Saturday, May 25, 2013

Reviewing The Worship Of Barack Hussein Obama. Part X

When it became perfectly clear that the president was a crook, most Republicans abandoned Richard Milhous Nixon. It was Republican Senator Howard Baker (with counselor Fred Thompson by his side) who asked the now infamous, "What did the president know and when did he know it?" As the sleaze piled up, Lowell Weicker, Republican Senator from Connecticut, stood up and defended his party while distancing the GOP from the White House. When it became all too obvious that Nixon had lied repeatedly to the American people, Republican Senator and conservative icon Barry Goldwater paid the president a personal visit and asked Tricky Dick to step aside.

Don't be disappointed if nothing like that happens with Obama. The zeal is real. Barack Obama is a deity for half of the country. Let's face it; they don't make Democrats like they used to. They cannot be trusted to do the right thing. We can count on them to worship their god and to attack his critics now and forever.

The story of Barack Hussein Obama is part Orwell, part "Twilight Zone," part Jonestown and part "Invasion of The Body Snatchers." Obama has made rational appeals to certain special interest groups (the legal profession, unions, teachers, illegal immigrants to name a few) but Obama voters are largely irrational. That is not a patronizing assessment nor is it a snide commentary about people who do not share my political views. It is simply reaffirming the obvious: Barack Obama's ongoing political campaign rarely, if ever, appeals to the voter's rational faculties. For non-members of special interest groups, supporting Barack Obama is a non-rational undertaking.

Obama followers cannot articulate their love anymore than a teenager can explain her first crush. It is visceral, not analytical. It is based not on reason, but sentiment. For many, the ardor blossomed into full blown religious expression. Fools like me underestimated the breadth and depth of Obama worship. It is real. It is too real.

This blog started out chronicling displays of Obama worship. We joked about Obama worship but we didn't literally mean it. Those idiots in 2008, they were just caught up in the moment, right? Wrong! The worship was and is literal. As genuine as Jonestown.

I wrongly thought I could change people's minds by showcasing folly in the extreme. I posted dozens of disturbing videos of silly Obama supporters. Sadly, I barely scratched the surface. There are hundreds of Youtube videos of fools bowing down to a hollow man they do not know and don't care to know. Who needs facts when one is showered with a bounty of such splendid iconography?

Somewhere along the way this blogger felt that he had made his point. Yes, the cult of Obama was as creepy as it gets. The fundamentalists would still bow down to their messiah. Can't save the mindless, no. But most Obama voters would distance themselves from the Kool-Aid cult if only to retain a measure of self-respect. Wrong! 2012.

An aside. The 2008 election made me rethink the merits of organized religion. We are a religious species. If we don't find a sane outlet for our religiosity, we might end up following a sleazy-cheesy community organizer whose real intentions are shrouded in mystery. 

Religion by its very nature requires the participant to think in a pararational manner. Fully engage one's knowledge to its limits and then defer to faith. There were guard rails in place. Idolatry was strictly prohibited. The exercise of religion did not license one to practice self-delusion as a preferred lifestyle.

It is imperative that opponents of Barack Obama come to grips with reality. It is time we face the ugly truth. Let us acknowledge the obvious:

1. The worship of Barack Obama is literal.

2. The cult of Barack Obama is colossal. Humanity has never before witnessed a religious cult that has snared so many, so fast. The ramifications have largely been ignored.

3. The worship of Barack Obama is by no means spontaneous. From fainting women to the Obama Halo, from the rewritten spirituals that praise the new messiah to the hypnotic speeches void of content, the deification of Barack Obama is deliberate and it is contrived. Look closely and you will see the marionette's strings and the steely determination written on the faces of skillful puppet masters.

4. Obama fundamentalists, as with other fundamentalists, cannot be swayed with logic. They will not and cannot "come to their senses."

5.  Obama worshipers are dangerous people. 

6. A personality that embraces his own deification is a dangerous human being! This can never be under emphasized. 

Originally posted August 23, 2010

We have tried to reserve Sundays for Obama worship and Mondays for media bias. Truth is, it is hard to decide in which category to put some videos. This gem holds up well for so many reasons. For one thing, the content of the message has proven itself true. Obama has shown himself to be little more than a celebrity whose merit beyond attention-seeking is dubious at best.

It also shows the king's horsemen in all of their luster and splendor. 5 minutes of a 22 minute newscast devoted to defining a legitimate concern as "negative." Criticize the chosen one? How dare they!

They go to great pains to belabor the point that Obama has not gone negative. No, and that was the key to his victory. He had the press corpse attack his opponents for him. That way he could be the unifier. The high-minded candidate who refused to jump into the sewer. Let the plebes take the plunge for you, Your Excellency.

Like a finely-cut jewel, this video has ever so many facets to marvel.

First, a word from our sponsor: Click Here!


Originally posted August 28, 2010


Originally posted September 5, 2010

All this work. All this effort. All this energy. For what?


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