Penn Gillette offers a pointed commentary about the creep factor in the second video. Democrats of yesteryear did not pledge allegiance to Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter or Lyndon Johnson. Followers of Jim Jones and David Koresh and Charles Manson did pledge allegiance to their leaders. Can we discern a pattern here?
The story of Barack Hussein Obama is part Orwell, part "Twilight Zone," part Jonestown and part "Invasion of The Body Snatchers." Obama has made rational appeals to certain special interest groups (the legal profession, unions, teachers, illegal immigrants to name a few) but Obama voters are largely irrational. That is not a patronizing assessment nor is it a snide commentary about people who do not share my political views. It is simply reaffirming the obvious: Barack Obama's ongoing political campaign rarely, if ever, appeals to the voter's rational faculties. For non-members of special interest groups, supporting Barack Obama is a non-rational undertaking.
Obama followers cannot articulate their love anymore than a teenager can explain her first crush. It is visceral, not analytical. It is based not on reason, but sentiment. For many, the ardor blossomed into full blown religious expression. Fools like me underestimated the breadth and depth of Obama worship. It is real. It is too real.
This blog started out chronicling displays of Obama worship. We joked about Obama worship but we didn't literally mean it. Those idiots in 2008, they were just caught up in the moment, right? Wrong! The worship was and is literal. As genuine as Jonestown.
I wrongly thought I could change people's minds by showcasing folly in the extreme. I posted dozens of disturbing videos of silly Obama supporters. Sadly, I barely scratched the surface. There are hundreds of Youtube videos of fools bowing down to a hollow man they do not know and don't care to know. Who needs facts when one is showered with a bounty of such splendid iconography?
Somewhere along the way this blogger felt that he had made his point. Yes, the cult of Obama was as creepy as it gets. The fundamentalists would still bow down to their messiah. Can't save the mindless, no. But most Obama voters would distance themselves from the Kool-Aid cult if only to retain a measure of self-respect. Wrong! 2012.
An aside. The 2008 election made me rethink the merits of organized religion. We are a religious species. If we don't find a sane outlet for our religiosity, we might end up following a sleazy-cheesy community organizer whose real intentions are shrouded in mystery.
Religion by its very nature requires the participant to think in a pararational manner. Fully engage one's knowledge to its limits and then defer to faith. There were guard rails in place. Idolatry was strictly prohibited. The exercise of religion did not license one to practice self-delusion as a preferred lifestyle.
It is imperative that opponents of Barack Obama come to grips with reality. It is time we face the ugly truth. Let us acknowledge the obvious:
1. The worship of Barack Obama is literal.
2. The cult of Barack Obama is colossal. Humanity has never before witnessed a religious cult that has snared so many, so fast. The ramifications have largely been ignored.
3. The worship of Barack Obama is by no means spontaneous. From fainting women to the Obama Halo, from the rewritten spirituals that praise the new messiah to the hypnotic speeches void of content, the deification of Barack Obama is deliberate and it is contrived. Look closely and you will see the marionette's strings and the steely determination written on the faces of skillful puppet masters.
4. Obama fundamentalists, as with other fundamentalists, cannot be swayed with logic. They will not and cannot "come to their senses."
5. Obama worshipers are dangerous people.
6. A personality that embraces his own deification is a dangerous human being! This can never be under emphasized.
Originally posted September 12, 2010
This originally ran on Sellebrity Saturday. But this has to run on Sunday Worship too. It just has to. This really does get sillier with the passing of time and it was pretty damn silly to begin with.
If I had more time, I would redo the vid with a laugh track.
Fair play for the Kool-aidphobic.
Media Elitism, The Death of Journalism, Media Bias, Voter Fraud, Destructive Economics and other things Obama
Saturday, May 25, 2013
The Case Against Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants. Part III
If we lived in an era of common sense, we would show this video and say, "we rest our case." The borders would then be protected, terrorists would then be deported and all this chatter about "immigration reform" would fall silent. Unfortunately...
Reviewing The Worship Of Barack Hussein Obama. Part X
When it became perfectly clear that the president was a crook, most Republicans abandoned Richard Milhous Nixon. It was Republican Senator Howard Baker (with counselor Fred Thompson by his side) who asked the now infamous, "What did the president know and when did he know it?" As the sleaze piled up, Lowell Weicker, Republican Senator from Connecticut, stood up and defended his party while distancing the GOP from the White House. When it became all too obvious that Nixon had lied repeatedly to the American people, Republican Senator and conservative icon Barry Goldwater paid the president a personal visit and asked Tricky Dick to step aside.
Don't be disappointed if nothing like that happens with Obama. The zeal is real. Barack Obama is a deity for half of the country. Let's face it; they don't make Democrats like they used to. They cannot be trusted to do the right thing. We can count on them to worship their god and to attack his critics now and forever.
The story of Barack Hussein Obama is part Orwell, part "Twilight Zone," part Jonestown and part "Invasion of The Body Snatchers." Obama has made rational appeals to certain special interest groups (the legal profession, unions, teachers, illegal immigrants to name a few) but Obama voters are largely irrational. That is not a patronizing assessment nor is it a snide commentary about people who do not share my political views. It is simply reaffirming the obvious: Barack Obama's ongoing political campaign rarely, if ever, appeals to the voter's rational faculties. For non-members of special interest groups, supporting Barack Obama is a non-rational undertaking.
Obama followers cannot articulate their love anymore than a teenager can explain her first crush. It is visceral, not analytical. It is based not on reason, but sentiment. For many, the ardor blossomed into full blown religious expression. Fools like me underestimated the breadth and depth of Obama worship. It is real. It is too real.
This blog started out chronicling displays of Obama worship. We joked about Obama worship but we didn't literally mean it. Those idiots in 2008, they were just caught up in the moment, right? Wrong! The worship was and is literal. As genuine as Jonestown.
I wrongly thought I could change people's minds by showcasing folly in the extreme. I posted dozens of disturbing videos of silly Obama supporters. Sadly, I barely scratched the surface. There are hundreds of Youtube videos of fools bowing down to a hollow man they do not know and don't care to know. Who needs facts when one is showered with a bounty of such splendid iconography?
Somewhere along the way this blogger felt that he had made his point. Yes, the cult of Obama was as creepy as it gets. The fundamentalists would still bow down to their messiah. Can't save the mindless, no. But most Obama voters would distance themselves from the Kool-Aid cult if only to retain a measure of self-respect. Wrong! 2012.
An aside. The 2008 election made me rethink the merits of organized religion. We are a religious species. If we don't find a sane outlet for our religiosity, we might end up following a sleazy-cheesy community organizer whose real intentions are shrouded in mystery.
Religion by its very nature requires the participant to think in a pararational manner. Fully engage one's knowledge to its limits and then defer to faith. There were guard rails in place. Idolatry was strictly prohibited. The exercise of religion did not license one to practice self-delusion as a preferred lifestyle.
It is imperative that opponents of Barack Obama come to grips with reality. It is time we face the ugly truth. Let us acknowledge the obvious:
1. The worship of Barack Obama is literal.
2. The cult of Barack Obama is colossal. Humanity has never before witnessed a religious cult that has snared so many, so fast. The ramifications have largely been ignored.
3. The worship of Barack Obama is by no means spontaneous. From fainting women to the Obama Halo, from the rewritten spirituals that praise the new messiah to the hypnotic speeches void of content, the deification of Barack Obama is deliberate and it is contrived. Look closely and you will see the marionette's strings and the steely determination written on the faces of skillful puppet masters.
4. Obama fundamentalists, as with other fundamentalists, cannot be swayed with logic. They will not and cannot "come to their senses."
