In what would be called a hate crime had it been performed by members of some other ethnic or religious group, three men were brutally slain in a Boston suburb on September 11, 2011. The men were believed to be Jewish and their religion might have provided a motive for their slaughter. America's most notorious political refugees are now suspects in this horrific crime.
Media Elitism, The Death of Journalism, Media Bias, Voter Fraud, Destructive Economics and other things Obama
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Reviewing The Worship of Barack Hussein Obama. Part II
Ahh, it is good to reminisce. It's also good to look at old embeds and see what has been scrubbed from Youtube. The vids are not technically a repost because I had to search for another Evan Thomas "He is sort of God" vid. The original vid got booted from youtube for some bs copyright bs. Good work, Google.
The story of Barack Hussein Obama is part Orwell, part "Twilight Zone," part Jonestown and part "Invasion of The Body Snatchers." Obama has made rational appeals to certain special interest groups (the legal profession, unions, teachers, illegal immigrants to name a few) but Obama voters are largely irrational. That is not a patronizing assessment nor is it a snide commentary about people who do not share my political views. It is simply reaffirming the obvious: Barack Obama's ongoing political campaign rarely, if ever, appeals to the voter's rational faculties. For non-members of special interest groups, supporting Barack Obama is a non-rational undertaking.
Obama followers cannot articulate their love anymore than a teenager can explain her first crush. It is visceral, not analytical. It is based not on reason, but sentiment. For many, the ardor blossomed into full blown religious expression. Fools like me underestimated the breadth and depth of Obama worship. It is real. It is too real.
This blog started out chronicling displays of Obama worship. We joked about Obama worship but we didn't literally mean it. Those idiots in 2008, they were just caught up in the moment, right? Wrong! The worship was and is literal. As genuine as Jonestown.
I wrongly thought I could change people's minds by showcasing folly in the extreme. I posted dozens of disturbing videos of silly Obama supporters. Sadly, I barely scratched the surface. There are hundreds of Youtube videos of fools bowing down to a hollow man they do not know and don't care to know. Who needs facts when one is showered with a bounty of such splendid iconography?
Somewhere along the way this blogger felt that he had made his point. Yes, the cult of Obama was as creepy as it gets. The fundamentalists would still bow down to their messiah. Can't save the mindless, no. But most Obama voters would distance themselves from the Kool-Aid cult if only to retain a measure of self-respect. Wrong! 2012.
An aside. The 2008 election made me rethink the merits of organized religion. We are a religious species. If we don't find a sane outlet for our religiosity, we might end up following a sleazy-cheesy community organizer whose real intentions are shrouded in mystery.
Religion by its very nature requires the participant to think in a pararational manner. Fully engage one's knowledge to its limits and then defer to faith. There were guard rails in place. Idolatry was strictly prohibited. The exercise of religion did not license one to practice self-delusion as a preferred lifestyle.
It is imperative that opponents of Barack Obama come to grips with reality. It is time we face the ugly truth. Let us acknowledge the obvious:
1. The worship of Barack Obama is literal.
2. The cult of Barack Obama is colossal. Humanity has never before witnessed a religious cult that has snared so many, so fast. The ramifications have largely been ignored.
3. The worship of Barack Obama is by no means spontaneous. From fainting women to the Obama Halo, from the rewritten spirituals that praise the new messiah to the hypnotic speeches void of content, the deification of Barack Obama is deliberate and it is contrived. Look closely and you will see the marionette's strings and the steely determination written on the faces of skillful puppet masters.
4. Obama fundamentalists, as with other fundamentalists, cannot be swayed with logic. They will not and cannot "come to their senses."
5. Obama worshipers are dangerous people.
6. A personality that embraces his own deification is a dangerous human being! This can never be under emphasized.
Let's proceed with a couple of hymns of worship.
The story of Barack Hussein Obama is part Orwell, part "Twilight Zone," part Jonestown and part "Invasion of The Body Snatchers." Obama has made rational appeals to certain special interest groups (the legal profession, unions, teachers, illegal immigrants to name a few) but Obama voters are largely irrational. That is not a patronizing assessment nor is it a snide commentary about people who do not share my political views. It is simply reaffirming the obvious: Barack Obama's ongoing political campaign rarely, if ever, appeals to the voter's rational faculties. For non-members of special interest groups, supporting Barack Obama is a non-rational undertaking.
Obama followers cannot articulate their love anymore than a teenager can explain her first crush. It is visceral, not analytical. It is based not on reason, but sentiment. For many, the ardor blossomed into full blown religious expression. Fools like me underestimated the breadth and depth of Obama worship. It is real. It is too real.
This blog started out chronicling displays of Obama worship. We joked about Obama worship but we didn't literally mean it. Those idiots in 2008, they were just caught up in the moment, right? Wrong! The worship was and is literal. As genuine as Jonestown.
I wrongly thought I could change people's minds by showcasing folly in the extreme. I posted dozens of disturbing videos of silly Obama supporters. Sadly, I barely scratched the surface. There are hundreds of Youtube videos of fools bowing down to a hollow man they do not know and don't care to know. Who needs facts when one is showered with a bounty of such splendid iconography?
Somewhere along the way this blogger felt that he had made his point. Yes, the cult of Obama was as creepy as it gets. The fundamentalists would still bow down to their messiah. Can't save the mindless, no. But most Obama voters would distance themselves from the Kool-Aid cult if only to retain a measure of self-respect. Wrong! 2012.
An aside. The 2008 election made me rethink the merits of organized religion. We are a religious species. If we don't find a sane outlet for our religiosity, we might end up following a sleazy-cheesy community organizer whose real intentions are shrouded in mystery.
Religion by its very nature requires the participant to think in a pararational manner. Fully engage one's knowledge to its limits and then defer to faith. There were guard rails in place. Idolatry was strictly prohibited. The exercise of religion did not license one to practice self-delusion as a preferred lifestyle.
It is imperative that opponents of Barack Obama come to grips with reality. It is time we face the ugly truth. Let us acknowledge the obvious:
1. The worship of Barack Obama is literal.
2. The cult of Barack Obama is colossal. Humanity has never before witnessed a religious cult that has snared so many, so fast. The ramifications have largely been ignored.
3. The worship of Barack Obama is by no means spontaneous. From fainting women to the Obama Halo, from the rewritten spirituals that praise the new messiah to the hypnotic speeches void of content, the deification of Barack Obama is deliberate and it is contrived. Look closely and you will see the marionette's strings and the steely determination written on the faces of skillful puppet masters.
4. Obama fundamentalists, as with other fundamentalists, cannot be swayed with logic. They will not and cannot "come to their senses."
5. Obama worshipers are dangerous people.
6. A personality that embraces his own deification is a dangerous human being! This can never be under emphasized.
Let's proceed with a couple of hymns of worship.
The IRS Friday Apology To Tea Party and Patriot Groups: Why Throw In The Towel When Your Opponent Is Bowed And Bleeding?
There are plenty of reasons to reject Barack Obama. In a post after the 2012 election I trimmed the list to ten.
1. Gross incompetence.
2. Obama's ongoing expressions of Anti-Americanism.
3. Obama's lust for power.
4. Obama's abuse of power.
5. Widespread corruption.
6. The constant promotion of hate and rancor especially the false charges of racism directed at anyone who dares to criticize the One.
7. Obama's unending arrogance.
8. Superficiality over substance.
9. The practice of chronic duplicity and dishonesty such as this country has never before witnessed.
10. A disturbed and disturbing personality.
Number 4, Obama's abuse of power, scares me more than all others. We have a tyrant surrounded by thugs. In 2010, Tea Party groups carried the election. In 2012 these same groups were hobbled by ongoing IRS harassment. Obama. Game. Set. Match.
I reiterate that I don't understand the intricacies of politics. Why is this blatant abuse of power revealed NOW? I am not sure if I am channeling my inner Hillary or my inner Carney but the time to address this Nixonian nightmare was when it took place.
I am more angry with Fox News/ talk radio/the GOP than I am with the White House/IRS. Unlike say, Benghazi, this was not a one timer. I cannot count the number of emails I received revealing the ongoing IRS harassment. This was common knowledge. The Obama Administration's widespread, blatant abuses of power were ignored by both friend and foe. Six months after a corrupted election, the IRS apologizes to the aggrieved. Huh?
This was an ongoing scandal perpetrated in broad daylight, over and over and over. Does anyone, even the most ardent Obot, believe that the White House was not orchestrating this scandal? Can any member of the press deny that they participated in covering-up what might yet be the biggest scandal in US history? Does anyone, anywhere, believe that the election was not ultimately affected by the brains of the White House working in tandem with the brawn of the IRS?
I don't understand why the IRS suddenly admitted what everyone knew. That is genuinely puzzling to me. Barack Obama is the only national politician in my lifetime who could lie and cheat with impunity. The groin-sniffing press could have kept up appearances forever. You got away with crimes innumerable and you had friends in high places who could fix any future problem for you. The flowers were abloom on Easy Street.
Why, oh why, did you throw in the towel when you had the fight in the bag? Why?
Obama's Darkest Day
Aside from that Jonathan Karl piece and that little dust up over the IRS how did your day go Mr. President?
Not even Tom Clancy, at the peak of his literary career, could have penned as much White House drama as unfolded upon the Obama administration yesterday. Finding that they had been lied to for 8 months the White House press corps was not the same docile bunch of guys and girls who were so much fun at the correspondent's dinner just 10 days ago. It was a cross examination not a press briefing. Not a single reporter in the White House press pool believed that YouTube story. Perhaps the reporters realized that they had been played for fools since the 2008 Iowa primary. The honeymoon ended quickly and it was as nasty as an Alec Baldwin divorce.
In the midst of the charge of the fourth estate a career IRS supervisor, soft spoken Lois Lerner, confessed that her agency had been engaged in unlawful and unconstitutional behavior for years and she was sorry and promised it wouldn't happen again. I couldn't have been more surprised if she had concluded with a tribute to Grover Norquist. WTF! One would think a political appointee or at least a public relations flack would have made that confession rather than a civil service division head. Is she a whistleblower or merely politically tone deaf? Evidently it was a spontaneous admission as it was made during a tax conference hosted by the American Bar Association as if political profiling was just another arcane tax issue akin to accelerated depreciation or mortgage interest credit. One doubts if the White House saw this one coming. Naturally Jay Carney mentioned that the IRS was headed by a Bush appointee when the profiling began and he wasn't sure when the President first heard about it but it was "inappropriate" and the President expected a thorough investigation by the Treasury Department’s inspector general. The Daily Caller credits Mark Levin and his Landmark Legal Foundation for alerting the IG but as I wrote in a previous post Jay Sekulow of American Center for Law and Justice has also complained bitterly to the IRS.
As Senator Mitch McConnell called for a full investigation of the IRS branding the profiling as "political thuggery" and two House committees , Oversight and Ways and Means were fighting over jurisdiction, the IRS released a statement that differed from Lerner's account that "mistakes were made" and "organizations that included the words “tea party” or “patriot” in their applications for tax-exempt status were singled out for additional reviews."
Not at all explained the IRS " Mistakes were made initially, but they were in no way due to any political or partisan rationale. We fixed the situation last year and have made significant progress in moving the centralized cases through our system."
Oh good. The more explanations; the better. What is this the Jodi Arias defense?
Here is the IRS complete and I suppose official explanation.
The IRS supposes that the public will buy the latest explanation just if it had been authored by Admiral Mullens and General Pickering. It could be an honest account but the same division of the IRS was in hot water just last year when confidential tax documents filed by American Crossroads were illegally leaked to the media and published by ProPublica, a project funded in part by George Soros’s Open Society Foundations. No one has ever been charged with that felony.
I'm mindful that early on this administration, in a mixture of bravado and banality, savored the advice to "Never let a crisis go to waste". Yesterday it may have thought that it had had too much of a good thing.
Not even Tom Clancy, at the peak of his literary career, could have penned as much White House drama as unfolded upon the Obama administration yesterday. Finding that they had been lied to for 8 months the White House press corps was not the same docile bunch of guys and girls who were so much fun at the correspondent's dinner just 10 days ago. It was a cross examination not a press briefing. Not a single reporter in the White House press pool believed that YouTube story. Perhaps the reporters realized that they had been played for fools since the 2008 Iowa primary. The honeymoon ended quickly and it was as nasty as an Alec Baldwin divorce.
In the midst of the charge of the fourth estate a career IRS supervisor, soft spoken Lois Lerner, confessed that her agency had been engaged in unlawful and unconstitutional behavior for years and she was sorry and promised it wouldn't happen again. I couldn't have been more surprised if she had concluded with a tribute to Grover Norquist. WTF! One would think a political appointee or at least a public relations flack would have made that confession rather than a civil service division head. Is she a whistleblower or merely politically tone deaf? Evidently it was a spontaneous admission as it was made during a tax conference hosted by the American Bar Association as if political profiling was just another arcane tax issue akin to accelerated depreciation or mortgage interest credit. One doubts if the White House saw this one coming. Naturally Jay Carney mentioned that the IRS was headed by a Bush appointee when the profiling began and he wasn't sure when the President first heard about it but it was "inappropriate" and the President expected a thorough investigation by the Treasury Department’s inspector general. The Daily Caller credits Mark Levin and his Landmark Legal Foundation for alerting the IG but as I wrote in a previous post Jay Sekulow of American Center for Law and Justice has also complained bitterly to the IRS.
