Friday, May 19, 2017

Prophetic David Plouffe Tweet From 2016: Can You Say Deep State?

12 Ways The Southern Poverty Law Center Is A Scam To Profit From Hate-Mongering

Why do so many folks treat the SPLC with undeserved reverence, the way too many high school kids treat a self-appointed nasty queen bee? Why do they accept the Southern Poverty Law Center as the nation’s Grand Inquisitor dictating who may speak and who must shut up? And why are its smears and caricatures so often blindly accepted at face value? What qualifies the SPLC to act as judge, jury, and social executioner of any human being who is not their blind supporter?
Those questions have been hanging in the air for decades. As with all vilification campaigns, the SPLC plays a dangerous and cruel game under the guise of defending victims. So let’s take a closer look at some of the SPLC’s history and behavior. Let’s count some ways it’s a con game.

1. It’s a Big-Money Smear Machine

The SPLC’s main role is as a massively funded propaganda smear machine. The following information on the SPLC, provided by Karl Zinsmeister of Philanthropy Roundtable, is an eye-opener: “Its two largest expenses are propaganda operations: creating its annual lists of ‘haters’ and ‘extremists,’ and running a big effort that pushes ‘tolerance education’ through more than 400,000 public-school teachers. And the single biggest effort undertaken by the SPLC? Fundraising. On the organization’s 2015 IRS 990 form it declared $10 million of direct fundraising expenses, far more than it has ever spent on legal services.”
All 12 here:

Linking from The Federalist article:

The Family Research Council shooter, who pleaded guilty today to a terrorism charge, picked his target off a "hate map" on the website of the ultra-liberal Southern Poverty Law Center which is upset with the conservative group's opposition to gay rights.
Floyd Lee Corkins II pleaded guilty to three charges including a charge of committing an act of terrorism related to the August 15, 2012 injuring of FRC's guard. He told the FBI that he wanted to kill anti-gay targets and went to the law center's website for ideas.
At a court hearing where his comments to the FBI were revealed, he said that he intended to "kill as many as possible and smear the Chick-Fil-A sandwiches in victims' faces, and kill the guard." The shooting occurred after an executive with Chick-Fil-A announced his support for traditional marriage, angering same-sex marriage proponents.
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said that the Southern Poverty Law Center should take responsibility for the shooting and take down their hate map.

And lastly, let us belatedly honor Morris Dees on his 1998 induction into The Direct Marketing Hall of Fame. Can anyone argue that the SPLC founder is undeserving of such exultation? Morris Dees, marketing genius.

DMA Names 4 to Hall of Fame

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A man who founded one of the South's largest publishing companies and the creator of a multimedia teaching program are among four new entries in the Direct Marketing Association's Hall of Fame.

Morris S. Dees Jr., chief trial counsel and chairman of the executive committees of the Southern Poverty Law Center; Richard Hodgson, president of Sargeant House; and Robert J. Teufel, president and chief operating officer of Rodale Press Inc. will be formally inducted at the DMA's 81st Annual Conference & Exhibition in San Francisco on October 11-14. Thomas S. Foster, co-founder and former president of Foster & Gallagher, will be inducted posthumously. He died in 1996.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

He Fought The Swamp And The Swamp Won

It was a nice fantasy. We thought we had a chance. In Donald Trump we thought we had found the one man who could and would stand up to our overlords. Sure, the odds were against him but the election was also a stacked deck, a rigged system, and somehow this David defeated an army of Goliaths. Maybe he could drain the swamp after all.

It was a tough hand to play. There was little margin for error. That margin, unfortunately, was exceeded.

I have to concede a point. It might be exaggeration to say that Trump's wounds are self-inflicted but he did provide blades to assassins. The public believes strongly in the pervasion of fake news. Donald Trump tapped into the sentiment but never committed himself to maintaining that proposition. If CBS is fake news--and they are--why make them relevant by appearing on "Face The Nation"? Worse than boosting their ratings, Trump legitimatizes their information credibility by his very appearance. He single-handedly brought a fake news organization back to life.

By the same token, why would Trump grant an interview to Lester Holt, a snake who during the first presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, insinuated that Trump was a racist? Holt knows full well that Barack Obama invented the "I was born in Kenya" fable and that Obama publicly advanced this lie fro 17 years. To assign racist motives to anyone who might point out this inconvenient truth demonstrates a man contemptuous of honesty and committed to malice towards any and all non-Democrats.

