Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Very Rare MSM admission

"Newsweek" acknowledged Obama funds scandal? This is a rare jewel!

A Newsmax analysis of the Obama campaign’s campaign finance disclosures found 60,000 donations in unrounded amounts that fundraising experts said clea

See the full story here.

Obama's Secretive Campaign Donors

Make sure your flashlight has batteries because you are in a media blackout area.

So why isn't the Federal Elections Commission involved?

In a Perfect World I Could Spend my Time Blogging About Something More Fun, or The Death of Journalism

In a Perfect World I Could Spend my Time Blogging About Something More Fun, or The Death of Journalism. Why do I have to spend my free time doing unpaid work that fat cats like Anderson Cooper and Andrea Mitchell refuse to do? I don't have to do this but I feel compelled to do it because American journalims is dead. Truth has been replaced by propaganda and the eilitists enjoy fat salaries and tingles running up their legs.

For a minute, let us pass on without commentary, Obama's largest campaign contributors: