The most incomprehensible matter I have ever faced is that America had a two-term unvetted president.
The second most incomprehensible matter I have ever faced is that roughly half of America does not want Barack Obama vetted. They are downright phobic on this issue. Truth is their worst nightmare. Any beacon of truth surely must be racist to the core.
I will state my position once more. Barack Obama was born in Hawaii a US citizen but he probably lost his citizenship when he was adopted by the Indonesian citizen, Lolo Soetoro. Barack Obama is probably an Indonesian citizen and thus, was never eligible for the US Presidency,
The birth certificate issue was played masterfully by Obama's people and dimwits like Joe Arpaio took the bait. Had "The Birthers" focused their attention on Barry's Indonesian citizenship, history might have yielded a better chapter. To paraphrase Gary Larson, the bull strategically went for the cape.
Obama's lineage and its importance has been downplayed. Was his maternal grandfather a CIA agent? Was his mother a CIA asset? Why oh why oh why oh why was an adolescent Barack Obama introduced to Frank Marshall Davis? As far as I know, BO only wrote two poems and one seems to bear the theme of man-boy love. But someone thought it essential to introduce a wayward teenager to a perverted Communist.
Barack Obama is not an intellectual heavyweight but he has niches of expertise. Unfortunately, those niches are Communist theory and Islamic politics. As a freshman at Occidental, Barry (the name he used to call himself at the time) could and would speak endlessly about radical theory. He was well-versed on this topic.
Likewise, President Obama understood the Shia vs Sunni rivalry in all of its myriad detail. Good that he had that knowledge but how did he absorb all that? Did he study Middle East politics as an undergrad? Oh darn. His records are sealed and he was The Invisible Man at Columbia. Maybe one of his fawning biographers could help us out here. No? Not returning calls? Yo! Mr. Remmick!
If you study the JFK assassination, you will get frustrated. Every time you think you have it nailed down, something upsets your apple cart. You think it was the Mafia and then H. L. Hunt makes a death bed confession. And you think it was the CIA after all until you learn that Billy Sol Estes's grand jury testimony implicated LBJ in not one, not two, not three but eight homicides, including the murder of President Kennedy. The conspiracies start to contradict each other.
So it is with all things related to The International Man of Mystery. He was a CIA spawn. He was a Saudi deep spy. He was an Iranian deep spy. He pretended to be a Saudi spy but he double crossed them to help their arch-enemies, the Iranians. He was the fruition of a century of Communist conspiracy....
I don't know. What I do know is that the official narrative is spotty at best. I also know that there was a cover-up. What exactly was obliterated? I don't know but I do know that an inordinate number of records have been sealed and the news media won't go near certain subjects. I also know that people who publicly raise certain topics are likely to be audited and in the case of Joe Arpaio, prosecuted on spurious charges.
Which brings us back to BO's real father. My once-favorite website, "American Thinker", started overloading their site with browser-crippling ads and I stopped reading their great work. So I missed this from January 14, 2014: "Barack Hussein Soebarkah?"
This article seemed to kick off yet another chapter in the "Who's Obama's Daddy" parlor game. I had other issues to attend to and this topic escaped my attention. Recently, I saw a picture of Muhammad Subud Soebarkah. Did this spry 61 year old sire our 44th president?
Conspiracy overload? Gotcha. But let's look at the cult leader in question.

Others have connected some dots for us.
Conclusion: It's high time Barack Obama was vetted.