If CNN is fake news--and they are fake news--why is Kellyanne Conway a nightly guest on that network of millionaire prostitutes? Why is Sean Spicer jousting with CNN hacks every day? Why do organizations that print unauthorized leaks that threaten nation security (WAPO, NYT) and organizations that print blatant, sometimes even self-contradictory lies about you and your administration (WAPO, NYT) still have White House press credentials? Always helps to give fake news outlets a huge audience, huh, Mr. President?

I don't care to analyze each Trump appointment but it looks like the biggest mistake of Trump's life was to appoint Jeff Sessions to the office of Attorney General. Sessions is not as smart or tough or noble as he was billed but worse than that, his loyalties are first and foremost, to the swamp we wanted to pave.

Sessions needlessly and senselessly recused himself from all things Russian because he is weak and stupid. He then handed off a witch hunt based on zero evidence to a swamp monster named Rod Rosenstein whe then passed it along a Swamp Worker Union boss named Robert Mueller. The leeches and mosquitos rejoice.

Meanwhile, espionage laws are violated with impunity. if Sessions has tried to plug leaks or investigate the Obama Administration's wholesale domestic spying, he is keeping his actions secret. Are Hillary and her band of thugs and espionage artists being investigated? Oh wait, spineless Sessions recused himself yet again. Is anyone investigating that criminal cartel who among other things, identified ISIS financiers and then accepted millions from the very same financiers? No one? What's Loretta Lynch doing these days? Why not extend professional courtesy to a fellow Swampster and bring Lynch back to the fungal stew she served so nobly?

Will the swamp ever get drained? Maybe. But Trump is not the man to do it and I am not holding my breath for another David to appear. Long live the mosquito.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

So I Am Not The Only One Who Believes Comey Memo Is A Timely Diversion

I beat Jones and Stone by a few hours on this one.

John Podesta's Greatst Hits?

Podesta: "I'm definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it."

Is Civil War Inevitable?

Probably. But we might avert violence through self-segregation. I am doing my part in that endeavor.

I am not the only one who seem to think a Civil War is probable. Remember Joe Miller? The up and coming Tea Party guy who beat Senator Murkowski in the primaries but then disrespected Sarah Palin and was ultimately defeated by a Murkowski write-in campaign? This is the first I have heard of his website but so far, so good.

From Miller's "News Editor"

The Establishment’s war against Trump has reached a fevered state. CNN has been producing stories on an almost daily basis claiming that the President has committed felonious offenses. The disgraced ex-head of the Deep State’s intelligence network, James Clapper, disgustingly claimed the authority of the Founders in attacking Trump for “assaulting” institutions of democracy. Pundits are abandoning him in droves. And Republicans of all stripes are attacking the supposed incompetency of the Trump Administration. Trump isn’t getting relief from any quarter.

It’s a set up for impeachment. And maybe civil war.

An exaggeration, you say? Not even close. The vomitous “fake news” regurgitated daily from the Establishment media – sometimes even Fox – is transparent to everyone. Whether it’s stories about how Trump unfairly got two scoops of ice cream or it’s reports on how the 2016 election was hijacked by the Russians, everyone knows a scam when they see it. And this garbage in the media is nowhere close to the quality of past propaganda like the Kennedy assassination or TWA 800. No, this is overt, over-the-top shysterism. Even a grade-schooler can see the gross bias.

Prospects for civil war:

MSM Cranks Up The Volume As Old Scandals Resurface

What if bank robbers coordinated their efforts so that they all committed their crimes on Tuesday @ 1:47 PM EST? There are roughly 5,000 US bank robberies per year. Some robbers commit multiple crimes but even if there were only 1K simultaneous bank jobs or 20 per state, many, if not most, of the thieves would not be apprehended. The nefarious choreography would short the system.

Such was the Obama Administration. They flooded the zone with scandal. For brevity sake, we cannot recite all the sins and crimes of a diabolical regime. Even if we place the Obama State Department on a different shelf--the unsecured server, unencrypted messaging, illegal devices, pay for play/play for pay, destruction of evidence, nuclear secrets to name but a few crimes against America--we lay witness to the most gangrenous assembly of human action our republic has ever endured.