5. Obama worshipers are dangerous people.
6. A personality that embraces his own deification is a dangerous human being! This can never be under emphasized.
Originally posted August 23, 2010
We have tried to reserve Sundays for Obama worship and Mondays for media bias. Truth is, it is hard to decide in which category to put some videos. This gem holds up well for so many reasons. For one thing, the content of the message has proven itself true. Obama has shown himself to be little more than a celebrity whose merit beyond attention-seeking is dubious at best.
It also shows the king's horsemen in all of their luster and splendor. 5 minutes of a 22 minute newscast devoted to defining a legitimate concern as "negative." Criticize the chosen one? How dare they!
They go to great pains to belabor the point that Obama has not gone negative. No, and that was the key to his victory. He had the press corpse attack his opponents for him. That way he could be the unifier. The high-minded candidate who refused to jump into the sewer. Let the plebes take the plunge for you, Your Excellency.
Like a finely-cut jewel, this video has ever so many facets to marvel.
First, a word from our sponsor: Click Here!
Originally posted August 28, 2010
Originally posted September 5, 2010
All this work. All this effort. All this energy. For what?
Don't be disappointed if nothing like that happens with Obama. The zeal is real. Barack Obama is a deity for half of the country. Let's face it; they don't make Democrats like they used to. They cannot be trusted to do the right thing. We can count on them to worship their god and to attack his critics now and forever.
The story of Barack Hussein Obama is part Orwell, part "Twilight Zone," part Jonestown and part "Invasion of The Body Snatchers." Obama has made rational appeals to certain special interest groups (the legal profession, unions, teachers, illegal immigrants to name a few) but Obama voters are largely irrational. That is not a patronizing assessment nor is it a snide commentary about people who do not share my political views. It is simply reaffirming the obvious: Barack Obama's ongoing political campaign rarely, if ever, appeals to the voter's rational faculties. For non-members of special interest groups, supporting Barack Obama is a non-rational undertaking.
Obama followers cannot articulate their love anymore than a teenager can explain her first crush. It is visceral, not analytical. It is based not on reason, but sentiment. For many, the ardor blossomed into full blown religious expression. Fools like me underestimated the breadth and depth of Obama worship. It is real. It is too real.
This blog started out chronicling displays of Obama worship. We joked about Obama worship but we didn't literally mean it. Those idiots in 2008, they were just caught up in the moment, right? Wrong! The worship was and is literal. As genuine as Jonestown.
I wrongly thought I could change people's minds by showcasing folly in the extreme. I posted dozens of disturbing videos of silly Obama supporters. Sadly, I barely scratched the surface. There are hundreds of Youtube videos of fools bowing down to a hollow man they do not know and don't care to know. Who needs facts when one is showered with a bounty of such splendid iconography?
Somewhere along the way this blogger felt that he had made his point. Yes, the cult of Obama was as creepy as it gets. The fundamentalists would still bow down to their messiah. Can't save the mindless, no. But most Obama voters would distance themselves from the Kool-Aid cult if only to retain a measure of self-respect. Wrong! 2012.
An aside. The 2008 election made me rethink the merits of organized religion. We are a religious species. If we don't find a sane outlet for our religiosity, we might end up following a sleazy-cheesy community organizer whose real intentions are shrouded in mystery.
Religion by its very nature requires the participant to think in a pararational manner. Fully engage one's knowledge to its limits and then defer to faith. There were guard rails in place. Idolatry was strictly prohibited. The exercise of religion did not license one to practice self-delusion as a preferred lifestyle.
It is imperative that opponents of Barack Obama come to grips with reality. It is time we face the ugly truth. Let us acknowledge the obvious:
1. The worship of Barack Obama is literal.
2. The cult of Barack Obama is colossal. Humanity has never before witnessed a religious cult that has snared so many, so fast. The ramifications have largely been ignored.
3. The worship of Barack Obama is by no means spontaneous. From fainting women to the Obama Halo, from the rewritten spirituals that praise the new messiah to the hypnotic speeches void of content, the deification of Barack Obama is deliberate and it is contrived. Look closely and you will see the marionette's strings and the steely determination written on the faces of skillful puppet masters.
4. Obama fundamentalists, as with other fundamentalists, cannot be swayed with logic. They will not and cannot "come to their senses."
5. Obama worshipers are dangerous people.
6. A personality that embraces his own deification is a dangerous human being! This can never be under emphasized.
Originally posted August 23, 2010
We have tried to reserve Sundays for Obama worship and Mondays for media bias. Truth is, it is hard to decide in which category to put some videos. This gem holds up well for so many reasons. For one thing, the content of the message has proven itself true. Obama has shown himself to be little more than a celebrity whose merit beyond attention-seeking is dubious at best.
It also shows the king's horsemen in all of their luster and splendor. 5 minutes of a 22 minute newscast devoted to defining a legitimate concern as "negative." Criticize the chosen one? How dare they!
They go to great pains to belabor the point that Obama has not gone negative. No, and that was the key to his victory. He had the press corpse attack his opponents for him. That way he could be the unifier. The high-minded candidate who refused to jump into the sewer. Let the plebes take the plunge for you, Your Excellency.
Like a finely-cut jewel, this video has ever so many facets to marvel.
First, a word from our sponsor: Click Here!
Originally posted August 28, 2010
Originally posted September 5, 2010
All this work. All this effort. All this energy. For what?
This Might Not Rise To The Level Of Other Scandals But We Might Have More Political Targeting On Our Hands
Is it just me or does the word 'scandal' frequently follow the word 'Obama' ?
Congressional Republicans are accusing the agency of giving unfair preference to environmental groups when it comes to information requests. They are comparing the behavior to that of the IRS in giving additional scrutiny to Tea Party organizations
Read more:
Congressional Republicans are accusing the agency of giving unfair preference to environmental groups when it comes to information requests. They are comparing the behavior to that of the IRS in giving additional scrutiny to Tea Party organizations
Read more:
Friday, May 24, 2013
Reviewing The Worship of Barack Hussein Obama. Part IX
I posted this a couple days ago with errors in html. Hope it goes better this time. Sorry for the confusion.
The story of Barack Hussein Obama is part Orwell, part "Twilight Zone," part Jonestown and part "Invasion of The Body Snatchers." Obama has made rational appeals to certain special interest groups (the legal profession, unions, teachers, illegal immigrants to name a few) but Obama voters are largely irrational. That is not a patronizing assessment nor is it a snide commentary about people who do not share my political views. It is simply reaffirming the obvious: Barack Obama's ongoing political campaign rarely, if ever, appeals to the voter's rational faculties. For non-members of special interest groups, supporting Barack Obama is a non-rational undertaking.
Obama followers cannot articulate their love anymore than a teenager can explain her first crush. It is visceral, not analytical. It is based not on reason, but sentiment. For many, the ardor blossomed into full blown religious expression. Fools like me underestimated the breadth and depth of Obama worship. It is real. It is too real.
This blog started out chronicling displays of Obama worship. We joked about Obama worship but we didn't literally mean it. Those idiots in 2008, they were just caught up in the moment, right? Wrong! The worship was and is literal. As genuine as Jonestown.
I wrongly thought I could change people's minds by showcasing folly in the extreme. I posted dozens of disturbing videos of silly Obama supporters. Sadly, I barely scratched the surface. There are hundreds of Youtube videos of fools bowing down to a hollow man they do not know and don't care to know. Who needs facts when one is showered with a bounty of such splendid iconography?
Somewhere along the way this blogger felt that he had made his point. Yes, the cult of Obama was as creepy as it gets. The fundamentalists would still bow down to their messiah. Can't save the mindless, no. But most Obama voters would distance themselves from the Kool-Aid cult if only to retain a measure of self-respect. Wrong! 2012.
An aside. The 2008 election made me rethink the merits of organized religion. We are a religious species. If we don't find a sane outlet for our religiosity, we might end up following a sleazy-cheesy community organizer whose real intentions are shrouded in mystery.
