Somewhere in late adolescence and into early adulthood I underwent a crisis of perception. It dawned on me that most people most of the time do not concern themselves with truth. They prefer comforting thought to objective reasoning.
The battle between comfort and truth is played out in our heads constantly on a personal, political and abstract plane. The comfort vs. truth attribute is matter of degree, not kind. Few of us are rational all of the time. Few of us live in a fantasy all of the time.
T v C could be expressed as a continuum, much as we express one's introversion or extroversion as a matter of degree. I am not aware of any test or questionnaire to determine one's attraction to truth for truth's sake. When such test is devised, rest assured Obama supporters will cluster on the left side of the Bell Curve. Obama supporters are phobic about examining their leader's true nature for fear that such insight will destroy their transcendentally-themed fantasy.
I see parallels between Obama supporters and the public's treatment of the JFK assassination. Most people's opinions have defaulted to media consensus. Most people do not care to dive into that rabbit hole and as such their shallow opinions reflect the dogma of media orthodoxy.
The JFK assassination started a trend of credibility erosion that continues to this day. Each year, fewer people support the incumbent news media. We are witnessing a half century of decline and yet, the fourth estate is still the most persuasive institution in America. To understand this, we have to recognize the Olympian powers the news media wielded in 1963.
I was what the marketing pros would call an "early adopter" in the rejection of the mainstream media. I believed that people should embrace truth at all cost and the news media should tell the truth. Instead, they verified comforting thoughts. In those days the media was not overtly leftist. They promoted a bias for simplicity and a constant preference for the path of lesser resistance. I was drawn to the JFK assassination because I thought the media were cowards who let their cowardice occlude truth at every turn.
The earliest heretics were leftists like Mark Lane. They started with the premise that the military-industrial complex was the source of all evil and proceeded from there. One of the problems with this viewpoint is that requires the re-invention of JFK. In real life John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a proud supporter of the MIC. He was a component of the MIC. This notion that he would have spent his days stuffing daisies into gun barrels is simply not consistent with his track record.
Over time other suspects emerged. Congress opened the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1976. More enigmas. More paradoxes. More mysteries. More riddles. Then Oliver Stone released "JFK" in 1991. It is amazing how a movie can open up the public discourse in a way that all of the commissions and committees and hearings never can.
I dislike Oliver Stone almost as much as I loathe his movies. I don't agree with the premise of "JFK" that the MIC in conjunction with LBJ killed the president. Jim Garrison, the hero played by Kevin Costner was accused of being a Marcello pawn in real life. And yet, I loved this movie.
I loved "JFK" because it challenged media orthodoxy. Stone is no hero but he was temporarily heroic. Briefly, he joined the fifth estate. For his efforts Stone would be stalked and ridiculed. The press had become a main character in the story.
We have heard of the thin blue line, the Mafia's omerta and other codes of silence. The CIA and FBI keep secrets long after the principals in question have gone to their graves. Every institution protects its members from cads who tell stories "out of school." But no institution is as protective of its image and its secrets quite like the American news media.
Members of the fourth estate do not report on or question their club members. They might give a Howard Kurtz an hour a week to toss bean bags but even Kurtz ends up on Fox News, an illegitimate gate crasher network. It might be long ago and far away but club members will never challenge Cronkite and friends. It won't happen.
I believe it was "The Washington Post" who procured a copy of the "JFK" script prior to its release. They did not feel the need to do this for "Platoon" or "Wall Street" but those movies were not about them. About two years after "JFK", "Case Closed" by Gerald Posner seemingly fell out of the sky.
Who the hell was Gerald Posner? I read the book and it was highly insulting. Posner's tone is condescending and he just does not do much refuting. People are silly for believing that which is not media sanctioned. Case closed.
The counter-heresy movement was bolstered by Vincent Bugliosi's "Reclaiming History" in 2007. For better or worse, it was released after I stopped reading books on the subject so I cannot criticize it. I will admit that I am suspicious, however.
I got interrupted as I was writing this yesterday (Friday. It is Saturday as I finish this piece.) and then last night I watched a two hour History Channel special. Robert Blakey summarized the saga by comparing the JFK assassination to a Rorshack ink blot. Thanks for hijacking my thoughts, Mr. Blakey.
Truth is, we see ourselves in this tragedy and we use this event to confirm our prejudices. Peaceniks blame the military. "Mother Jones" types blame big oil. Northerners blame Texans. Bush haters blame the 41st president. The counter-heresy pundits believe in the sanctity of the orthodox media and view all other viewpoints as naive, kooky and illegitimate. Comforting thought once more weighs heavier than truth.
I would like to think I am above the prejudice when I support the Mafia hypothesis. I have asked myself if I find this viewpoint attractive because it invalidates the media-sanctioned viewpoint. Yes, I am skeptical of a news media that will not break ranks on JFK or Barack Obama. A news cartel that goes to great lengths to discredit their critics be they Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or Oliver Stone. A news cartel whose loyalty to the political class is exceeded only by their loyalty to their fellow newsmen.
I would not encourage anyone to adopt the JFK assassination as a hobby. It is too alluring, too addictive, and usually ends in destitution, frustration, loneliness and futility. But I caution everyone to be wary of those who endorse the media-sanctioned, case closed orthodoxy. These are the same people who advise against looking into the secrets of Barack Obama. The media have everything under control. Nothing to see here folks.
The only thing more mysterious than the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy is the life of Barack Hussein Obama. Unfortunately we will not learn much about either subject in the mainstream media.