As Senator Mitch McConnell called for a full investigation of the IRS branding the profiling as "political thuggery" and two House committees , Oversight and Ways and Means were fighting over jurisdiction, the IRS released a statement that differed from Lerner's account that "mistakes were made" and "organizations that included the words “tea party” or “patriot” in their applications for tax-exempt status were singled out for additional reviews."
Not at all explained the IRS " Mistakes were made initially, but they were in no way due to any political or partisan rationale. We fixed the situation last year and have made significant progress in moving the centralized cases through our system."
Oh good. The more explanations; the better. What is this the Jodi Arias defense?
Here is the IRS complete and I suppose official explanation.
Between 2010 and 2012, the IRS saw the number of applications for section 501(c)(4) status double. As a result, local career employees in Cincinnati sought to centralize work and assign cases to designated employees in an effort to promote consistency and quality. This approach has worked in other areas. However, the IRS recognizes we should have done a better job of handling the influx of advocacy applications. While centralizing cases for consistency made sense, the way we initially centralized them did not. Mistakes were made initially, but they were in no way due to any political or partisan rationale. We fixed the situation last year and have made significant progress in moving the centralized cases through our system. To date, more than half of the cases have been approved or withdrawn. It is important to recognize that all centralized applications received the same, even-handed treatment, and the majority of cases centralized were not based on a specific name. In addition, new procedures also were implemented last year to ensure that these mistakes won’t be made in the future. The IRS also stresses that our employees – all career civil servants — will continue to be guided by tax law and not partisan issues. |
I'm mindful that early on this administration, in a mixture of bravado and banality, savored the advice to "Never let a crisis go to waste". Yesterday it may have thought that it had had too much of a good thing.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Remebering Hillary's Prevaricatory Instincts
Sharyl Attkisson has reportedly been criticized by her bosses for treading “dangerously close to advocacy” as a result of her pursuit of the Benghazi scandal. That is especially strong coming from the same network that tried to sell the public George Bush's falsified Texas Air National Guard records. I would imagine her bosses have had a change in heart the last few days as they suddenly find themselves well ahead of the msm pack. Attkisson is a true asset not solely because she is a fearless and good reporter but because seems to reside in Hillary Clinton's head. When she reports on Hillary and her fabrications she knows her subject well. She busted Hillary for lying during the 2008 primary race. Witness a classic video that speaks both to Attkisson's reporting skills and Hillary's almost incontinent propensity to prevaricate.
To Lois Lerner and the IRS; Sorry Don't Get It
Those of us who were around during the fall of Richard Nixon remember that his impending impeachment was brought about by three illegalities. First, there was the Watergate break and the attempted cover up. Second, was the harassment and stalking of Daniel Ellsberg and the break in of his physiatrist's office. Third, Mr Nixon was charged with using the Internal Revenue Service to punish his political enemies. Today it's beginning to look as if Mr. Obama is two thirds of the way toward his own hat trick. The old military axiom that initial reports are all ways wrong, that truth is the first causality, has been sustained by today's revelation that the IRS's criminal behavior was limited to low level staff in the Cincinnati field office. That is more than an understatement. It's a goddam lie.
Jay Sekulow of American Center for Law and Justice reveals that the harassment of Tea Party was a nationwide effort with apparent coordination between regional offices. As the Hillary might say it was a "systemic failure". Yeah, long, wide and deep. Furthermore ACLJ has been fighting this harassment for over a year and to date the IRS has only backed off on only 14 of the 27 cases in which ACLJ is involved. In other words it's still going on. The IRS demanded to know not only the groups' donors but also the membership and what sort of conversation went on at the meetings.
This morning, an IRS official named Lois Lerner apologized for agency's malfeasance. Well sorry don't get! Has the IRS inspector general gotten involved? Has a U.S. attorney been apprised of this matter, which can only be considered an act of political intimidation and therefore would fall under the aegis of various federal criminal statutes? If not, why not?
Congressman Darrell Issa has stated “The fact that Americans were targeted by the IRS because of their political beliefs is unconscionable. The Committee will aggressively follow up on the IG report and hold responsible officials accountable for this political retaliation.”
One can bet the Congressman will keep his word and with a vengeance. Two stars on his Oversight Committee, Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy serve in Congress because of Tea Party backing.
Were I more than a foot soldier in the Tea Party I would call for a nationwide demonstration in front of every IRS office in the country, followed by an informational picket line on each office until somebody was fired and indicted. Come on Tea Party man up!
Update: The House Ways and Means Committee announced it would hold a hearing on the Internal Revenue Service practice of targeting applicants for tax-exempt status based on political leanings. In announcing the hearing, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich., said, “The IRS absolutely must be non-partisan in its enforcement of our tax laws. The admission by the agency that it targeted American taxpayers based on politics is both shocking and disappointing. The Committee on Ways and Means will thoroughly investigate this matter and will soon hold a hearing to get to the bottom of this situation. We will hold the IRS accountable for its actions.”
Jay Sekulow of American Center for Law and Justice reveals that the harassment of Tea Party was a nationwide effort with apparent coordination between regional offices. As the Hillary might say it was a "systemic failure". Yeah, long, wide and deep. Furthermore ACLJ has been fighting this harassment for over a year and to date the IRS has only backed off on only 14 of the 27 cases in which ACLJ is involved. In other words it's still going on. The IRS demanded to know not only the groups' donors but also the membership and what sort of conversation went on at the meetings.
This morning, an IRS official named Lois Lerner apologized for agency's malfeasance. Well sorry don't get! Has the IRS inspector general gotten involved? Has a U.S. attorney been apprised of this matter, which can only be considered an act of political intimidation and therefore would fall under the aegis of various federal criminal statutes? If not, why not?
Congressman Darrell Issa has stated “The fact that Americans were targeted by the IRS because of their political beliefs is unconscionable. The Committee will aggressively follow up on the IG report and hold responsible officials accountable for this political retaliation.”
One can bet the Congressman will keep his word and with a vengeance. Two stars on his Oversight Committee, Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy serve in Congress because of Tea Party backing.