Religion by its very nature requires the participant to think in a pararational manner. Fully engage one's knowledge to its limits and then defer to faith. There were guard rails in place. Idolatry was strictly prohibited. The exercise of religion did not license one to practice self-delusion as a preferred lifestyle.
It is imperative that opponents of Barack Obama come to grips with reality. It is time we face the ugly truth. Let us acknowledge the obvious:
1. The worship of Barack Obama is literal.
2. The cult of Barack Obama is colossal. Humanity has never before witnessed a religious cult that has snared so many, so fast. The ramifications have largely been ignored.
3. The worship of Barack Obama is by no means spontaneous. From fainting women to the Obama Halo, from the rewritten spirituals that praise the new messiah to the hypnotic speeches void of content, the deification of Barack Obama is deliberate and it is contrived. Look closely and you will see the marionette's strings and the steely determination written on the faces of skillful puppet masters.
4. Obama fundamentalists, as with other fundamentalists, cannot be swayed with logic. They will not and cannot "come to their senses."
5. Obama worshipers are dangerous people.
6. A personality that embraces his own deification is a dangerous human being! This can never be under emphasized.
I want to be slightly less snide when discussing this video. I am always interested in expressions where the viewer is uncertain if the expressor is serious or satirical. Satire is harder than it looks and even when done perfectly it misses a lot of the audience. A large portion of the world simply has no sense of satire.
One of the worst failures of satire is the movie, "Bob Roberts." Tim Robbins creates a character who was a Tea Party type before there were Tea Party types. I went to the movies to see Robbins deliver his broadside against the newest brand of conservatives. (This would have been in the early 90's but I am too lazy to look up the year.) I would be disappointed.
Bob Roberts, the object of fear and ridicule, was more appealing than his onscreen nemesis or real life politicians of the day. The nemesis was played by Gore Vidal and he scared me. Don't give me vampires or chainsaws to put the thump in my chest and the moist in my palms. Show me Gore Vidal's magnanimous performance in "Bob Roberts" and you might hear me scream.
Gore Vidal played a fossilized senator who was in Washington for 36 years (if I recall correctly.). Bob Roberts came to knock the dinosaur off his pedestal. Who you rooting for? In Tim Robbins world, the 6-term senator was the innocent, helpless to the savvy, snappy Bob Roberts.
How many people--even people who might be sympathetic to Robbin's political views--walked away believing the bad guy was the good guy and vice versa? Robbins designated Bob Roberts the villain but I left the theater feeling that the lesser of two evils had won.
There are other problems with "Bob Roberts." Bob Roberts is a folk singer and he sings songs that could comfortably be sung at a tea party. Whereas we know that Robbins is making fun of Roberts, the irony just does not ironize. It's a curve ball that does not curve. We still call it a curve ball even though it's just a slow, straight pitch. We reference the pitcher's intent rather than his performance.
Watch the song "Complain." If you did not know better would you know there was ironic intent? I wonder how many people would.
Here's a quick look at "Complain" from "Bob Roberts."
"Bob Roberts" will always be remembered as failed satire, failed irony and possibly unintended sympathies for one's enemies. The commentary on YouTube and elsewhere often states something like "conservatives are too stupid to get the joke." That is Robbins fault, not the audience's fault. Contrast this movie with "Team America: World Police" for an example of unambiguous satire.
Which brings us to the Electric Illuminati. One thing that jumps off the page is the "Subterranean Homesick Blues" reference that "Bob Roberts" also references. Note: As this is posted, I cannot find the original Bob Dylan "rock video before there were rock videos." Dylan's copyright guardians are known for their vigilance and Dylan vids are frequently pulled from the shelves en masse. There are other vids by Weird Al and others that mimic the classic, should one want further elucidation but I will not be posting them at this time.
Electric Illuminati strings together words in an almost random fashion. So long as they rhyme, who cares? An anthropologist from Mars would be challenged to put this in the category of cheesy Obama propaganda or satire reflecting the utter silliness of Obama's cultish believers. I am sorry to say that this would fit into the former category.
Whereas Tim Robbins delivers a curve that does not curve, Electric Illuminati hurls a wild pitch that bounces into the catcher's groin. With teammates like these, who needs opponents?
The story of Barack Hussein Obama is part Orwell, part "Twilight Zone," part Jonestown and part "Invasion of The Body Snatchers." Obama has made rational appeals to certain special interest groups (the legal profession, unions, teachers, illegal immigrants to name a few) but Obama voters are largely irrational. That is not a patronizing assessment nor is it a snide commentary about people who do not share my political views. It is simply reaffirming the obvious: Barack Obama's ongoing political campaign rarely, if ever, appeals to the voter's rational faculties. For non-members of special interest groups, supporting Barack Obama is a non-rational undertaking.
Obama followers cannot articulate their love anymore than a teenager can explain her first crush. It is visceral, not analytical. It is based not on reason, but sentiment. For many, the ardor blossomed into full blown religious expression. Fools like me underestimated the breadth and depth of Obama worship. It is real. It is too real.
This blog started out chronicling displays of Obama worship. We joked about Obama worship but we didn't literally mean it. Those idiots in 2008, they were just caught up in the moment, right? Wrong! The worship was and is literal. As genuine as Jonestown.
I wrongly thought I could change people's minds by showcasing folly in the extreme. I posted dozens of disturbing videos of silly Obama supporters. Sadly, I barely scratched the surface. There are hundreds of Youtube videos of fools bowing down to a hollow man they do not know and don't care to know. Who needs facts when one is showered with a bounty of such splendid iconography?
Somewhere along the way this blogger felt that he had made his point. Yes, the cult of Obama was as creepy as it gets. The fundamentalists would still bow down to their messiah. Can't save the mindless, no. But most Obama voters would distance themselves from the Kool-Aid cult if only to retain a measure of self-respect. Wrong! 2012.
An aside. The 2008 election made me rethink the merits of organized religion. We are a religious species. If we don't find a sane outlet for our religiosity, we might end up following a sleazy-cheesy community organizer whose real intentions are shrouded in mystery.
Religion by its very nature requires the participant to think in a pararational manner. Fully engage one's knowledge to its limits and then defer to faith. There were guard rails in place. Idolatry was strictly prohibited. The exercise of religion did not license one to practice self-delusion as a preferred lifestyle.
It is imperative that opponents of Barack Obama come to grips with reality. It is time we face the ugly truth. Let us acknowledge the obvious:
1. The worship of Barack Obama is literal.
2. The cult of Barack Obama is colossal. Humanity has never before witnessed a religious cult that has snared so many, so fast. The ramifications have largely been ignored.
3. The worship of Barack Obama is by no means spontaneous. From fainting women to the Obama Halo, from the rewritten spirituals that praise the new messiah to the hypnotic speeches void of content, the deification of Barack Obama is deliberate and it is contrived. Look closely and you will see the marionette's strings and the steely determination written on the faces of skillful puppet masters.
4. Obama fundamentalists, as with other fundamentalists, cannot be swayed with logic. They will not and cannot "come to their senses."
5. Obama worshipers are dangerous people.
6. A personality that embraces his own deification is a dangerous human being! This can never be under emphasized.
I want to be slightly less snide when discussing this video. I am always interested in expressions where the viewer is uncertain if the expressor is serious or satirical. Satire is harder than it looks and even when done perfectly it misses a lot of the audience. A large portion of the world simply has no sense of satire.
One of the worst failures of satire is the movie, "Bob Roberts." Tim Robbins creates a character who was a Tea Party type before there were Tea Party types. I went to the movies to see Robbins deliver his broadside against the newest brand of conservatives. (This would have been in the early 90's but I am too lazy to look up the year.) I would be disappointed.
Bob Roberts, the object of fear and ridicule, was more appealing than his onscreen nemesis or real life politicians of the day. The nemesis was played by Gore Vidal and he scared me. Don't give me vampires or chainsaws to put the thump in my chest and the moist in my palms. Show me Gore Vidal's magnanimous performance in "Bob Roberts" and you might hear me scream.
