Saturday, December 12, 2020

Saturday Links

1. Barr Stalls Huner Investigation: WSJ (Pay Wall) Summary by Sundance

Blast From The Past: John Podesta Is Invited To A Pool Party:

Re: Farmers L Update and Welcome Mat


Friday, December 11, 2020

Friday Night Links

1. In Defense of Vigilantes: American Spectator.

Thanks JH

Frankurt Shootout?

Was there a shootout on November 3rd or 4th or 5th in Frankfurt, Germany involving two factions of the Deep State, one that is loyal to Donald Trump and the Constitution and another faction that is pure evil?

The rumor was that the White Hats utilized special forces to storm a CIA stronghold and successfully captured a server that was at the heart of a vote-rigging system. People died but the server was seized by the White Hats.

Mike Adams of Natural News is credited with breaking the news of the shootout, but this blog cannot confirm that Adams was the genesis. Nonetheless, the firefight story was repeated by luminaries such as Sidney Powell and Tom McInerney. 

From Healthranger via Distributed News:  

But new information is now surfacing that indicates there was a firefight at the server farm facility, involving US Army Special Forces units, engaging with CIA-trained paramilitary units that were flown in from Afghanistan in an emergency effort to defend the facility. One CIA officer was killed during the firefight, and he is now being reported across the mainstream media as being "killed in Somalia." Five US Army soldiers were also killed, and they are being explained away as dying in a "helicopter crash" in Egypt. Despite the deaths, the servers were successfully acquired by the DoD, and those servers were turned over to President Trump's private intelligence group, which is now once again led by Gen. Michael Flynn, recently pardoned and now allowed to process top secret information, since his security clearance has been restored

The naysay was immediate, and with good cause. A gunfight is not usually quiet. The locals did not report suspicious noises. There was no local emergency response. No police. No ambulance. Nada.

Let's not dismiss the story just yet. I hold the belief that The Defense Department has real silencers, not the cheesy twerp-twerps you see on TV or the mostly illegal noise suppressors that do not really silence ballistics. If a shot is fired in Frankfurt and no one hears it, does it make a noise? 

There is a second part to this rumor. Specifically, CIA director, Gina Haspel was captured in the silent riot. A variation on this theme has the Director being mortally wounded in the conflict. It would be easy crush these stories by a public appearance by Haspel. Have you seen one? This writer has not. "The New York Post" among other news sources, dismissed the false rumors and showed a picture of Haspel.

What is suspicious is that the picture that NYP et al have circulated was taken before the election, possibly several months ago. A CIA spokesman reported that Gina was at her desk in the article that is dated December 4. This blogger has been looking for Haspel online but she seems to have gone camera shy on us.

Yet another variation of the theme. Haspel was not in Germany (and why would she be?) at the time of the alleged battle but was apprehended elsewhere simultaneously. It would make sense that the White Hats would perform their acts of daring-do in a nonsequential manner, much like mafia roundups. Can't tip off the other targets. 

Not to start rumors here, but Haspel is not the only high profile deep state type to suddenly disappear. You might think they would all be dancing in the streets in anticipation of Joe Biden's upcoming inauguration. But let's not spread rumors.

This story will have a conclusion. If Sidney Powell presents a set of servers to a court of law, the chain of custody will be examined. This could get interesting.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Thursday AM Links

1. FBI Admits to Stonewalling Seth Rich Investigation: Law Flog

2. Anti-vaccer Dies Suddenly::bgdsearches

3. The Return of Hunter Biden. Oh My: US Senate

4. Post-Frankfurt Society: Gumshoe News

5. Frankfurt Skepticism: rewboss

More Prophecy


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