Monday, October 14, 2019

Youtube is Getting Fast At Deleting Politically Incorrect Videos

Scroll down and you will see the Candace Owens video scrubbed.

10 hours ago I posted a vid that showed ABC News reporting on Trump's slaughter of our Kurdish allies. It would be revealed that the live footage had actually been lifted off of YouTube of all places and originated at a firing range in Kentucky. That video has also been scrubbed.

I don't know what was going on in Kentucky but they had some serious after dark fire power.

Being that the last vid got deleted, I will try with a slight variation on the same theme.

Bye Bye Shepherd Smith

There are two kinds of people who hate Fox News. Those who have never watched the network and those that have. Put me in the latter category.

I vehemently reject the notion that Fox News presented an alternative viewpoint to the mainstream media. Will few exceptions, they parroted the mainstreamers and they largely promoted the same agenda. My rough estimate is that 80% of their programming in 2016 was either Pro-Hillary or Anti-Trump.

My list of grievances, criticisms and corrections with and of Fox News is long and life is short. So let's leave Brett Baier and The Five and Outnumbered and the endless manifestations of Greg Gutfeld and the whole dork parade of overpaid buffoons aside and focus on but one overpaid buffoon: Shepherd Smith.

For 23 years Shepherd Smith has had 10 hours a week to speak falsely and rest assured, he took full advantage of the opportunities presented. That is 10x the time Janine Pirro is given. It is twice as much time as Tucker Carlson is allotted. Next to the early bird fluff news peeps, Shepherd had more screen time than anyone.

Smith was the face and the soul of Fox news. For 23 years he badmouthed Republicans, conservatives, tea-partiers, Trump Nation and any other non-Democrat. Falsity, half-truth, willful omission of significant detail, character assassination...Smith was a journalist's journalist. He could outpropagandize CNN in 1/3 the time.

When I heard recently that Shepherd Smith got canned, I was pleased. Fox News is not salvageable in my view but if they want to redeem themselves, this is a good start.

Following the Smith bye-bye, Project Veritas is releasing some great CNN hidden camera work. On the same day, ABC News is caught using footage taken at a Kentucky gun range to prosecute Trump's latest atrocity, his alleged genocide of the Kurdish people. I live for moments like this.

Bye bye Shepherd. Go count your money. Go write your memoirs. Go live the good life. But go! Go! Please go!

Life is good.

ABC News - Fake news report: All out military assault breaks out against...

PART 1: CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Per...

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A message from Finland to the Q-patriots around the world

Two quick points.

1. THE STORM is long overdue. If we have a choice between Q drops and Q manifestations, we should choose the latter.

2. More relevant here: We have asked ourselves repeatedly if Trump is a cult of personality or part of a worldwide populist uprising. From Poland to Saudi Arabia and to North and South Korea,Trump is cheered. He has friends among the Brexit crowd and fans in Hong Kong.

Q pops up in Berlin, the Hague, among the Yellow Shirts in France and apparently he has a following in Finland. Q is a populist. So is Trump.

Populism is a double edged sword and one should wield it with caution but we would be fools to ignore its ascent.

From my perspective. the current ruling class has exceeded its leeway on corruption, abuse of power, stupidity and incompetence. They all have to go. All of them.


Sunday, September 8, 2019

Old News But Funny Nonetheless: Walmart Sues Tesla Over Fire-Starting Solar Panels

In years past I would be dancing the remote in between the Red Sox and the Patriots. I cut the cord a while back and I don't miss it. I could get local channels if I wanted to but as I said, I really don't miss it.

This story is almost a month old. I try to curb my schadenfreude but sometimes I just can't help it.

Understand, I am supportive on solar energy and I think powersats have a yuge future. What I resent are the greenback con artists who sell the idea that practical solar energy is here and is ready to replace less politically correct forms of energy.

Moore's Law states that every eighteen months computer power doubles and the doubled power is available at half the cost. Actually, Moore originally had the trend on a twentyfour month cycle but that cycle speeded up to eighteen months along the way.