Gore Vidal played a fossilized senator who was in Washington for 36 years (if I recall correctly.). Bob Roberts came to knock the dinosaur off his pedestal. Who you rooting for? In Tim Robbins world, the 6-term senator was the innocent, helpless to the savvy, snappy Bob Roberts.
How many people--even people who might be sympathetic to Robbin's political views--walked away believing the bad guy was the good guy and vice versa? Robbins designated Bob Roberts the villain but I left the theater feeling that the lesser of two evils had won.
There are other problems with "Bob Roberts." Bob Roberts is a folk singer and he sings songs that could comfortably be sung at a tea party. Whereas we know that Robbins is making fun of Roberts, the irony just does not ironize. It's a curve ball that does not curve. We still call it a curve ball even though it's just a slow, straight pitch. We reference the pitcher's intent rather than his performance.
Watch the song "Complain." If you did not know better would you know there was ironic intent? I wonder how many people would.
Here's a quick look at "Complain" from "Bob Roberts."
"Bob Roberts" will always be remembered as failed satire, failed irony and possibly unintended sympathies for one's enemies. The commentary on YouTube and elsewhere often states something like "conservatives are too stupid to get the joke." That is Robbins fault, not the audience's fault. Contrast this movie with "Team America: World Police" for an example of unambiguous satire.
Which brings us to the Electric Illuminati. One thing that jumps off the page is the "Subterranean Homesick Blues" reference that "Bob Roberts" also references. Note: As this is posted, I cannot find the original Bob Dylan "rock video before there were rock videos." Dylan's copyright guardians are known for their vigilance and Dylan vids are frequently pulled from the shelves en masse. There are other vids by Weird Al and others that mimic the classic, should one want further elucidation but I will not be posting them at this time.
Electric Illuminati strings together words in an almost random fashion. So long as they rhyme, who cares? An anthropologist from Mars would be challenged to put this in the category of cheesy Obama propaganda or satire reflecting the utter silliness of Obama's cultish believers. I am sorry to say that this would fit into the former category.
Whereas Tim Robbins delivers a curve that does not curve, Electric Illuminati hurls a wild pitch that bounces into the catcher's groin. With teammates like these, who needs opponents?
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Holder's Admission Helps Anwar al-Awlaki’s Father's Law Suit
So much for the classified information defense. Eric Holder's admission that drone strikes killed 4 American citizens has helped the cause of Anwar al-Awlaki’s father, Nasser, a citizen and resident of Yemen, who is suing the U.S. government over the killing of his son and grandson. Samir Khan’s mother, a U.S. citizen, has joined the lawsuit.
In an order issued late Wednesday, Judge Rosemary Collyer ordered the Justice Department to file a memo stating how Attorney General Eric Holder’s confirmation Wednesday that the government had targeted and killed al-Awlaki “affects the legal issues in the case.”
"Plaintiffs' allegations that Department of Defense and CIA officials targeted al-Awlaki and then 'authorized and directed' a series of missile strikes in Yemen,” says the government, “are claims which ... would 'inevitably require an inquiry into classified information.'"Not anymore.
In an order issued late Wednesday, Judge Rosemary Collyer ordered the Justice Department to file a memo stating how Attorney General Eric Holder’s confirmation Wednesday that the government had targeted and killed al-Awlaki “affects the legal issues in the case.”
Lois Lerner Left a Paper Trail
One might question Lois Lerner's selection of legal representation but this woman is in bad need of a good lawyer. She has in the past testified before Congress that there was no political targeting in the IRS. Everyone remembers her initial claim at the ABA conference that the targeting was essentially an error committed by some untrained line employees at the Cincinnati office. Readers who have been following this scandal will remember Jay Sekulow of
American Center for Law and Justice represents 15 tea party groups. Sekulow writes;
We now know that Lois Lerner, the Director of Exempt Organizations for the Internal Revenue Service - who refused to testify before a House committee by invoking the Fifth Amendment - has a paper trail that reveals her direct involvement in sending intrusive and harassing questionnaires to Tea Party groups in 2012.To back up his claim, Sekulow released this letter and guess whose signature is on it.
Huffington Post; Side with Fox News
The reactions was swift and unpredictable. Loyal ally through two campaigns, The Huffington Post, called for Holder's departure both on its website and via Twitter.
HuffPost Media
Dear many of our commenters: this is one time when you should be siding with Fox News
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
With Scandal Overload, It Is Easy To Drop Our Guard On Immigration Flim Flam
This is depressing. Three of the Tea Party's brightest stars--Ryan, Flake and Rubio--seem to have sold us out. Even Rand Paul made a statement that gave me pause. Did we learn nothing from the Boston bombing?
Piers Doesn't Love Dana
There was a big fight in the Twittersphere. Piers Morgan the British refugee from America's Got Talent and former hack writer for Celebrity Apprentice doesn't tease well. Ask him a simple, yes or no question and he goes into a rant, bars people from his show and unfriends them on his Face Book page. Conservative talk show host Dana Loesch tweeted this innocent question,
"Was the guy with the machete a member of the NRA? Asking for a friend"
Not since the battle of Hastings has a Brit got this defensive. Loesch's point cannot be dismissed. A man was brutally murdered and beheaded on a public street and because no one was armed his assailants felt comfortable enough to stay around after the slaying to make a video statement. There are even reports that the police were slow to respond because they were not armed and one assassins held a handgun. has the tweets. Eventually Morgan was forced to unfriend Loesh and forever banish her from his show.
"Was the guy with the machete a member of the NRA? Asking for a friend"
Not since the battle of Hastings has a Brit got this defensive. Loesch's point cannot be dismissed. A man was brutally murdered and beheaded on a public street and because no one was armed his assailants felt comfortable enough to stay around after the slaying to make a video statement. There are even reports that the police were slow to respond because they were not armed and one assassins held a handgun. has the tweets. Eventually Morgan was forced to unfriend Loesh and forever banish her from his show.
The Closest Thing To A Televised Crucifixion I Will Ever See
I don't consider myself a sadist. For that matter I probably engage in schadenfreude (which is kind of like voyeuristic sadism) much less than most people I know. I hate shows like "Cops" and I dislike perp walks and TV murder trials. I derive absolutely no enjoyment seeing Jodie Arias or Scott Peterson or that other Peterson crushed under the scales of justice.
But I was in heaven watching Doug Shulman abused by that Congressional mob on Tuesday. Make no doubt about it, Shulman is a deserving target. He is a bad apple. His Sergeant Schultz routine is old and it is possibly perjurious. I enjoyed every barb tossed his way.
If Congress is trying to boost its dismal approval ratings, this is the way to do it. Never has this august body seemed so noble. Perhaps just as importantly, this was the most entertaining 4 plus hours I have enjoyed in a long, long time. This hearing provided more great sound bites than perhaps anything I have ever seen. They will be spilling out for a long time to come. Trey Gowdy, Jim Jordan and Tammy Duckworth were amazing. Everyone was great except for the party tool from Vermont.
Of course, Lois Lerner stole the show. I saw her read an opening statement. I am not a lawyer and knowing she was taking the fifth, I said, "Can she do that?" At this writing, that matter has yet to be resolved. She paid big bucks for her lawyers (more likely her union picked up the tab) and they allowed her to commit an error most law students would not make. This was one of those baseball moments where $50 million in talent watch a routine fly ball hit the ground right in front of them. This was a blunder for the ages.
Here is Part 1 of 2.
But I was in heaven watching Doug Shulman abused by that Congressional mob on Tuesday. Make no doubt about it, Shulman is a deserving target. He is a bad apple. His Sergeant Schultz routine is old and it is possibly perjurious. I enjoyed every barb tossed his way.