Were I more than a foot soldier in the Tea Party I would call for a nationwide demonstration in front of every IRS office in the country, followed by an informational picket line on each office until somebody was fired and indicted. Come on Tea Party man up!
Update: The House Ways and Means Committee announced it would hold a hearing on the Internal Revenue Service practice of targeting applicants for tax-exempt status based on political leanings. In announcing the hearing, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich., said, “The IRS absolutely must be non-partisan in its enforcement of our tax laws. The admission by the agency that it targeted American taxpayers based on politics is both shocking and disappointing. The Committee on Ways and Means will thoroughly investigate this matter and will soon hold a hearing to get to the bottom of this situation. We will hold the IRS accountable for its actions.”
Smoking American Crossroads' Ad Slams Hillary Over Whistleblower Retaliation
American Crossroads doesn't pull any punches in this web ad. I wish they would run it on every TV channel.
Reviewing The Worship of Barack Hussein Obama. Part I
The story of Barack Hussein Obama is part Orwell, part "Twilight Zone," part Jonestown and part "Invasion of The Body Snatchers." Obama has made rational appeals to certain special interest groups (the legal profession, unions, teachers, illegal immigrants to name a few) but Obama voters are largely irrational. That is not a patronizing assessment nor is it a snide commentary about people who do not share my political views. It is simply reaffirming the obvious: Barack Obama's ongoing political campaign rarely, if ever, appeals to the voter's rational faculties. For non-members of special interest groups, supporting Barack Obama is a non-rational undertaking.
Obama followers cannot articulate their love anymore than a teenager can explain her first crush. It is visceral, not analytical. It is based not on reason, but sentiment. For many, the ardor blossomed into full blown religious expression. Fools like me underestimated the breadth and depth of Obama worship. It is real. It is too real.
This blog started out chronicling displays of Obama worship. We joked about Obama worship but we didn't literally mean it. Those idiots in 2008, they were just caught up in the moment, right? Wrong! The worship was and is literal. As genuine as Jonestown.
I wrongly thought I could change people's minds by showcasing folly in the extreme. I posted dozens of disturbing videos of silly Obama supporters. Sadly, I barely scratched the surface. There are hundreds of Youtube videos of fools bowing down to a hollow man they do not know and don't care to know. Who needs facts when one is showered with a bounty of such splendid iconography?
Somewhere along the way this blogger felt that he had made his point. Yes, the cult of Obama was as creepy as it gets. The fundamentalists would still bow down to their messiah. Can't save the mindless, no. But most Obama voters would distance themselves from the Kool-Aid cult if only to retain a measure of self-respect. Wrong! 2012.
An aside. The 2008 election made me rethink the merits of organized religion. We are a religious species. If we don't find a sane outlet for our religiosity, we might end up following a sleazy-cheesy community organizer whose real intentions are shrouded in mystery.
Religion by its very nature requires the participant to think in a pararational manner. Fully engage one's knowledge to its limits and then defer to faith. There were guard rails in place. Idolatry was strictly prohibited. The exercise of religion did not license one to practice self-delusion as a preferred lifestyle.
It is imperative that opponents of Barack Obama come to grips with reality. It is time we face the ugly truth. Let us acknowledge the obvious:
1. The worship of Barack Obama is literal.
2. The cult of Barack Obama is colossal. Humanity has never before witnessed a religious cult that has snared so many, so fast. The ramifications have largely been ignored.
3. The worship of Barack Obama is by no means spontaneous. From fainting women to the Obama Halo, from the rewritten spirituals that praise the new messiah to the hypnotic speeches void of content, the deification of Barack Obama is deliberate and it is contrived. Look closely and you will see the marionette's strings and the steely determination written on the faces of skillful puppet masters.
4. Obama fundamentalists, as with other fundamentalists, cannot be swayed with logic. They will not and cannot "come to their senses."
5. Obama worshipers are dangerous people.
6. A personality that embraces his own deification is a dangerous human being! This can never be under emphasized.
Originally posted 10/24/2010
Sunday Worship: Spike Lee Announces The Birth Of A New Religion
Originally posted 8/19/2010
Obama Sunday Worship Extraordinaire: Steel Pulse
Originally posted 8/21/2011
Sunday Worship: "Hope" the Musical
Obama followers cannot articulate their love anymore than a teenager can explain her first crush. It is visceral, not analytical. It is based not on reason, but sentiment. For many, the ardor blossomed into full blown religious expression. Fools like me underestimated the breadth and depth of Obama worship. It is real. It is too real.
This blog started out chronicling displays of Obama worship. We joked about Obama worship but we didn't literally mean it. Those idiots in 2008, they were just caught up in the moment, right? Wrong! The worship was and is literal. As genuine as Jonestown.
I wrongly thought I could change people's minds by showcasing folly in the extreme. I posted dozens of disturbing videos of silly Obama supporters. Sadly, I barely scratched the surface. There are hundreds of Youtube videos of fools bowing down to a hollow man they do not know and don't care to know. Who needs facts when one is showered with a bounty of such splendid iconography?
Somewhere along the way this blogger felt that he had made his point. Yes, the cult of Obama was as creepy as it gets. The fundamentalists would still bow down to their messiah. Can't save the mindless, no. But most Obama voters would distance themselves from the Kool-Aid cult if only to retain a measure of self-respect. Wrong! 2012.
An aside. The 2008 election made me rethink the merits of organized religion. We are a religious species. If we don't find a sane outlet for our religiosity, we might end up following a sleazy-cheesy community organizer whose real intentions are shrouded in mystery.
Religion by its very nature requires the participant to think in a pararational manner. Fully engage one's knowledge to its limits and then defer to faith. There were guard rails in place. Idolatry was strictly prohibited. The exercise of religion did not license one to practice self-delusion as a preferred lifestyle.
It is imperative that opponents of Barack Obama come to grips with reality. It is time we face the ugly truth. Let us acknowledge the obvious:
1. The worship of Barack Obama is literal.
2. The cult of Barack Obama is colossal. Humanity has never before witnessed a religious cult that has snared so many, so fast. The ramifications have largely been ignored.
3. The worship of Barack Obama is by no means spontaneous. From fainting women to the Obama Halo, from the rewritten spirituals that praise the new messiah to the hypnotic speeches void of content, the deification of Barack Obama is deliberate and it is contrived. Look closely and you will see the marionette's strings and the steely determination written on the faces of skillful puppet masters.
4. Obama fundamentalists, as with other fundamentalists, cannot be swayed with logic. They will not and cannot "come to their senses."