By comparison, it took solar energy about thirty years to double output at half the cost (early 1970's to whatever we call that first decade of this century.) Most of the cost savings came from moving production to China.

I repeat my prediction: One hundred years from now, solar and wind power will be the energies of the future.Having said that, let us also state that it could be a bumpy one hundred years at that.

This story cam out around August 20 but I was not blogging at the time. Not that I blog much now but I have found the time and focus to share some interesting links.

Hey! USA Today can get a story straight after all.

 Walmart has filed a lawsuit against Tesla's energy division, claiming breach of contract after fires at several stores that were using the electric car maker's solar panels.
In the lawsuit filed Tuesday in New York State Supreme Court, Walmart says fires broke out at "no fewer than seven" stores between 2012 and 2018 and caused millions of dollars in damage. One store in Ohio had to be closed for eight days.

From Electrek

Just in time for CNN's climate scare extravaganza, so it seems.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

My Significant Disagreements with Donald Trump

 I don't have any grievances with the president. I have a couple of gentleman's disagreements and I will get to them shortly.

Ideologically, Trump is a 1980's Democrat. For younger readers, there was a time--and it was not long ago--when Democrats were normal people. They were people who loved beer and bowling and 4th of July parades. They were every bit as patriotic and pro-American as the Republicans. Yes, there was a fringe of lunacy but easily be overlooked.

Ronald Reagan was a good president but I don't know if things would have been radically different if Bill Bradley had occupied the White House instead. Bill Bradley, Gary Hart, Bob Kerry do not approximately equal Joe Bide, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

I digress. My disagreements with the current president. Oh yes. I believe in free trade in the abstract and I believe in international free trade. So I do not agree with President Trump's use of tariffs to advance an agenda. Ultimately, the US consumer pays the the tab.

But....if we are going to go down the road, who better to drive the bus than the author of "The Art of The Deal'? Add to that, this man's virtuoso performance in all things related to foreign policy (bringing peace to the Korean Peninsula for instance) and I have to defer to his judgment.

I also wish Trump was more of a fiscal hawk. Debt constitutes a genuine emergency.Yes, he is growing the economy but I do wish he would cut spending significantly. Maybe next term?

Recently Real Donald Trump tweeted out a plea for quantitative easing. QE is deceptive if not fraudulent no matter who inflicts this flim flam on the people.

Free trade. Cheap Asian labor. King Dollar. Bleeding NPR and PBS in the first acts of curbing fiscal waste. So I got four disagreements with the president. Four.

 Maybe if I tried harder I could come up with five or six disagreements.with our current president. For now, I am just going to enjoy the sunshine. These are happy days.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Is This The Gettysburg of The Information War?

We are grateful that the Second Civil War has not gone kinetic but it has intensified.

Keenly aware that this is a Google-provided forum as is YouTube, let me state state boldy, "Beware The Google Political Complex."

We have railed against the brainwash broadcasters and antisocial media but these fading glories have nowhere near the massive influence of Google. Cumulatively, they are not a close second.

Q-Anon plays into this story. Q-Anon ingeniously employed the unlikely platforms at first 4-Chan and later 8-Chan to defeat the tech giants at their own game. Earlier this month, both 4-Chan and 8-Chan have been taken out. Q has been silenced.

I should say that as far as I am concerned we don't need Q drops as much as we need action. Yes, it was important to boost our spirits and inform us of a coming storm, but the storm is now long overdue. When is now if. Put up or shut up, Q.

Will Q find a new forum? Probably yes, but Google has made it difficult to find any information about the subject. Do a Google search and you will be deluged by pages and pages of MSM-generated  Q-Anon-Conspiracy-Theory-Gullible-White-Supremacists...Google has selected the final word, the first word and every passage in between.

Meanwhile, I can say with certainty that Youtube has made it difficult to find any Q-related videos. I like InPursuitOfTruth, CitizensInvestigativeReport, X-22 Report to name a few. A few months ago I could watch Katie G at CIR and her video would be followed by an array of other Q-Anon vids. Now if you scroll down the autoplay lineup it is nothing but Fox News videos. Same with every other Q-Anon decoders. Phony Ass Fox News!