If Congress is trying to boost its dismal approval ratings, this is the way to do it. Never has this august body seemed so noble. Perhaps just as importantly, this was the most entertaining 4 plus hours I have enjoyed in a long, long time. This hearing provided more great sound bites than perhaps anything I have ever seen. They will be spilling out for a long time to come. Trey Gowdy, Jim Jordan and Tammy Duckworth were amazing. Everyone was great except for the party tool from Vermont.
Of course, Lois Lerner stole the show. I saw her read an opening statement. I am not a lawyer and knowing she was taking the fifth, I said, "Can she do that?" At this writing, that matter has yet to be resolved. She paid big bucks for her lawyers (more likely her union picked up the tab) and they allowed her to commit an error most law students would not make. This was one of those baseball moments where $50 million in talent watch a routine fly ball hit the ground right in front of them. This was a blunder for the ages.
Here is Part 1 of 2.
Rep. Trey Gowdy Destroys IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman.
God I love this guy! Congressman Trey Gowdy savages former IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman.
Who is Holly Paz?
During yesterday's hearings Congressman Darrell Issa made the following statement.
"Just yesterday the committee interviewed Holly Paz, the director of exempt organizations, rulings and agreements, division of the IRS. While a tremendous amount of attention is centered about the Inspector General's report, or investigation, the committee has learned from Ms. Paz that she in fact participated in an IRS internal investigation that concluded in May of 2012 - May 3 of 2012 - and found essentially the same thing that Mr. George found more than a year later.
Think about it, For more than a year, the IRS knew that it had inappropriately targeted groups of Americans based on their political beliefs, and without mentioning it, and in fact without honestly answering questions that were the result of this internal investigation."
So who is Holly Paz? Friend or foe? I guess that's why we have hearings. We do know Holly Paz was the director of rulings and agreements in Washington, who made $155,500 in 2011. She contributed $2,000 to President Barack Obama’s campaign committee in 2008. What we don't know is what happened to her report which was completed on May 3 2012. It shouldn't have been difficult for the IRS to track down the source of what we must infer from Ms. Lerner's assertion of 5th amendment protection, criminal behavior. For an agency that prides itself on its data mining capabilities unraveling the weave of malfeasance on its own computers should be child's play. Will Ms. Paz tell the committee that she referred her report to Shulman, Holder, or Geithner? Or just hid in her file cabinet until after the election? This could be dynamite!
"Just yesterday the committee interviewed Holly Paz, the director of exempt organizations, rulings and agreements, division of the IRS. While a tremendous amount of attention is centered about the Inspector General's report, or investigation, the committee has learned from Ms. Paz that she in fact participated in an IRS internal investigation that concluded in May of 2012 - May 3 of 2012 - and found essentially the same thing that Mr. George found more than a year later.
Think about it, For more than a year, the IRS knew that it had inappropriately targeted groups of Americans based on their political beliefs, and without mentioning it, and in fact without honestly answering questions that were the result of this internal investigation."
So who is Holly Paz? Friend or foe? I guess that's why we have hearings. We do know Holly Paz was the director of rulings and agreements in Washington, who made $155,500 in 2011. She contributed $2,000 to President Barack Obama’s campaign committee in 2008. What we don't know is what happened to her report which was completed on May 3 2012. It shouldn't have been difficult for the IRS to track down the source of what we must infer from Ms. Lerner's assertion of 5th amendment protection, criminal behavior. For an agency that prides itself on its data mining capabilities unraveling the weave of malfeasance on its own computers should be child's play. Will Ms. Paz tell the committee that she referred her report to Shulman, Holder, or Geithner? Or just hid in her file cabinet until after the election? This could be dynamite!
Alan Dershowitz: Lois Lerner can be held in contempt.
One imagines that liberals wish Alan Dershowitz would keep his mouth shut. After all his remarks do reflect on Harvard. Last week he told the Daily Caller;
“He had brilliant insights and he was clearly among the top students, as revealed by his class responses,” andToday he opined that Lois Lerner had relinquished her 5th amendment protection by giving a self serving, exculpatory opening statement.
“Without a doubt he is among the smartest students I’ve ever had… I’ve had great students but he has to be at the top of anyone’s short list, in terms of raw brain power.”
“She’s in trouble. She can be held in contempt.”
“Congress . . . can actually hold you in contempt and put you in the Congressional jail.”
Lerner, grilled Wednesday on the IRS’ targeting of conservative organizations, invoked her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination — but not before insisting “I have done nothing wrong.”
Her brief statement of innocence has opened a legal Pandora’s Box, according to Dershowitz.
“You can’t simply make statements about a subject and then plead the Fifth in response to questions about the very same subject,” the renowned Harvard Law professor said.
“Once you open the door to an area of inquiry, you have waived your Fifth Amendment right . . . you’ve waived your self-incrimination right on that subject matter.”
"It should never have been allowed. She should have been told by her attorney that the law is clear, that once you open up an area of inquiry for interrogation, you have to respond," he said.
FBI Kills Chechen Man Who It Was Questioning About Boston Marathon Bombing
The FBI has shot to death in Orlando, Florida a Chechen man it was questioning in its investigation of the Boston Marathon bombing.
The deceased is 27-year-old Ibragim Todashev, who has been living in the U.S. since 2008. The shooting happened just after midnight Wednesday at Todashev's apartment complex near Universal studios. A a friend of the deceased confirmed that he knew Tsarnaev and that Todashev had been in contact with him via phone or Skype about a week before the bombings.
It's very funny this not being reported. So much for the theory that the brothers Tsarnaev acted alone.
IRS Scandal Goes Up The Chain
I have cited Fox 19 in Cincinnati at least twice before as a source of top shelf investigative reporting and this clip sustains my estimate of this of independent thinking, down to earth, common sense, midwestern, plain talk. The Fox 19 team spare us the banalities and sing-songy platitudes that infect the east coast media. It's almost Dragnet. Just the facts, ma'am.
In this clip, the team explodes the myth that many in congress and eastern media have tried mightily to perpetuate. The assertion that lower level employees absent any supervisory involvement are responsible for waging an agency wide war on conservative groups is soundly debunked. The Fox team identified 4 employees all of whom have different supervisors. The 4 supervisors in turn report to 4 different regional supervisors.
In this clip, the team explodes the myth that many in congress and eastern media have tried mightily to perpetuate. The assertion that lower level employees absent any supervisory involvement are responsible for waging an agency wide war on conservative groups is soundly debunked. The Fox team identified 4 employees all of whom have different supervisors. The 4 supervisors in turn report to 4 different regional supervisors.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
The Weiner Is Back
Look who is back. It's official now. Anthony Weiner is running for mayor of New York City.
White House Schemed with IRS; Lerner will take the 5th
Honest to God, people who hold up liquor stores provide better alibis than do the White House and the IRS.
Lois Lerner, the head of the exempt organizations division of the IRS has lawyered up and will take the 5th when she testifies tomorrow. Two weeks ago we were told by the IRS leadership that she was some sort of an apolitical technocrat. Then it's revealed that her spontaneous confession was a contrived performance with a planted question. Now according to her attorney she's innocent but afraid to make that claim under oath.
William W. Taylor III, Learner's lawyer who specializes in criminal rather than tax law, wrote to Congressman Issa explaining, “She has not committed any crime or made any misrepresentation but under the circumstances she has no choice but to take this course.”
Taylor goes on in the letter to ask that Lerner be excused from appearing before the committee to spare her the pain and embarrassment. An appearance would, according to Taylor “have no purpose other than to embarrass or burden her.”
I'm sure no one would want to see her burdened or embarrassed.