5. Obama worshipers are dangerous people.
6. A personality that embraces his own deification is a dangerous human being! This can never be under emphasized.
Originally posted 10/24/2010
Sunday Worship: Spike Lee Announces The Birth Of A New Religion
Originally posted 8/19/2010
Obama Sunday Worship Extraordinaire: Steel Pulse
Originally posted 8/21/2011
Sunday Worship: "Hope" the Musical
Wow ! Even ABC News Reports Benghazi Cover Up
Wow! ABC News is reporting on Benghazi. Jonathan Carl reports that he has seen 12 revisions of the Benghazi talking points. Notice how State and the White House have decided that the CIA is going to take the fall for the cover up. One might wonder if this was all a CIA operation how the Justice Department got involved. It wasn't the CIA but Eric Holder's FBI that rousted Nakoula Basseley Nakoula with a swat team in the middle of the night on misdemeanor charges. Yes, the same FBI that took two weeks to get to Benghazi has ruined an innocent man's life probably forcing him to spend the rest of his life in witness protection.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Alan Dershowitz calls Ted Cruz one of his smartest students
So who does Harvard Law School professor
Alan Dershowitz think is really smart? Ted Cruz of course.
“Cruz’s views were always thoughtful and his responses were interesting,” the law professor explained. “I obviously disagreed with them and we had good arguments in class. I would challenge him and he would come up with very good responses.”
“Without a doubt he is among the smartest students I’ve ever had… I’ve had great students but he has to be at the top of anyone’s short list, in terms of raw brain power.”
I don't recall Dershowitz speaking that way about Obama.
“Cruz’s views were always thoughtful and his responses were interesting,” the law professor explained. “I obviously disagreed with them and we had good arguments in class. I would challenge him and he would come up with very good responses.”
“Without a doubt he is among the smartest students I’ve ever had… I’ve had great students but he has to be at the top of anyone’s short list, in terms of raw brain power.”
I don't recall Dershowitz speaking that way about Obama.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev Buried Somewhere
Tamerlan Tsarnaev was buried after a secret midnight ceremony in an unknown location after an unnamed benefactor claimed the body. Personally, I would have quietly slipped the body into the back seat of a Los Angles bound Greyhound and let Jerry Brown worry about it.
"As a result of our public appeal for help, a courageous and compassionate individual came forward to provide the assistance needed to properly bury the deceased," Worcester police said in a statement.
Sgt. Kerry Hazelhurst said the body was no longer in Worcester and is now entombed. Police did not specify where the body was taken. Meanwhile his widow has added a former Gitmo lawyer to her defense team. New York lawyer Joshua Dratel will assist her attorney, Amato DeLuca
"As a result of our public appeal for help, a courageous and compassionate individual came forward to provide the assistance needed to properly bury the deceased," Worcester police said in a statement.
Sgt. Kerry Hazelhurst said the body was no longer in Worcester and is now entombed. Police did not specify where the body was taken. Meanwhile his widow has added a former Gitmo lawyer to her defense team. New York lawyer Joshua Dratel will assist her attorney, Amato DeLuca
Student Rants At Teacher Who Refuses To Teach
A good case could be made that the student in the video should have shown his teacher a bit more respect by virtue of her position but his criticism seems heartfelt and no doubt somewhat justified. The student does not threaten the teacher. He is mildly profane but not abusive. He seems simply fed up with a teacher who refuses to teach but rather hand outs packets of wisdom for the students to read. One would like to see this young man to graduate and then to run for his local school board in Duncanville, Texas. According to classmates, one of whom filmed the video, Jeff Bliss was asked to leave the World History class for asking too many questions.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Benghazi Hearing Gets Good Reviews in the MSM
The question on the minds of many of us on the right was whether or not the mainstream media would even cover the Benghazi hearing. Would only FoxNews, Jake Tapper at CNN and
Sharyl Attkisson at CBS report the story? In the previous post I mentioned that the New York Times had actually written a balanced article on the hearing. Now from the Washington Post;
But in expanding the narrative of the intensely politicized episode, the witnesses raised fresh questions about whether then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and her deputies were sufficiently engaged in assessing the security posture of diplomatic posts last year.
Speaking before the panel, they also reiterated criticism of the administration’s initial reluctance to describe the attacks as premeditated terrorist acts. The Libyan government had labeled the attacks a terrorist assault, and the absence of similar descriptions from the United States made it more difficult for Libyan officials to assist the FBI’s investigation of the incident, according to the former deputy chief of the U.S. mission in Libya....
...Hicks, a 22-year veteran of the department, said senior U.S. leaders, including President Obama and Clinton, lauded his performance during the crisis. After he questioned why Susan E. Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, had delivered talking points that linked the attack to a demonstration, his superiors turned on him, Hicks testified. He specifically alleged that Clinton counselor Cheryl Mills and Assistant Secretary of State Elizabeth Jones criticized him harshly.
Early in the hearing, Hicks delivered a detailed account of the events of that night, keeping spectators in the crowded hearing room riveted.
Not a good day for Obama!
But in expanding the narrative of the intensely politicized episode, the witnesses raised fresh questions about whether then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and her deputies were sufficiently engaged in assessing the security posture of diplomatic posts last year.
Speaking before the panel, they also reiterated criticism of the administration’s initial reluctance to describe the attacks as premeditated terrorist acts. The Libyan government had labeled the attacks a terrorist assault, and the absence of similar descriptions from the United States made it more difficult for Libyan officials to assist the FBI’s investigation of the incident, according to the former deputy chief of the U.S. mission in Libya....
...Hicks, a 22-year veteran of the department, said senior U.S. leaders, including President Obama and Clinton, lauded his performance during the crisis. After he questioned why Susan E. Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, had delivered talking points that linked the attack to a demonstration, his superiors turned on him, Hicks testified. He specifically alleged that Clinton counselor Cheryl Mills and Assistant Secretary of State Elizabeth Jones criticized him harshly.
Early in the hearing, Hicks delivered a detailed account of the events of that night, keeping spectators in the crowded hearing room riveted.
Not a good day for Obama!
Well done, Congressman Jordan!