The term "controlled opposition" has been used to describe Fox News. We agree with the former but I will dispute the latter. YouTube had been a refuge for those of us who abandoned Fox News long ago, Now I trouble escaping the Sheps and the Donnas and the Geraldos. Google has cut our supply lines.

Let me leave you with a long but compelling video (actually a podcast) about a Goggle whistle blower. This guy has weathered some serious adversity for exposing our overlords. Olease give this guy your attention.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy Independence Day

We are moving forward spiritually, socially and materially. It is palpable and it is good. The light was there and Trump flipped the switch.

Here's a feel good story for us. The Gibson Bakery in Ohio was defamed both officially and unofficially (despite the college's contention) by Oberlin College. They sued and were awarded $44 million.

Maybe the fascists will think twice before reflexively labeling innocent people racist. Let's hope this is the first of many libel suits.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Woman calls out Rep. Amash at town hall for turning on Trump

Now that I post irregularly it occurs to me how difficult it has become to find raw footage. I had seen snippets of this woman's on-target criticism of Jeff Flake II and wanted to present her rant in its original form.

All I could get was spin. MSNBC spin. Local news spin--that petty much recycled the meme that states that 2010 and 2014 wave elections were due to anti-incumbent bias--and Fox News spin. In fairness, Jesse Watters did go right to the source to elucidate the spectacle. Chris Matthews brought in a couple of far removed blatherheads to parrot his own talking points.

By the way, Soros And Company are packing these town halls with their activist-actors and Amash took the bait, playing to their approval.

Despite all the hubbub I don't think Rep. Amash answered any critical question. For all of your professed libertarianism and supposed respect for the constitution, why have you remained silent about the tsunami of civil rights abuses under the Obama Administration? Does the top down corruption at the FBI and DOJ merit your tacit approval? Did the hyper-partisan Mueller investigation, an investigation launched without criminal predicate (as it ignored foreign and specifically Russian influence peddling that benefited the Democrat Party in 2016) not raise any constitutional concerns? Will your ever address the FISA abuses that nearly stole an election from your constituents?

I for one do not see a bright political future for Benedict Amash.

Sunday, May 26, 2019


One America News is supposed to be what Fox is supposed to be.  I wish them well.

Friday, March 29, 2019

"MAKE NOISE 4 Q" sign walked the entire line at the Trump Rally!

Premise: Someone holding a sign that says "Make Noise For Q" walks in front of people lined up for a Trump rally.

You might not want to watch the entire video but please notice two interesting points.

1. It takes this videographer 20 minutes to cover the wraparound crowd. It does not appear that 45's popularity is on the decline.

2. A lot of people are now familiar with the Q phenomenon. Q is mainstream.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

David Brooks et al: Can They Ever Be Honest?

So David Brooks wrote an editorial is the ever-sleazy NYT. The headline looks good. Beatle O'Rourke and Gus Hall Brennan should apologize for accusing DJT of treason. Then, we are treated to David Brooks being David Brooks.

Republicans and the Sean Hannity-style Trumpians might also approach this moment with an attitude of humility and honest self-examination. For two years they’ve been calling the Mueller investigation a witch hunt. For two years they’ve been spreading the libel that there are no honest brokers in Washington. It’s all a deep-state conspiracy, a swamp. They should apologize for peddling the sort of deep cynicism that undermines our country’s institutions.

It most certainly was a witch hunt. It was ignited by Obama political appointees who knew tere was zero criminal predicate. All the while, they willfully overlooked the Dems and their assistance from hostile foreign actors including but not limited to George Soros, Carlos Slim, Christopher Steele and even Russian oligarchs.

Yes, we did peddle the obvious: that honest Washingtonians are few and far betwwen. Inconvenient truth: It was a deep-state conspiracy. If you want to talk about undermining our nation's institutions, start with with James Comey and Barack Obama.

The nation’s underlying divides are still ideological, but we rarely fight them honestly as philosophical differences. We just accuse the other side of corruption. Politics is no longer a debate; it’s an attempt to destroy lives through accusation.

