Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Woman calls out Rep. Amash at town hall for turning on Trump

Now that I post irregularly it occurs to me how difficult it has become to find raw footage. I had seen snippets of this woman's on-target criticism of Jeff Flake II and wanted to present her rant in its original form.

All I could get was spin. MSNBC spin. Local news spin--that petty much recycled the meme that states that 2010 and 2014 wave elections were due to anti-incumbent bias--and Fox News spin. In fairness, Jesse Watters did go right to the source to elucidate the spectacle. Chris Matthews brought in a couple of far removed blatherheads to parrot his own talking points.

By the way, Soros And Company are packing these town halls with their activist-actors and Amash took the bait, playing to their approval.

Despite all the hubbub I don't think Rep. Amash answered any critical question. For all of your professed libertarianism and supposed respect for the constitution, why have you remained silent about the tsunami of civil rights abuses under the Obama Administration? Does the top down corruption at the FBI and DOJ merit your tacit approval? Did the hyper-partisan Mueller investigation, an investigation launched without criminal predicate (as it ignored foreign and specifically Russian influence peddling that benefited the Democrat Party in 2016) not raise any constitutional concerns? Will your ever address the FISA abuses that nearly stole an election from your constituents?

I for one do not see a bright political future for Benedict Amash.

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