Congressman Jim Jordan didn't get to be Ohio's state high school wrestling champion 4 times by being slow and indecisive. In just 3 minutes and 54 seconds he brought 4 damning fact to light. First, the State Department tried to intimidate Gregory Hicks after he questioned the wisdom of sending Susan Rice on 5 television talk shows to to peddle her inane YouTube video story. Second, the State Department ordered Hicks not to speak to Congressman Jason Chaffetz regarding Benghazi. Third, the State Department sent a lawyer to accompany Congressman Chaffetz and to report back what was said. Then the Congressman tied it up in one neat package and laid it at Hillary Clinton's door when he implicated Clinton's general counsel and chief of staff, Cheryl Mills in the cover up. Not a bad days work! Even the New York Times reported on Mill's involvement in a generally fair article. Well done, Congressman Jordan!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Schoolyard Bully Ted Cruz Slaps Back
Watch it Harry, these boys, unlike Patty Murray, did not major in recreation. They can think. Suggest if you must pick arguments don't pick on someone who has argued before the Supreme Court. You're a little out of your weight class. Mike Lee came to the defense of Ted Cruz.
I'm sure Cruz appreciated Lee's support but he can take a punch and still deliver a knockout.
I'm sure Cruz appreciated Lee's support but he can take a punch and still deliver a knockout.
Finally MSNBC Covers The Benghazi Scandal
Now that MSNBC has picked up the Benghazi story maybe Joe and Mika can find something more to talk about other than gun control and clever ways to stalk Kelly Ayotte. To her credit Andrea Mitchell manages a modicum objectivity in her interview with Congressman Jason
Chaffetz but resorts to the Obama administration's hackneyed talking points about the findings of the seemingly infallible Accountability Review Board which seems to have known when the attack would end and when it would be too late to send help.
In a excellent post, Clinton's Republican Guard at PJ media, Andrew McCarthy shoots down that turkey in a manner that should earn him a cameo appearance on Duck Dynasty.
With each new revelation, what has always been obvious becomes more pronounced: the State Department’s self-proclaimed final word on the Benghazi Massacre, the risibly named “Accountability Review Board” investigation, is a fraud. Yet, like the rest of the Obama administration’s obstructive wagon-circling, the ARB’s report continues serving its intended purpose: to thwart efforts to hold administration officials accountable. Even on Fox News, which has been admirably dogged covering a scandal the Obamedia has done its best to bury, the refrain is heard: How could the ARB report be a whitewash when its investigation was run by such Washington eminences as Ambassador Thomas Pickering and Admiral Michael Mullen?
The answer is simple: Pickering and Mullen were not chosen by accident; then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tapped them because, to insulate herself, she needed a pair of Beltway careerists held in high esteem by the progressive-friendly Republican establishment. As night follows day, Pickering and Mullen produced exactly the shoddy, politicized report that was expected of them – bleaching away the malfeasance of Clinton, a central figure in the scandal whom they did not even bother to interview.
In a excellent post, Clinton's Republican Guard at PJ media, Andrew McCarthy shoots down that turkey in a manner that should earn him a cameo appearance on Duck Dynasty.
With each new revelation, what has always been obvious becomes more pronounced: the State Department’s self-proclaimed final word on the Benghazi Massacre, the risibly named “Accountability Review Board” investigation, is a fraud. Yet, like the rest of the Obama administration’s obstructive wagon-circling, the ARB’s report continues serving its intended purpose: to thwart efforts to hold administration officials accountable. Even on Fox News, which has been admirably dogged covering a scandal the Obamedia has done its best to bury, the refrain is heard: How could the ARB report be a whitewash when its investigation was run by such Washington eminences as Ambassador Thomas Pickering and Admiral Michael Mullen?
The answer is simple: Pickering and Mullen were not chosen by accident; then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tapped them because, to insulate herself, she needed a pair of Beltway careerists held in high esteem by the progressive-friendly Republican establishment. As night follows day, Pickering and Mullen produced exactly the shoddy, politicized report that was expected of them – bleaching away the malfeasance of Clinton, a central figure in the scandal whom they did not even bother to interview.
Lucky New York City Targeted For Gun Giveaway
This headline from the New York Daily News should give Mayor Bloomberg heartburn.
New York City gun giveaway planned by Armed Citizen Project. Maybe they'll throw in a 64 oz soda just to make sure the point is well taken. Armed Citizen Project is one of those non profit organizations that are so dear to the hearts of liberal activists but this should send the left screaming for a new tax code.
Kyle Coplen, the 29 year old founder of ACP wants to give every resident of a high crime area who can pass a background check a free $200 shotgun and a course in gun safety.
“We’re coming — and we’re going to get shotguns into the hands of responsible citizens,” said Coplen.
Mayor Bloomberg and his Police Commissioner, Ray Kelly whose department has racked up a pretty impressive kill ratio shooting unarmed New Yorkers, point to the city's restrictive gun laws as their last refuge.
“That’s a legal fight I’m definitely willing to engage them on,” said Coplen.
Armed Citizen Project has already given guns to 35 homeowners in the gritty Oak Forest suburb of north Houston.
The NYPD says the fee to apply for a shotgun permit is $140.00, plus a fingerprinting charge of $91.50.
The agency can deny permits to those who fail background checks, have a criminal history, have a poor driving record, or have committed other infractions. It also can say no if investigators decide an applicant “lack(s) character.”
Kyle Coplen, the 29 year old founder of ACP wants to give every resident of a high crime area who can pass a background check a free $200 shotgun and a course in gun safety.
“We’re coming — and we’re going to get shotguns into the hands of responsible citizens,” said Coplen.
Mayor Bloomberg and his Police Commissioner, Ray Kelly whose department has racked up a pretty impressive kill ratio shooting unarmed New Yorkers, point to the city's restrictive gun laws as their last refuge.
“That’s a legal fight I’m definitely willing to engage them on,” said Coplen.
Armed Citizen Project has already given guns to 35 homeowners in the gritty Oak Forest suburb of north Houston.
The NYPD says the fee to apply for a shotgun permit is $140.00, plus a fingerprinting charge of $91.50.
The agency can deny permits to those who fail background checks, have a criminal history, have a poor driving record, or have committed other infractions. It also can say no if investigators decide an applicant “lack(s) character.”
Sanford Wins in South Carolina
In South Carolina Mark Sanford has won with 54% of the vote. Several days ago before the last poll was released PPP tweeted that there was a shift in voter sentiment since the previous poll which showed Busch Colbert to be leading by 9%. With 87% of the vote in Sanford leads by 9%. PPP is frequently used by Democrats to conduct their private polling so I'm inclined to distrust their numbers. Their final poll showed Sanford leading by 1%.
The DNC poured almost $1 million dollars down this rat hole. Busch Colbert treated her party's nomination as if were her carnation and the election as the final formality to be completed prior to being sworn in.
Alas! The first shall be last and the last shall be first. The humble shall be exhalted and the exalted shall be humbled.
