reads like a Terms Of Service contract. In that piece I suggested that the GOP follow the lead of Gingrich in 1994 and reduce their proposals to one page. I halfway expected them to adhere to my suggestions.
When they did not I considered getting my own website called something like "OnePagePledge." But I did not do this and the election is in the homestretch.

I will be offline for a few days and that will not contribute to any last second proposals. Here is a rough darft.

1. Appeal/defund Obamacare.

2. Push for health insurance purchases across state lines.

3. Punish states/municipalities that provide non-emergency services to illegal trespassers.

4. Balance the budget by cutting spending.

5. No cap and trade or anything like it.

6. Tax rates will never exceed the optimum rate of return (See Art Laffer)

7. Repeal FinReg

8. Allow drilling in ANWAR and off the East and West Coast.

We can go on and on but some things, like how to conduct war or how to administer border control are more executive than legislative in nature. We can address them in due course.

As I mentioned, I will be offline but I will repost this for the next few days. Feel free to comment about the first draft.

Sellebrity Saturday: The Beautiful People Salute The Beautifulist of People

Give me your phony-ass huddled masses of has-been posers longing to be noticed.


Friday, October 8, 2010

One Page Pledge

I have previously posted comments about the silliness of the GOP's 45 page pledge that reads like a Terms Of Service contract. In that piece I suggested that the GOP follow the lead of Gingrich in 1994 and reduce their proposals to one page. I halfway expected them to adhere to my suggestions.
When they did not I considered getting my own website called something like "OnePagePledge." But I did not do this and the election is in the homestretch.

I will be offline for a few days and that will not contribute to any last second proposals. Here is a rough darft.

1. Appeal/defund Obamacare.

2. Push for health insurance purchases across state lines.

3. Punish states/municipalities that provide non-emergency services to illegal trespassers.

4. Balance the budget by cutting spending.

5. No cap and trade or anything like it.

6. Tax rates will never exceed the optimum rate of return (See Art Laffer)

7. Repeal FinReg

8. Allow drilling in ANWAR and off the East and West Coast.

We can go on and on but some things, like how to conduct war or how to administer border control are more executive than legislative in nature. We can address them in due course.

As I mentioned, I will be offline but I will repost this for the next few days. Feel free to comment about the first draft.

D'Souza on Obama


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dinesh D'Souza Connects The Dots

We are usually good at scooping Fox et al but I missed D'Souza's political analysis. And this was before D'Souza launched the Anticolonialism franchise


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday Worship: Kenyan Muslims Praise Obama

I have not run this one by the fact checker just yet. Could be a hoax but it is consistent with the worldwide praise for humanity's favorite deity.