Over at the White House that in the beginning only knew that the inspector general's report would be coming soon on April 22 and then April 16 is doing revisions that would do the Benghazi talking points proud. According to the Hill the White House and the IRSschemed strategized how to tell the public. Honest Jay Carney said that Mark Childress, the White House deputy chief of staff, twice spoke with Lois Lerner, the IRS official who oversaw the agency's tax-exempt organization, about the strategy for revealing conservative targeting.
Childress and Lerner discussed the possibility that either Lerner would reveal that an inspector general's investigation had found misconduct in a speech or that then-acting IRS director Steve Miller could receive questions about the IG investigation in congressional testimony.
According to Carney, the pair discussed “what [Miller] would say” if asked about the issue.
My question is the same as John Boehner's aide, Brendan Buck who tweeted;
“Why are we still learning new information about how the White House was involved in the IRS audit?”
William W. Taylor III, Learner's lawyer who specializes in criminal rather than tax law, wrote to Congressman Issa explaining, “She has not committed any crime or made any misrepresentation but under the circumstances she has no choice but to take this course.”
Taylor goes on in the letter to ask that Lerner be excused from appearing before the committee to spare her the pain and embarrassment. An appearance would, according to Taylor “have no purpose other than to embarrass or burden her.”
I'm sure no one would want to see her burdened or embarrassed.
Over at the White House that in the beginning only knew that the inspector general's report would be coming soon on April 22 and then April 16 is doing revisions that would do the Benghazi talking points proud. According to the Hill the White House and the IRS
Childress and Lerner discussed the possibility that either Lerner would reveal that an inspector general's investigation had found misconduct in a speech or that then-acting IRS director Steve Miller could receive questions about the IG investigation in congressional testimony.
According to Carney, the pair discussed “what [Miller] would say” if asked about the issue.
My question is the same as John Boehner's aide, Brendan Buck who tweeted;
“Why are we still learning new information about how the White House was involved in the IRS audit?”
Being the IRS commish means never having to say you're sorry.
The former IRS chief Douglas Shulman continues the theme of haughty arrogance we have come to expect from President Obama and his underlings. The President, the Secretary of Treasury, and the past IRS Commissioner all owe the American public a profound apology for illegal, unconstitutional, and unethical behavior of the IRS. Shulman when given an opportunity to apologize; declines. He was not personally responsible for bad behavior that occurred on his watch ergo no apology necessary. He was not personally responsible for the trillions of dollars collected on his watch either but for that he took handsome enumeration as well as the largely unearned praise that politicians promiscuously confer on over paid civil servants.
Remember The Good Old Days When We Could Always Count On Barack Obama To Vote 'Present?'
Who Hacked Sharyl Attkisson's Computer?
In light of what we learned about the Obama regime's propensity to abuse news agencies and their employees the cryptic references Sharyl Attkisson makes to funny things happening around her home and to her computers should surprise no one. Like
William La Jeunesse of FoxNews Attkisson pulled no punches on her reporting of Eric Holder's gun running scandal, Fast and Furious. Lately Attkisson has trained her skills on the Benghazi with the predicable result namely her home computer has been compromised.
Wall Street Journal States The Obvious: 2012 Elections Tainted
I do take exception to this editorial. Lance Armstrong might have cheated but Mark McGwire did not. McGwire might have used performance enhancers but he did so at a time when they were not prohibited. We loved your towering home runs, Mark. MLB owes you.
The analogy breaks down quickly. Obama's 2012 election performance was not performance-enhanced. He had one million fewer votes than in 2008. A better analogy would be Tonya Harding and her band of thugs kneecapping Nancy Kerrigan.
If Barack Obama were an athlete, he would not be Mark McGwire or Lance Armstrong. He would be Tonya Harding.
The analogy breaks down quickly. Obama's 2012 election performance was not performance-enhanced. He had one million fewer votes than in 2008. A better analogy would be Tonya Harding and her band of thugs kneecapping Nancy Kerrigan.
If Barack Obama were an athlete, he would not be Mark McGwire or Lance Armstrong. He would be Tonya Harding.
A Poll Is A Poll Is A Poll
WND reports more than half of Americans want Obama impeached.
Rasmussen reports business as usual.
RealClearPolitics confirms business as usual.
Rasmussen reports business as usual.
RealClearPolitics confirms business as usual.
Howard Dean Calls Benghazi "A Laughable Joke"
Here's a knee slapper for you. Ha Ha Ha.
Monday, May 20, 2013
MSNBC Hits 7 Year Low
Forward leaning MSNBC's might be an indicator of the left's enthusiasm. Then again it might also be an indicator of conservative enthusiasm as I have taken to watching it as the scandals exploded on the Obama administration. Which ever it is, it ain' t what it used to be. CNN can now look down its nose them. Last week (May 13-17 ) MSNBC had its worse week since July of 2006. With 350,000 viewers on average and 94,000 among the adults 25-54 demo, MSNBC had its least-watched and lowest-rated total-day results of the year last week. That was also the lowest total-day demo result the network has had since the week of June 26-July 2, 2006, when MSNBC pulled in just 83,000 viewers among adults 25-54, according to Nielsen data.
How deeply is the National Treasury Employees Union involved in the IRS scandal?
It's just coincidence. The president of the National Treasury Employees Union meets with Obama one day before the harassment of the tea party groups begin. Jeffery Lord at the American Spectator makes this stunning report.
To me the question of White House involvement was not if but how. My suspicion has been focused on the IRS's office of general counsel but the coordination of attacks on tea party groups and Romney contributors through tax audits, OSHA inspections, ATF visits could have easily been facilitated through the respective unions of those organizations.According to the White House Visitors Log, provided here in searchable form by U.S. News and World Report, the president of the anti-Tea Party National Treasury Employees Union, Colleen Kelley, visited the White House at 12:30pm that Wednesday noon time of March 31st.
The White House lists the IRS union leader’s visit this way:
Kelley, Colleen Potus 03/31/2010 12:30
In White House language, “POTUS” stands for “President of the United States.”
The very next day after her White House meeting with the President, according to the Treasury Department’s Inspector General’s Report, IRS employees — the same employees who belong to the NTEU — set to work in earnest targeting the Tea Party and conservative groups around America. The IG report wrote it up this way:
April 1-2, 2010: The new Acting Manager, Technical Unit, suggested the need for a Sensitive Case Report on the Tea Party cases. The Determinations Unit Program Manager Agreed.
In short: the very day after the president of the quite publicly anti-Tea Party labor union — the union for IRS employees — met with President Obama, the manager of the IRS “Determinations Unit Program agreed” to open a “Sensitive Case report on the Tea party cases.” As stated by the IG report.
The NTEU is the 150,000 member union that represents IRS employees along with 30 other separate government agencies. Kelley herself is a 14-year IRS veteran agent. The union’s PAC endorsed President Obama in both 2008 and 2012, and gave hundreds of thousands of dollars in the 2010 and 2012 election cycles to anti-Tea Party candidates.
Putting IRS employees in the position of actively financing anti-Tea Party candidates themselves, while in their official positions in the IRS blocking, auditing, or intimidating Tea Party and conservative groups around the country.
Win Dinner with Moochelle and Elizabeth Warren

To win our “Michelle, Elizabeth, and You” contest, add your name right away!
You and a guest could win free round-trip travel to Boston, luxury hotel accommodations, and – most importantly – a special lunch with Michelle Obama and Elizabeth Warren!
The page goes on to state that no contribution is necessary and that contributing will not up your chances of winning. Considering the page appears on the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee's I'll wager that someone is going to check party registration before the winner is announced.
Just to add a male perspective, I think drinking and dining with Senator Bob Menendez and Eliot Spitzer would be a lot more fun.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Reviewing The Worship of Barack Hussein Obama. Part VIII
Scandal! Scandal! Scandal! What does the president do? He plays his 123rd round of presidential golf. Second place in presidential golf is 73 rounds, or so I am told.
So how does the president's aloofness affect his approval ratings? They remain high. Facts mean nothing. Worship is unconditional.