More horseshit. We are opposed by a mob of idiots whose components are unable to express ideology, philosophy or values. Thus, the need to silence us as we can advance our viewpoints with logic and reason. The Dems' only values are loyalty to the Democrat Party and blind fealty to its leaders.

The political media, especially on TV, now has a template it can apply whenever a scandal looms into view, to hook viewers into the speculative story line. According to the Tyndall Report, the three main broadcast networks made the Russia collusion investigation the second-most-covered news event of 2018, trailing only the Kavanaugh hearings, another scandal.

A truthful tidbit but watch how Brooks follows up. 
All the players slip into their assigned roles. Straight reporters are doing good, hard work. But the flow of information is not fast enough to keep up with 24/7 programming, so you get this toxic deluge of raw speculation.
More inconvenient truth. The MSM continuously advanced a narrative that they either knew to be false.  If they did not know the Russian narrative was created by political operatives and parroted by other political operatives, they should have known. The Russian Collusion was a less credible, less believable conspiracy theory than the Queen Mother Peddles Heroin or the ongoing Loch Ness coverup. If integrity was not available, could they not used a little common sense? Rhetorical question.

The Democrats won the 2018 midterms by focusing on the issues, not collusion. For most voters, politics is about their lives, not a self-righteous TV show.
LIE! The Dems won the mid-terms not by talking about issues but by piling on even more character assassinations. What is worse, it seems that Mueller and company could have completed their report prior to the midterms but they sat on it to help their Democrat allies.

People like David Brooks just cannot be honest for very long.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Requiem For A Website

My website is going to go dark. I will not renew my GoDaddy fees and the site will go wherever dead websites go.

Truth is, I had been neglecting the site for a couple of years. It would be a full time job to chronicle all of the Obama silliness and I already work full time.

I am proud of How America Became Jonestown and even with my dimiinished efforts, the site still holds some gems. My favorite is the parrot trained to say "yes we can" positioned next to human parrots chanting the same idiotic slogan.

The site also featured babies taught to speak the word "Obama", "Hope" the musical, people praying to--not for--Obama and sycophants who take their art form to previously unimaginable levels.

 The weirdest thing I have ever witnessed was the deification of Barack Obama. The zombie idiom rose in tandem with Obama worship because it represented a fear that could not be expressed literally, at least not in places like Hollywood.

Ten years ago this blog set out to make the point that Barack Obama was a vapid figure who was not qualified for public office, much less the presidency. This blog also wanted to highlight media bias and to sound a clarion to resist destructive economic policies that would lead us to a debt of $20 trillion with nothing to show for it.

This blog wanted to showcase the corrupt nature of Obama the candidate and later the Obama Administration. Surprisingly, that would be a constant battle that continues to this day. It surprises me just how varied and constant the graft and abuses of power would spew from that band of thugs. Yes, there was Donald Young and Larry Sinclair, a stolen Iowa caucus and dark money from abroad but we did not foresee the president loading up $1.6 billion cash on a pallet to send to his allies in Iran. We did not foresee him using a private email to communicate with a corrupt and possibly seditious Secretary of State.We did not foresee IRS abuses and domestic spying on a scale never before imagined. Not even we the cynical could predict just how rotten these rotten apples turned out.

The facet of Obamacism that eclipses all else is the elevation of Barack Obama to demi-god status. I for one thought that Obama would go the way of the Hula Hoop and the Cabbage Patch Doll. I had no idea that his followers were as silly as they would turn out to be and I expected some of them to outgrow their foolishness, I had no idea it was so deep and so wide and so damn permanent.

How America Became Jonestown is a website that tried to chronicle Obama Worship at its silliest.

From the home page:

The Ugly Truth

The story of Barack Hussein Obama is part Orwell, part "Twilight Zone," part Jonestown and part "Invasion of The Body Snatchers." Obama has made rational appeals to certain special interest groups (the legal profession, unions, teachers, illegal immigrants to name a few) but Obama voters are largely irrational. That is not a patronizing assessment nor is it a snide commentary about people who do not share my political views. It is simply reaffirming the obvious: Barack Obama's ongoing political campaign rarely, if ever, appeals to the voter's rational faculties. For non-members of special interest groups, supporting Barack Obama is a non-rational undertaking.