The DNC poured almost $1 million dollars down this rat hole. Busch Colbert treated her party's nomination as if were her carnation and the election as the final formality to be completed prior to being sworn in.
Alas! The first shall be last and the last shall be first. The humble shall be exhalted and the exalted shall be humbled.
Susan Rice Wins Great American Award
Oh goody, Susan Rice will be honored tonight with the 2013 Louis E. Martin Great American Award. The award is given to “an exemplar of change, progress and coalition-building across racial lines,” by The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. A good exemplar of change, progress and coalition-building is hard to find these days and while critics might shriek that she lied her heart out on 5 television news shows they would do well to remember the words of Jay Carney that the Benghazi attack "happened a long time ago."
At Least Give Mark Sanford An "A" For Effort
If Mark Sanford pulls off a victory tonight tune out the pundits who attribute it to anything other than a masterful retail campaign, and of course, a proportionally imbecile effort put forth by Busch Colbert. Sanford went after the voters like a pesky Jehovah Witness door knocker, talking, joking and pleading with about anyone who would listen while Busch Colbert was aloof and inaccessible to even the press. She used her considerable war chest to wage a media campaign. No need to humble oneself when one has all that cash. No need to debate. She was the front runner but like many fast starters she may die at the top of the stretch. The personal touch works and Sanford's shtick in the video below is vintage retail politics.
Send the Gang of 8 to (Immigration) Reform School
"a ski instructor, who has been certified as a level I, II, or III ski and snowboard instructor by the Professional Ski Instructors of America or the American Association of Snowboard Instructors, or received an equivalent certification in the alien's country of origin, and is seeking to enter the United States temporarily to perform instructing services."
Would anyone care to hazard a guess as to the source of that quote? The US Olympic Committee? The NCAA? Sonny Bono's obit? If you guessed any of the above you're wrong. That bit of pedestrian legalese represents a hard won carve out for Senator Michael Bennet who hails from Colorado, the skiing capital of the country, and it is part of the conservative, tough, immigration reform so dear to the hearts of Marco Rubio and Barack Obama. I suppose it would be nitpicking to ask why exactly why we the people would want to give the American Association of Snowboard Instructors a say in who deserves to enter the country.
The gang of eight's bill breaks new ground in the area of central planning with administrative wages. Yes, Senators McCain, Rubio, Graham et al even know how much agriculture workers should make right down to the second decimal place. In the section"Animal Breeders; Graders and Sorters; Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse; and Farmworkers, Farm, Ranch and Aquacultural Animals," they spell out the mandated compensation for newly documented workers making one wonder why many born Americans have to settle for minimum wage jobs. Graders and sorters will be paid $9.84 an hour in 2016, equipment operators $11.58 in 2015, and nursery and greenhouse workers $9.64 in 2016.
Would someone please tell me what the hell an Aquacultural Animal is. An oyster? a sea cow? a hydrophobic dog? I guess we'll have to pass this bill to find out? Former Senator Jim Demint is right when he says that if this bill is widely read it will fail.
Would anyone care to hazard a guess as to the source of that quote? The US Olympic Committee? The NCAA? Sonny Bono's obit? If you guessed any of the above you're wrong. That bit of pedestrian legalese represents a hard won carve out for Senator Michael Bennet who hails from Colorado, the skiing capital of the country, and it is part of the conservative, tough, immigration reform so dear to the hearts of Marco Rubio and Barack Obama. I suppose it would be nitpicking to ask why exactly why we the people would want to give the American Association of Snowboard Instructors a say in who deserves to enter the country.
The gang of eight's bill breaks new ground in the area of central planning with administrative wages. Yes, Senators McCain, Rubio, Graham et al even know how much agriculture workers should make right down to the second decimal place. In the section"Animal Breeders; Graders and Sorters; Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse; and Farmworkers, Farm, Ranch and Aquacultural Animals," they spell out the mandated compensation for newly documented workers making one wonder why many born Americans have to settle for minimum wage jobs. Graders and sorters will be paid $9.84 an hour in 2016, equipment operators $11.58 in 2015, and nursery and greenhouse workers $9.64 in 2016.
Would someone please tell me what the hell an Aquacultural Animal is. An oyster? a sea cow? a hydrophobic dog? I guess we'll have to pass this bill to find out? Former Senator Jim Demint is right when he says that if this bill is widely read it will fail.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Video. Chris Matthews;"It's all about the Movie."
Yeah Chris, Read the newspapers. It was all about the movie
Special Forces in Tripoli Ordered to Stand Down
US special forces in Tripoli were on their way to the airport. The Lybian government had agreed to provide a C130 for the flight. Then Gregory Hicks got a phone call and the order to "stand down". Special Operations Command Africa informed Hicks; “you can't go now; you don't have authority to go now.”
The House Committee on Oversight and Government released that account from the interview its investigators had with Hicks. This comes after the White House, and the Departments of State and Defense have assured the public that no assets were available to rescue the Americans in the CIA annex. According to the Hill, Hicks who was the ranking diplomat in Lybia once the ambassador had been killed was informed of Steven's death by phone by the Lybian prime minister who agreed to fly the special forces in Tripoli to the besieged annex in Benghazi. Irony! The prime minister of Lybia did more than the president of the United States to save the live of Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Clinton Tried To Block State Dept's Counter Terrorism Bureau During Benghazi Raid
Below are two videos germane to the upcoming Benghazi hearing and as Congressman Trey Gowdy there will be fireworks. The first video is an excerpt from CBS's Face the Nation.
Latest PPP Poll Put Sanford Up 1 Over Busch-Colbert
I have thought for sometime that former Governor and Congressional wannabe Mark Sanford could find more personal fulfillment in a soap opera. A compilation of his press conferences explaining the allure of his new found soul mate in a far off land would almost make a mini-series. Seldom is the press bored when covering the sexual escapades of a serving politician but Sanford had them nodding off by the time he retired from public life. No sooner had his political comeback begun when he was busted for trespassing in the ex's house.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch's campaign has been funded by more than $1 million primarily by the DNC. The national Republican Party has sat this race out so Sanford has has been at a huge disadvantage. There is a rumor that I cannot verify and that I've seen on several blogs that Cobert-Busch had a pretty messy divorce herself and was jailed for contempt of court. Public Policy Polling has released it's latest poll only minutes ago and it gives an edge to Sanford 47-46. This represents a 10 point shift since last week's poll that had Sanford trailing by 9. They attribute Sanford's success to his ability to nationalize the race and tie Cobert-Busch to Obama and Pelosi who would probably poll worse than gonorrhea in South Carolina. If this lead holds until Tuesday the left will have a cow. This was to be the first step toward regaining the House.