The story of Barack Hussein Obama is part Orwell, part "Twilight Zone," part Jonestown and part "Invasion of The Body Snatchers." Obama has made rational appeals to certain special interest groups (the legal profession, unions, teachers, illegal immigrants to name a few) but Obama voters are largely irrational. That is not a patronizing assessment nor is it a snide commentary about people who do not share my political views. It is simply reaffirming the obvious: Barack Obama's ongoing political campaign rarely, if ever, appeals to the voter's rational faculties. For non-members of special interest groups, supporting Barack Obama is a non-rational undertaking.
Obama followers cannot articulate their love anymore than a teenager can explain her first crush. It is visceral, not analytical. It is based not on reason, but sentiment. For many, the ardor blossomed into full blown religious expression. Fools like me underestimated the breadth and depth of Obama worship. It is real. It is too real.
This blog started out chronicling displays of Obama worship. We joked about Obama worship but we didn't literally mean it. Those idiots in 2008, they were just caught up in the moment, right? Wrong! The worship was and is literal. As genuine as Jonestown.
I wrongly thought I could change people's minds by showcasing folly in the extreme. I posted dozens of disturbing videos of silly Obama supporters. Sadly, I barely scratched the surface. There are hundreds of Youtube videos of fools bowing down to a hollow man they do not know and don't care to know. Who needs facts when one is showered with a bounty of such splendid iconography?
Somewhere along the way this blogger felt that he had made his point. Yes, the cult of Obama was as creepy as it gets. The fundamentalists would still bow down to their messiah. Can't save the mindless, no. But most Obama voters would distance themselves from the Kool-Aid cult if only to retain a measure of self-respect. Wrong! 2012.
An aside. The 2008 election made me rethink the merits of organized religion. We are a religious species. If we don't find a sane outlet for our religiosity, we might end up following a sleazy-cheesy community organizer whose real intentions are shrouded in mystery.
Religion by its very nature requires the participant to think in a pararational manner. Fully engage one's knowledge to its limits and then defer to faith. There were guard rails in place. Idolatry was strictly prohibited. The exercise of religion did not license one to practice self-delusion as a preferred lifestyle.
It is imperative that opponents of Barack Obama come to grips with reality. It is time we face the ugly truth. Let us acknowledge the obvious:
1. The worship of Barack Obama is literal.
2. The cult of Barack Obama is colossal. Humanity has never before witnessed a religious cult that has snared so many, so fast. The ramifications have largely been ignored.
3. The worship of Barack Obama is by no means spontaneous. From fainting women to the Obama Halo, from the rewritten spirituals that praise the new messiah to the hypnotic speeches void of content, the deification of Barack Obama is deliberate and it is contrived. Look closely and you will see the marionette's strings and the steely determination written on the faces of skillful puppet masters.
4. Obama fundamentalists, as with other fundamentalists, cannot be swayed with logic. They will not and cannot "come to their senses."
5. Obama worshipers are dangerous people.
6. A personality that embraces his own deification is a dangerous human being! This can never be under emphasized.
Originally embedded June 6, 2010
Originally embedded June 27, 2010
Originally embedded July 18, 2010
Massive Tea Party Protest Planned
If you haven't been in touch with your Tea Party group you may want to check your email. Tea Party Patriots will conduct a national protest of the abusive practices of the IRS on Tuesday May 21, 2013 at noon local time. Additional information is available here.
Bureaucrats Say The Darndest Things!
Let's do the math. The the IRS and its defenders contend that in the beginning of 2010 there was a sharp up tick in the number of applications seeking 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) status. There is some variation in these numbers depending on the source. Quoting from the inspector general's report;
Getting the numbers on the TE/GE's workload is not easy but we can view one source. Speaking at the Georgetown University Law Center of Continuing Legal Education on June 23,2009 one Sarah Hall Ingram delivered a speech entitled Nonprofit Governance – The View from the IRS. If, for the sake of argument, we believe Ingram and use her numbers, an annual increase of 903 cited by the inspector general's report (3398-1591=1807/2=903) would constitute less than 5 days of work if one assumes the staffing level remained unchanged since the 3 year period of which she spoke.
Also notice in the above text that as of 2008 there existed 1.9 million tax exempt entities yet the absurd argument put forth by defenders of the IRS is that the 300 or so tea party groups are a threat to the solvency of the government. We have yet to hear that concern when speaking of Planned Parenthood or Media Matters.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics!
" Between 2010 and 2012, the number of applications for 501(c)(4) status more than doubled, from 1,591 to 3,398."Lois Lerner provided slightly different numbers but one assumes they are both referencing the same approximate groups. FoxNews reports the following.
During the conference earlier Friday, Lerner said the number of groups filing for the tax-exempt status more than doubled from 2010 to 2012, to more than 3,400. To handle the influx, the IRS centralized its review of these applications in the office in Cincinnati. As part of the review, staffers look for signs that groups are participating in political activity. If so, IRS agents take a closer look to make sure that politics isn't the group's primary activity, Lerner said.The pretext that the tax exempt division of the IRS (TE/GE) was suddenly inundated to the point of paralysis has been allowed to stand far to long. Driven by a desire to achieve essential efficiency to meet the horrendous surge in 501(c)(4) applications, the IRS employed dubious methodology that inadvertently singled out tea party groups. Usually the speaker manages to include a pejorative mention of the Citizens United decision as if that expansion of corporate political rights somehow birthed the tea party movement.
In all, about 300 groups were singled out for additional review, Lerner said. Of those, about a quarter were singled out because they had "tea party" or "patriot" somewhere in their applications. Lerner said 150 of the cases have been closed and no group had its tax-exempt status revoked, though some withdrew their applications.
Getting the numbers on the TE/GE's workload is not easy but we can view one source. Speaking at the Georgetown University Law Center of Continuing Legal Education on June 23,2009 one Sarah Hall Ingram delivered a speech entitled Nonprofit Governance – The View from the IRS. If, for the sake of argument, we believe Ingram and use her numbers, an annual increase of 903 cited by the inspector general's report (3398-1591=1807/2=903) would constitute less than 5 days of work if one assumes the staffing level remained unchanged since the 3 year period of which she spoke.
The number of approved tax-exempt organizations in 2008 was 1.9 million, and that does not include all churches. This represents a 50 percent increase since 1995. In the three years I was away from TE/GE, the Service approved more than 200,000 new applications for tax-exempt status – that’s 182 organizations every day, Saturday, Sunday and federal holidays included. Even over the last year the number of applicants has not fallen off, but actually appears to have slightly increased.Now, one can quibble that the inspector general's report and Lois Lerner's numbers quoted above refer specifically to 501(c)(4) applications but is the IRS's expertise is so compartmentalized that only a limited number of tax specialists can process that particular type of application? Could not the additional work be pushed of on other employees when they got back from their coffee breaks or internet porn searches? This is an agency that is processing more than 70,000 applications per year and we are to believe that 300 or so tea party groups broke the camels back?
Also notice in the above text that as of 2008 there existed 1.9 million tax exempt entities yet the absurd argument put forth by defenders of the IRS is that the 300 or so tea party groups are a threat to the solvency of the government. We have yet to hear that concern when speaking of Planned Parenthood or Media Matters.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics!
Reviewing The Worship of Barack Hussein Obama. Part VII
In reviewing the worship of Barack Hussein Obama I am struck with how many videos have been pulled from youtube. Youtube, as most people know, was purchased long ago by Google and Google has been a staunch, relentless supporter of Obama. I did not save vids, I merely embedded them. So, many of the more absurd displays of worship are gone.
It is possible that some of the sillier displays of affection were removed because the creators felt some shame or embarrassment at their public drooling. I would like to think that this might have happened but Obama supporters are largely immune to shame, embarrassment or guilt. For whatever reasons about half of the embedded videos are now gone.