Obama followers cannot articulate their love anymore than a teenager can explain her first crush. It is visceral, not analytical. It is based not on reason, but sentiment. For many, the ardor blossomed into full blown religious expression. Fools like me underestimated the breadth and depth of Obama worship. It is real. It is too real.

This blog started out chronicling displays of Obama worship. We joked about Obama worship but we didn't literally mean it. Those idiots in 2008, they were just caught up in the moment, right? Wrong! The worship was and is literal. As genuine as Jonestown.

I wrongly thought I could change people's minds by showcasing folly in the extreme. I posted dozens of disturbing videos of silly Obama supporters. Sadly, I barely scratched the surface. There are hundreds of Youtube videos of fools bowing down to a hollow man they do not know and don't care to know. Who needs facts when one is showered with a bounty of such splendid iconography?

Somewhere along the way this blogger felt that he had made his point. Yes, the cult of Obama was as creepy as it gets. The fundamentalists would still bow down to their messiah. Can't save the mindless, no. But most Obama voters would distance themselves from the Kool-Aid cult if only to retain a measure of self-respect. Wrong! 2012.

An aside. The 2008 election made me rethink the merits of organized religion. We are a religious species. If we don't find a sane outlet for our religiosity, we might end up following a sleazy-cheesy community organizer whose real intentions are shrouded in mystery. 

Religion by its very nature requires the participant to think in a pararational manner. Fully engage one's knowledge to its limits and then defer to faith. There were guard rails in place. Idolatry was strictly prohibited. The exercise of religion did not license one to practice self-delusion as a preferred lifestyle.

It is imperative that opponents of Barack Obama come to grips with reality. It is time we face the ugly truth. We are witness to the first ever media-generated, media-sanctioned, international religious cult. This is not business as usual. This is Jonestown writ large. Beware the Kool-Aid!

Please visit the site before the light switch is flipped.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Not Exactly A Book Review: "Ship of Fools" by Tucker Carlson.

The complete title is: "Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution" by Tucker Carlson.

I was not always a Tucker Carlson fan. He was on "Crossfire" all those years and I disliked the who Left vs. Right, Lib vs. Con horseshit as I do now. A view I adopted early on is that the struggle is,was and possibly always will be insider vs. outsider.

Angelo Codevilla and others would express this viewpoint better than I was capable. Victor Davis Hanson repeats this theme. So too, does Donald Trump. Tucker Carlson is the last conservative pundit I would have thought would pick up this theme. He was so CNN, so "Weekly Standard."

Oh, and Carlson used to wear a bow tie. Need I say more?

I suppose a ruling class will always be with us. But for noblesse oblige, or whatever the American version of noblesse oblige happens to be, this particular vintage of ruling class has failed all of us. Carlson hammers this point home mercilessly.

The book is an easy and entertaining read. As one who finds insider-bashing to be highly enjoyable, it was too brief. But that's me.

Lew Rockwell did an interview with Carlson that I found interesting. In Donald Trump, many of us -- --including a tsunami of Evangelical Christian voters--recognized a fellow outsider.


Rockwell:  Why do they hate Trump so much?  I mean, such bitter, bitter hatred that I’ve never seen in my lifetime.
Carlson:  Well, it’s not ideological.  And this was something that took me a while to figure out because I am ideological.  You know, I’m interested in ideas.  And I’m not a deep intellectual but I see the world through the lens of ideas.  That’s just my nature.  And so I was baffled by this for the first couple of months.  And during the campaign, it was like Trump, on the merits, is the most moderate Republican, most liberal Republican we’ve ever elected, that’s for sure.
Rockwell:  Mm-hmm.
Carlson:  He’s a casino owner from New York City.  Are you kidding?  So he’s the opposite of evangelicals.  That was always their fear that we would get a theocracy, that Pat Roberts would take control and turn it into a Handmaid’s Tale or whatever.  We got Trump instead and they hate him much more.  They like Mike Pence, the actual evangelical more.  Well, why is that?  It’s really simple.  It’s not about ideas, it’s not about policy.  They don’t care about that.  What they care about is evading personal responsibility for the disasters they’ve created.
So Trump’s main sin is the fact that they can’t control him and he’s likely to say anything.  Trump’s one gift – Trump is obviously not a deep thinker.  I’m not attacking him.  I’m not a deep thinker either.  Trump’s main gift is being able to smell what’s true, the obvious truth, and say it out loud or ask a question about it.

