Sunday, October 21, 2018

Just In Time For Halloween: "Obama Be Thy Name"

On several occasions I have tried to compile displays of exultation that cross the line and can only be called worship. Yes, I am referring to President Obama and his zombie followers.

It blows my mind how many of these vids got by many efforts to chronicle Life in Jonestown. This blog used to feature a Sunday Worship category that was and is about as creepy as it gets.

I still get weirded out by The Cult of Obama. Still frightening after all these years.

Biden Draws An Audience of 193 Conscripted Union Members

BTW, I lifted this page from Pacific Pundit who pasted it from Twitter posts.

CREEPY JOE BIDEN had a rally in LasVegas & was THRILLED when 193 people attended. Biden comes out saying “I’m Joe Biden and I work for Harry Reid.” The values that built America ‘‘are... 

Former VP Joe Biden speaking at a rally supporting Democratic candidates in Las Vegas, Nevada: "You cannot define American based on their race, their religion, their ethnicity... the only country in the world that is based on an idea, the American idea." 
Joe Biden Draws Only 193 People And Almost All Of Them Are Union Members Forced To Be There .

Well 77,000 are going to hear President Trump and Ted Cruz. Our President’s rallies are still going strong. I wonder how many will be at Joe Biden and Hillary’s rallies?
Creepy Joe Biden had a "rally" in LasVegas & he was crowing proud that 193 people showed up Stephanie! 🤣

Because something is happening here but you don't know what it is