The story of Barack Hussein Obama is part Orwell, part "Twilight Zone," part Jonestown and part "Invasion of The Body Snatchers." Obama has made rational appeals to certain special interest groups (the legal profession, unions, teachers, illegal immigrants to name a few) but Obama voters are largely irrational. That is not a patronizing assessment nor is it a snide commentary about people who do not share my political views. It is simply reaffirming the obvious: Barack Obama's ongoing political campaign rarely, if ever, appeals to the voter's rational faculties. For non-members of special interest groups, supporting Barack Obama is a non-rational undertaking.
Obama followers cannot articulate their love anymore than a teenager can explain her first crush. It is visceral, not analytical. It is based not on reason, but sentiment. For many, the ardor blossomed into full blown religious expression. Fools like me underestimated the breadth and depth of Obama worship. It is real. It is too real.
This blog started out chronicling displays of Obama worship. We joked about Obama worship but we didn't literally mean it. Those idiots in 2008, they were just caught up in the moment, right? Wrong! The worship was and is literal. As genuine as Jonestown.
I wrongly thought I could change people's minds by showcasing folly in the extreme. I posted dozens of disturbing videos of silly Obama supporters. Sadly, I barely scratched the surface. There are hundreds of Youtube videos of fools bowing down to a hollow man they do not know and don't care to know. Who needs facts when one is showered with a bounty of such splendid iconography?
Somewhere along the way this blogger felt that he had made his point. Yes, the cult of Obama was as creepy as it gets. The fundamentalists would still bow down to their messiah. Can't save the mindless, no. But most Obama voters would distance themselves from the Kool-Aid cult if only to retain a measure of self-respect. Wrong! 2012.
An aside. The 2008 election made me rethink the merits of organized religion. We are a religious species. If we don't find a sane outlet for our religiosity, we might end up following a sleazy-cheesy community organizer whose real intentions are shrouded in mystery.
Religion by its very nature requires the participant to think in a pararational manner. Fully engage one's knowledge to its limits and then defer to faith. There were guard rails in place. Idolatry was strictly prohibited. The exercise of religion did not license one to practice self-delusion as a preferred lifestyle.
It is imperative that opponents of Barack Obama come to grips with reality. It is time we face the ugly truth. Let us acknowledge the obvious:
1. The worship of Barack Obama is literal.
2. The cult of Barack Obama is colossal. Humanity has never before witnessed a religious cult that has snared so many, so fast. The ramifications have largely been ignored.
3. The worship of Barack Obama is by no means spontaneous. From fainting women to the Obama Halo, from the rewritten spirituals that praise the new messiah to the hypnotic speeches void of content, the deification of Barack Obama is deliberate and it is contrived. Look closely and you will see the marionette's strings and the steely determination written on the faces of skillful puppet masters.
4. Obama fundamentalists, as with other fundamentalists, cannot be swayed with logic. They will not and cannot "come to their senses."
5. Obama worshipers are dangerous people.
6. A personality that embraces his own deification is a dangerous human being! This can never be under emphasized.
Originally embedded 3/21/2010. Was that the night Congress passed Obamacare?
Originally embedded 5/2/2010
I might be getting chumped on this one. This guy is over the top. To him, references to traditional dieties in public schools is stupid, bad, etc., but Obama worship is just dandy. His monologue is so dumb one has to wonder if he isn't an infiltrator trying to discredit the Obama cult. But he sounds sincere.
I will remove the embed if this buffoon turns out to be an infiltrator.
For all of our sarcasm and snide disapproval of Obama worship, here is a scholarly article that addresses the phenomenon in a serious, even-mannered tone (and in an even-toned manner.)
I was not the only observer who noticed the worship of Barack Hussein Obama.
Originally embedded 5/22/2010
I can't agree with everything this guy says but the vid features footage of brain dead Obotomy victims. What says idiocy as loudly or clearly as an "O" tattoo?
Whereas I just showed raw footage of Obots, this videographer connected the dots
Originally embedded 5/30/2010
Cover Up! IRS Denied Existence of FOIA Requested Documents
I cannot recall an instance where a federal agency lied about a FOIA request but maybe the IRS was out to make history. The Internal Revenue Service denied the existence of any documents related to its policy of targeting Tea Party organizations in response to a 2010 Freedom of Information Act request but surprise! The Inspector General found the requested documents. The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law, a conservative nonprofit group, filed a FOIA request in 2010 seeking all IRS documents related to the agencies tax-exempt division specifically mentioning the Tea Party. The IRS responded it had no such documents but they were found and mentioned in the May 14 inspector general's report.
“Either IRS Headquarters was entirely incompetent in maintaining awareness of prominent policies and documents within the IRS, or it deliberately covered up the existence of anti-conservative IRS policies. Either is terrifying,” Maurice Thompson, Executive Director of the 1851 Center, said in a statement. “Legal action is necessary to ensure that the IRS does not lie to taxpayers in this manner in the future.”
Elsewhere, Fox19 in Cincinnati has identified 5 agents in the regional office who engaged in the targeting of tea party groups. This local television station has done outstanding reporting on the IRS's abuse of tea party groups.
“Either IRS Headquarters was entirely incompetent in maintaining awareness of prominent policies and documents within the IRS, or it deliberately covered up the existence of anti-conservative IRS policies. Either is terrifying,” Maurice Thompson, Executive Director of the 1851 Center, said in a statement. “Legal action is necessary to ensure that the IRS does not lie to taxpayers in this manner in the future.”
Elsewhere, Fox19 in Cincinnati has identified 5 agents in the regional office who engaged in the targeting of tea party groups. This local television station has done outstanding reporting on the IRS's abuse of tea party groups.
Boudleaux and Felice Bryant

Suppose a classical violinist from Georgia struck up a conversation with an elevator operator in a Milwaukee hotel. Normally if they married 5 days later we would say they were rash but there were extenuating circumstances. Matilda Genevieve Scaduto explained that she immediately recognized Diadorius Boudleaux Bryant as the man she had been dreaming about since she was 8 years old except he didn't have a beard. Miss Scaduto not only took Bryant's sir name but also his pet name for her, Felice. Felice was an incurable romantic who had written poetry for her own amusement since she was in grade school. Boudleaux had played violin since he was 5 and played one season in the Atlanta Philharmonic. With Felice as the lyricist and Boudleaux writing the music they became the George and Ira Gershwin of rock and roll and country music. From 1947 until Boudleaux's death in 1987 the couple composed songs that have sold an estimated 350 million records worldwide. For the Everly Brothers they wrote; Bye Bye Love, Problems, Bird Dog, and Take A Message To Mary. One of the songs offered to them, Raining In My Heart, they passed to Buddy Holly, who recorded the song at his final session in 1958, and enjoyed a posthumous hit the following year. Their songs were recorded by Roy Orbison, Tony Bennett, Sonny James, Eddy Arnold, Bob Moore, Charley Pride, Nazareth, Jim Reeves, Leo Sayer, Jerry Lee Lewis, Simon & Garfunkel, Sarah Vaughan, The Grateful Dead, Elvis Costello, Count Basie, Dean Martin, Ray Charles, Gram Parsons, and Bob Dylan.
Three songs are classics; Roy Clark's Come Live Me, You're the Reason God Made Oklahoma, and Rocky Top which was recorded first by the Osborne Brothers, and like another Tennessee favorite, The Tennessee Waltz, originally recorded on the B side.
Keep on the Sunny Side
I'm tired of posting all this depressing news. I'm going to keep on the sunny side for awhile. The Whites perform a Carter family favorite "Keep on the Sunny Side". The lead singer, Sharon, is married to Ricky Skaggs. Her sister
Cheryl and father Buck complete the group. This clip taken from RFDTV's "Country Family Reunion", is about 10 years old. Many of the audience have since died.
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