Summary: An informative and entertaining book. If we must have a ruling class, we can do better than these slobs.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Trump Prophecy Repost From June 15, 2017

February 5, 2018:

Several of these vids have since disappeared but I include them anyway to show the popularity of this particular subject. This is a subject I would like to revisit.

Original post follows the line.

I will pass these on with minimal commentary, at least for now.

Not familiar with this neck of the woods, I was unaware that the late John Paul Jackson is a luminary. I thought all the prophets were named Ezekiel or Jeremiah. This guy left a huge Youtube footprint.

What I did not know when I started this search is that Mark Taylor is an industry unto himself. Actually, I don't know if he is capitalizing on his prophetic vision but he is certainly a Youtube superstar. If this whets your appetite, there is plenty more Mark Taylor out there.

Paul Begley's cloeseted dream buddy.

Do prophets have a union?

The nexis of numerology and evangelicism. On inauguration day, DJT was 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days. Dig it!

Double dose of Seven Spirits International. These guys ramble a bit and they are long-winded but they do deliver on the prophecy.

Simpsons Summary. I have not watched this once great show in about 20 years. I leave it to this auto voice to explain.

Kim Clement. This will be eerie if Bill Gates comes aboard.

Meanwhile, Soothsaying shills shun sanguinity (by the seashore)

Congratulations New England Patriots!

Another miraculous season.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

How I Would Explain Q-Anon to A Good Friend

There are two factions of power cartels competing for control of the US and the world. In Q-related communities it would be the Patriots vs.the Deep State. These are biased terms of course. In reality, there are two Deep State factions vying for power. Is one less evil, if not more virtuous than the other? In my view, yes. Patriot vs.  Deep State shows prejudice but is less confusing than say, Deep State A vs.Deep State B.

The Deep State controls and/or is controlled by the Democrat Party. They also have had Republicans on their side. McCain, Flake, Corker, the Bushes. They have infiltrated if not hijacked the DOJ, FBI and CIA.

The Patriots nucleus is military intelligence and NSA. Yes, there are bad apples in the military but it is still largely a patriotic stronghold. I am rooting for the Patriots even though the NSA scares me with their unbridled snooping and data mining. They are certainly the lesser of two evils, if indeed the patriots are evil.

Q has referred to a "last resort" and they never spell out what that might entail. Rumor in Q decipher land goes something like this. The military hierarchy was so disturbed by the multitude of crimes committed by Obama, et al--uranium diversion, Iranian nuclear development, theft and more theft, Obama's often covered-up purge of high ranking officers, and much, much more--that they were set to stage a coup after Obama got re-elected. Hard to fathom but not so hard to fathom. Q implies that if Hillary had gotten elected, the last resort--military coup-- would have come into play.

The Patriots of course, held back on the coup. They reasoned that they still had time. They needed an outsider with the right stuff who just so happened to love America. Trump did not fall off an escalator. Trump was actively recruited by military intelligence.

The unbridled hate waged against Donald Trump is not due to his dyed hair or his coarse manners. The media loved him all those years and had he decided to run as a Democrat, they would still love him. Their hatred for Trump goes deeper than the superficial. The Deep State knows who he is and who recruited him.To quote Q, "this is not a game." No, it is a civil but cold war. 

I mentioned 4Chan and 8Chan and Meganon. It is a small world but it is also a big, vast, complex world. There is a giant subculture at places like the Chans that escapes our notice most of the time. It might seem trivial to us Normies that Q started posting at 4 Chan in October 2017 but it was not missed by the "bakers" and the "fags."

