Do you support principles or do you support proper nouns? If you are in the former category you will take celebrities with a grain of salt. You will enjoy their work as best you can without a commitment of the loyalty you might pledge to say, the New York Yankees.
Kanye did not marry a wealthy princess because he was some sort of exulted artist. Kanye became a media pet by assigning racial motives to Hurricane George.
Those of you who now pledge allegiance to Roseanne Barr, please be reminded how she Kanyed her way to the pinnacle of pop star success and conquered the hearts and minds of media gods. This would not be Roseanne's only Kardashian tactic but it would be her most overt.
I, for one, never appreciated the original "Roseanne" show. Then as now, I believed that the blue collar character was beyond pop culture's grasp. Archie Bunker sometimes dispensed folk wisdom but more often, he was a simple-minded buffoon. Archie and his coworkers could not grasp the pitfalls of accepting a pay raise that was of lesser numeric value than the cost of living index, despite the dire warnings from his college-educated son-in-law. If only Mr. Bunker had been educated, he too could have spouted pseudo-intellectual cliches as he finally got a handle on basic arithmetic.
I watched the season premiere of "Roseanne." It was the first time I sat through an entire episode. Surprisingly, there were some good lines. Surprisingly too, was the brevity of the controversial political discourse. A minute or two of the lead character explaining to her Hillbot sister why she and her husband voted for Trump. Not exactly pushing the envelope. I sensed a trap being set for all those MAGA newbie fans.
Cut to Roseanne Barr getting fired alongside two hundred little people for making an allegedly racist tweet. I will boldly assert that Barr's comments might be rude but they were not even vaguely racist. Count me in the school of thought that grown people do not make negative comments about other people's looks. But remember, the funniest thing now, and forever is that which we are not supposed to laugh at. Roseanne understands this and if a person happens to resemble a simian (and I hold the view that Valerie Jarrett does not resemble a simian) then she is going to bring that to our attention.
Let's face it, some people just have a simian look. Growing up, I remember two different kids who had at various stages of their lives, earned the nickname, "monkey." It wasn't because they ate bananas either. Yes, both kids were white. I bet if we searched with insensitive eyes we could find people from all over the globe who could be cast in "Planet of the Apes" sans makeup.
Delicately stated, I don't believe Valerie Jarrett resembles one of our primate relatives. She also does not look African, not even a little bit. But if one does make fun of someone's physical characteristics, and that certain someone is only genetically 1/16 or 1/32 (possibly less) a member of a given race and shows no physical characteristics associated with said race, how can that possibly be a racial slur?
In 2015 I read "The Communist" by Paul Kengor. It had some shocking details but the most surprising revelation for me was that Valerie Jarrett identified as black. I knew of her for at least seven years and I had no idea she had any genetic link to the Nilotes or the Bantus or the Cushites. It was kind of like Elizabeth Warren identifying as Native American. Can't judge a book by its cover, huh?
I call your attention to our Public Broadcasting System. Valerie Jarrett appeared on a show called "Finding Your Roots." Presented as lighthearted entertainment, it is neither. The Left is always hyper-political and Uber-Leftists like Gates and Jarrett, even more so. Forget the hokey "I am in so much suspense" nonsense. She appeared on this silly ass deceptive show to establish her blackness. She would not have bothered to appear had she not felt the need to do so.
Why would Valerie Jarrett pass herself off as African-American? Probably for the same reason Rachel Dolezal did. Like Elizabeth Warren, she has profited from her dubious minority status. And she will forever be able to play the race card against anyone who might accuse her of something egregious, like espionage for instance.
In summary, Barr might be miscast as Joan of Arc. Roseanne and Kanye will be fair weather friends at best. They can fight their own battles.
But do take heed! The race card is now the ONLY card in the Democrat deck and they will play it against anyone and everyone who disagrees with them.With apologies to the late Senator who meant well, racism is the new McCarthyism.