Domestic spying, IRS harassment, bureaucratic weaponization, nukes for ayatollahs...we get past the criminal and we can see social destruction on a scale and scope we thought impossible. Rational discourse died during the Obama Administration. Barack and his mindless minions killed it. The Administration corrupted the news media beyond repair and the primacy of truth died in the process. Even pop culture soured during the Obama years. Again, brevity prevents a reading of the entire list of casualties but we will return to the subject later.

Let's examine a few scandals that recently resurfaced. Leading the charge is the cold-blooded murder of Seth Rich. This blog first reported Seth Rich's murder August 7, 2016 and most recently revisited the subject on April 8 of this year. Here is a smattering of Seth Rich material covered at this lowly blog:

1. Is There An Actuary In The House?

2. Assange Does Not Quite Say...

3. Assange Reward

Recently, it was revealed that Seth Rich exchanged 44,000 emails with Wikileaks, not exactly a surprise. As this story was heating up, we were served the bullshit saga of Trump feeding the Russkies confidential intel in the Oval Office. Then we learned of a Comey memo that remains invisible. Turn up the volume!

Shifting gears, I was surprised to see a favorite link site connect to a pre-election National Review video concerning President Obama's use of a private email to correspond with his State Department.


Why would an up-to-the-minute link site call our attention to this video now? Again, given the multitude of crimes and the constancy of scandal that characterized the past 8 years, maybe the linkmeisters had finally gotten around to sort through the toxic debris and hold obvious crimes to public illumination. Oh look, here comes another Putin/Comey story! Divert thine eyes, peasant!

Leastly, and lastly only for brevity sake, we come to the corruption of pop culture via the collaborative action between the DNC and has-been comedians. Stephen Colbert used a crude reference to define Donald Trump's relationship with Vladimir Putin. I am not opposed to bawdy humor but I am of the strong opinion that the referenced action better describes Colbert's relationship to John Podesta. How did it taste Stevie? Will you be joining your Podaddy for a slice at Comet Pizza? Such a lovely couple, aren't they?

I digress. Recently, I saw multiple links to Wikileak's revelations that Colbert corresponded with John Podesta and asked for feedback on his show. This is so so so Soviet Union but why is this relatively trivial matter surfacing once more? Probably because it was given short shrift  on the first few cycles. Now that we are once more made aware of the Democrat$ and their faithful prostitutes, rest assured we will again be hit by anti-Trump fairy tales emanating from "The Washington Post" or New York Times".

Nothing to see here, folks. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Don't read the fine print...Hey look! More Russians!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Trump Should Appoint Rudy Giuliani Interim FBI Director And Not Worry About A Permanent Replacement

So Chuckie The Clown does not want to to approve an FBI Director unless he is granted a fishing expedition without probable cause? Let him drag his feet. Meanwhile, The president should appoint Rudy Ball Buster to straighten out the den of corruption known as the FBI.

Think things are interesting now? Just think how much fun the nightly news would be if the FBI starting doing its job.

Will The Dems Embrace Their Identity As The Party Of The Rich And Famous And Conquer America?

What if our overlords were not all concentrated in a half dozen metropolitan areas? What if Tom Steyer and Oprah and Mark Zuckerberg decided to fan out and use their boundless purse strings to effectively buy a few Senate seats, a couple dozen Congressional seats and possibly even the White House?

Tom Steyer might like Arizona as much as California. Oprah could probably get used to Atlanta or Indianapolis or St. Louis. Zuckerberg might just buy the state of Idaho. Mark Cuban could spend a billion or so to wrangle a senate slot or the governorship. Alec Baldwin talked about running for the Senate in Connecticut but they already have two Democrats. Maybe he could jump over to Pennsylvania or Florida or Ohio.

They can't all run for president (The Hill has identified 43 Dem Presidential candidates for 2020, only a few of whom are celebrities.) Katy Perry has expressed political ambitions. Jerry Springer is an old hand at the subject. Matt Damon? Ben Affleck? The Google guys? The Microsoft guys? The Facebook guy not named Zuckerberg who gave $20 million to Hillary's losing campaign? The Facebook COO lady? John Stewart might have grown tired of counting his money all day long.

The Celebrity Party might yet conquer us once and for all.