Update: This campaign ad alludes to Busch-Colbert's incarceration. There doesn't seem to be a lot of subtlety in South Carolina politics.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch's campaign has been funded by more than $1 million primarily by the DNC. The national Republican Party has sat this race out so Sanford has has been at a huge disadvantage. There is a rumor that I cannot verify and that I've seen on several blogs that Cobert-Busch had a pretty messy divorce herself and was jailed for contempt of court. Public Policy Polling has released it's latest poll only minutes ago and it gives an edge to Sanford 47-46. This represents a 10 point shift since last week's poll that had Sanford trailing by 9. They attribute Sanford's success to his ability to nationalize the race and tie Cobert-Busch to Obama and Pelosi who would probably poll worse than gonorrhea in South Carolina. If this lead holds until Tuesday the left will have a cow. This was to be the first step toward regaining the House.
Update: This campaign ad alludes to Busch-Colbert's incarceration. There doesn't seem to be a lot of subtlety in South Carolina politics.
James Carville: Cruz Most Talented and Fearless Republican
"I think he is the most talented and fearless Republican I've seen in the last 30 years." Those were James Carville's words but I find myself agreeing him with for probably the first time in 30 years. The subject; Ted Cruz.
Dem Congressman; Benghazi Talking Points Absolutely False
Oh, Oh, this looks bad! Democratic Congressman
Stephen Lynch, a member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform admits on television that the Benghazi talking points were "absolutely false".
12 Year Old Busts Cop for Illegal Parking
I believe I would get enough of this kid in a hurry however I'm not the subject of his investigation. Give him credit for persistence. The officer being interrogated is a member of Las Vegas Metro police force.
Marco Rubio: The Senator From Facebook
Every now and then the New York Times practices journalism and it can be very good. Maybe they use the Public Broadcasting model. Only roll out the good stuff when they need the money. The latest foray into objective reporting, Latest Product From Tech Firms: An Immigration Bill, delves into the mechanics of the immigration reform bill and provides an insight into why it takes 800 pages to spell reform. I suppose one could complain that the article devotes an inordinate amount of space on Marco Rubio's contribution to crony politics but supposedly he was the hardest sell.
Rubio is cutting his own throat if the Times strops the razor so be it. Goggle, Facebook, and Linkedin are concerned about H-1B visas so as to have a ready supply of people to write the code that makes them great companies. Rather than make that case to the public which to me is perfectly reasonable but somewhat complicated politically by racial politics the high tech companies find it easier to corrupt the system.
Those deals were worked out through what Senate negotiators acknowledged was extraordinary access by American technology companies to staff members who drafted the bill. The companies often learned about detailed provisions even before all the members of the so-called Gang of Eight senators who worked out the package were informed.
What next Rubio? Do we have to pass the bill to see what's in it? Yes, Rubio believes in conservative immigration reform; so conservative that the ad below that is airing at his behest was paid for, not by the RNC, not by the Tea Party, not by the Club for Growth and certainly not by Rubio himself but rather by Americans for a Conservative Direction, which is funded by Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn, who run companies where the top employees donate mostly to Democrats. I love it when Senators reach across the aisle.
This guy is the biggest fraud since Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Rubio is cutting his own throat if the Times strops the razor so be it. Goggle, Facebook, and Linkedin are concerned about H-1B visas so as to have a ready supply of people to write the code that makes them great companies. Rather than make that case to the public which to me is perfectly reasonable but somewhat complicated politically by racial politics the high tech companies find it easier to corrupt the system.
Those deals were worked out through what Senate negotiators acknowledged was extraordinary access by American technology companies to staff members who drafted the bill. The companies often learned about detailed provisions even before all the members of the so-called Gang of Eight senators who worked out the package were informed.
What next Rubio? Do we have to pass the bill to see what's in it? Yes, Rubio believes in conservative immigration reform; so conservative that the ad below that is airing at his behest was paid for, not by the RNC, not by the Tea Party, not by the Club for Growth and certainly not by Rubio himself but rather by Americans for a Conservative Direction, which is funded by Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn, who run companies where the top employees donate mostly to Democrats. I love it when Senators reach across the aisle.
This guy is the biggest fraud since Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Michelle Obama and Jason Collins Will Fund Raise Together
I don't give a good gaddam if Jason Collins takes in the ear. What I find curious and somewhat amusing is how the by just announcing his sexual preference a very marginal athlete garners celebrity status and even a presidential phone call. Is it possible that he and Obama were lodge brothers in Rev. Jerry Wright's down low club. “The person I saw yesterday is not the person I met 20 years ago.” Just kidding.
Anyway Collins and Michelle are teaming up to fund raise at the DNC's LGBT gala on May 29. It was thought that Michelle would take that day to sucker her tomato plants but when duty calls... Ask Terry McAuliffe. Fund raising's a bitch. He once had to leave his wife and newborn baby in the car to fund raise.
"Dorothy was starting to well up in the backseat. She was having trouble understanding how I could be taking my wife and newborn baby to a fund-raiser on our way home from the hospital. We got to the dinner and by then Dorothy was in tears, and I left her with Justin and went inside. Little Peter was sleeping peacefully and Dorothy just sat there and poor Justin didn't say a word. He was mortified. I was inside maybe fifteen minutes, said a few nice things about Marty, and hurried back out to the car. I felt bad for Dorothy, but it was a million bucks for the Democratic Party and by the time we got home and the kids had their new little brother in their arms, Dorothy was all smiles and we were one big happy family again. Nobody ever said life with me was easy."
Anyway Collins and Michelle are teaming up to fund raise at the DNC's LGBT gala on May 29. It was thought that Michelle would take that day to sucker her tomato plants but when duty calls... Ask Terry McAuliffe. Fund raising's a bitch. He once had to leave his wife and newborn baby in the car to fund raise.
"Dorothy was starting to well up in the backseat. She was having trouble understanding how I could be taking my wife and newborn baby to a fund-raiser on our way home from the hospital. We got to the dinner and by then Dorothy was in tears, and I left her with Justin and went inside. Little Peter was sleeping peacefully and Dorothy just sat there and poor Justin didn't say a word. He was mortified. I was inside maybe fifteen minutes, said a few nice things about Marty, and hurried back out to the car. I felt bad for Dorothy, but it was a million bucks for the Democratic Party and by the time we got home and the kids had their new little brother in their arms, Dorothy was all smiles and we were one big happy family again. Nobody ever said life with me was easy."
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