I should tell you that Q Nation is a jungle. There is deliberate misinformation by decoders. There are decoder rivalries. A lot of finger pointing and gossip. Admittedly, conspiracy types are drawn to the subject. As a conspiracy snob I find a lot of that distasteful. I will take the UFO cover-up and the JFK assassination and everyone else can take the field. And take it they do. 911 "Truth", anti-vaccination, anti-GMO. fake moon landings, flat Earth, secret space programs,the Illuminati, widespread Satanic abuse of children, infant vampirism, the Cabal, New World Order, the Masons once more, the Vatican once more, Mossad operatives in the media, Pizzagate, adrenochrome harvesting...the list goes on and on.

Q sometimes signs a post with Q+. It is believed that Q+ is the president himself. Q has posted pics of the inside of Air Force 1, time stamped photos that seem to have been taken from the window of AF 1 and has left other clues as well that supposedly lends credence that Q is physically close to the president.

Oh, and I forgot that numerologists and Gematriasts are also part of the landscape. They like to find meaning in the number of seconds between Q posts and Trump tweets. Seriously.

My perspective: The Obama Administration was the most corrupt in history with no close second. It was perhaps, the only consciously Anti-American administration. It is extremely plausible that high-placed patriots would not sit on their hands as Obama dismantled our military, hijacked our intelligence agencies, corrupted law enforcement to a degree unimaginable, delivered $1.6 billion CASH to Iran, propped up groups like ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood as he arrogantly thumbed his nose at middle America. It is harder to believe that Admiral Mike Rogers would do nothing at all than to believe that he would fight for that which he has dedicated his life. Thus, it is easy for me to entertain the idea that Q is legitimate and has displayed an ingenious method of communicating with millions while bypassing the mainstream media.

As to whether or not Q is real, ultimately depends on whether or not we have The Storm. Q spells out the disadvantages of prosecuting criminals while the Deep State controlled the FBI, State Department, DOJ, etc. Trump has cleaned house at the FBI. the State Department and has quietly appointed new judges. There is a lot of talk about the possible use of military tribunals to prosecute seditious activity. Meanwhile, Guantanamo has expanded and Q posted an article about the new deployment of military police to the Cuban naval base. 

Four repeated lines from Q: 
1. Trust Sessions.
2. Trust Wray.
3. Trust Kansas (Pompeo?)
4. Trust the plan.

We have been trusting all of those entities but some of us are getting impatient. Storm, baby, storm!

I hope this is a good overview.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Qanon Explained

Q Anonymous is hard to explain to a Normie. Why would parties close to the leader of the Western world post on 4 Chan or 8 Chan? It's a very strange world we live in, Master Jack.

I am going to see if I can explain the Q phenomenon.

First, Everything posted at the Chans is posted anonymously. Posters are thus called Anons. Sometimes anons will sign a post. In that case the poster is not quite as anonymous, Before Q, there was Meganon. Meganon stated that she (believed to be a cover for reasons I will explain later if people are interested) was a high-ranking FBI agent. She posted a lot of material involving deep state corruption and much of this material --so I am told. I have only perused Meganon's posts that amount to several hundred pages--would later be revisited by Q-Anon.

In late October 2017 Q-Anon started posting on 4 Chan. They said they are a small team so that is why I will use the pronoun "they." Q had style. Instead of using a lot of declarative sentences, he often asked questions. "Who controls North Korea? Who really controls North Korea?"

The questions, as well as the cryptic comments, spawned an industry of Q decoders and commentators. On YouTube alone, there are dozens of Q Anon channels.

One quick caveat: An early Q post circa November 5, 2017 stated that John Podesta and Huma had been indicted. 14 months later, they are still walking around. Then again, DOJ now holds close to
70,000 sealed indictments. Two of those might have the names of the aforementioned on them.

I wanted to write a nice, tidy Q-anon overview but the nature of blogging is that the clock is runnig out this morning. I am leaving the audience with two video summaries, The first one is 29+ minutes and was posted in December 2017.

The second video by the same YouTuber runs 53 minutes and is more current, having been posted this past Sunday, that just happened to be the Feast of The Epiphany.