Media Elitism, The Death of Journalism, Media Bias, Voter Fraud, Destructive Economics and other things Obama
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
I Don't Give A Damn What Posner And Bugliosi Say, The Jack Ruby Saga Will NEVER Pass The Smell Test
I cannot devote my life to the JFK investigation but some people would say I have already done so. I cannot analyze the forensics the way the pros do. I cannot investigate every Hunt and Harrelson and Sturgis. But I can offer a few educated opinions.
1. The media lie but they lie in a systematic and predictable manner.
2. Then as now, the press has become a character in the story.
3. Joe Kennedy was mob connected.
4. The mafia helped JFK win the 1960 presidential election.
5. For reasons not well understood, RFK betrayed the mafia.
6. Jack Ruby had extensive ties to organized crime.
7. An armed, organized crime figure with access to the bowels of the Dallas Police Department will never, ever pass the smell test.
8. The US government might have downplayed the mafia connection to spare a lot of embarrassment to a lot of government insiders. The degree of mafia/government enmeshment could have caused a loss of government credibility if exposed. It is plausible that federal law enforcement blamed Oswald and then quietly launched a vendetta.
Ruby at Parkland immediately after the JFK assassination. Ruby At Press Conference
Ruby Off Camera. Ruby answers the question for the prosecutor at 1:06. Frustratingly there is video where the camera cuts to Ruby as he answers the question. It is a jaw-dropping piece of video. I saw it on TV sometime in the early to mid 90's but I cannot find it online.
Did Wade Know Ruby? This is two days after JFK's assassination, the day of Oswald's assassination.
Excerpts of HCSA on Jack Ruby's Mafia links. Did Ruby know Oswald?
Ruby at Parkland immediately after the JFK assassination. Ruby At Press Conference
Ruby Off Camera. Ruby answers the question for the prosecutor at 1:06. Frustratingly there is video where the camera cuts to Ruby as he answers the question. It is a jaw-dropping piece of video. I saw it on TV sometime in the early to mid 90's but I cannot find it online.
Did Wade Know Ruby? This is two days after JFK's assassination, the day of Oswald's assassination.
Excerpts of HCSA on Jack Ruby's Mafia links. Did Ruby know Oswald?
Beware of unnamed sources
Skepticism is the watchword. Right now the Republicans are on a wave that promises to wash many sitting Democrats into oblivion but the left is good a creating dissension where none exists. I fell for this myself as it was reported on Breibart but it was wrong. Supposedly Mitch McConnell attacked the Tea Party, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz on a conference call with Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS donors.
McConnell said the Tea Party was ‘nothing but a bunch of bullies,’” the source said. “And he said ‘you know how you deal with schoolyard bullies? You punch them in the nose and that’s what we’re going to do.
Except he didn't say it. The Washington Examiner has obtained an audio file of the entire 27 minute conference call and the Tea Party, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz are not mentioned. Be careful of unnamed sources.
McConnell said the Tea Party was ‘nothing but a bunch of bullies,’” the source said. “And he said ‘you know how you deal with schoolyard bullies? You punch them in the nose and that’s what we’re going to do.
Except he didn't say it. The Washington Examiner has obtained an audio file of the entire 27 minute conference call and the Tea Party, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz are not mentioned. Be careful of unnamed sources.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Climate Science ain't what it used to be
One of those inconvenient truths! As global coal use has increased the global temperature has declined.

The fact that climate science has fallen into disrepute has not been lost on many delegations attending the UN climate change conference in Warsaw. Green groups complained they had transformed the conference into a coal industry trade show. Then there were the Australians who wore t-shirts and giggled and generally copped a frat boy demeanor. Eventually the so called poor countries who hoped to shake down the the developed counties for reparations left the conference in protest. Notice the conference was barely reported in the media.
The fact that climate science has fallen into disrepute has not been lost on many delegations attending the UN climate change conference in Warsaw. Green groups complained they had transformed the conference into a coal industry trade show. Then there were the Australians who wore t-shirts and giggled and generally copped a frat boy demeanor. Eventually the so called poor countries who hoped to shake down the the developed counties for reparations left the conference in protest. Notice the conference was barely reported in the media.
Guess Which South American Workers' Paradise Is Sliding Into Hyperinflation?
"Since Chavez’s death, this house of cards has begun to collapse, and the black market exchange rate between the bolivar (VEF) and the U.S. dollar (USD) tells the tale. Since Chavez’s death on March 5, 2013, the bolivar has lost 62.36% of its value on the black market ...
Walker Supporters Subpoenaed And Harrassed
In the wake of the recall and Walker’s further efforts to cut state spending and balance the state’s budget, unions and Democrats are still angry and are now using a special prosecutor to target and harass many of the larger supporters of Scott Walker. The special prosecutor was appointed by the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s office.
Francis Schmitz, a special prosecutor has been issuing subpoenas against at least 29 conservative groups that supported Walker. The subpoenas demand all emails, memoranda, correspondence and communications that could be connected to the recall campaign of Walker. One of the subpoenas demands all information pertaining to the recall campaign including a complete donor list.
In the wake of the recall and Walker’s further efforts to cut state spending and balance the state’s budget, unions and Democrats are still angry and are now using a special prosecutor to target and harass many of the larger supporters of Scott Walker. The special prosecutor was appointed by the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s office.
Francis Schmitz, a special prosecutor has been issuing subpoenas against at least 29 conservative groups that supported Walker. The subpoenas demand all emails, memoranda, correspondence and communications that could be connected to the recall campaign of Walker. One of the subpoenas demands all information pertaining to the recall campaign including a complete donor list.
In the wake of the recall and Walker’s further efforts to cut state spending and balance the state’s budget, unions and Democrats are still angry and are now using a special prosecutor to target and harass many of the larger supporters of Scott Walker. The special prosecutor was appointed by the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s office.
Francis Schmitz, a special prosecutor has been issuing subpoenas against at least 29 conservative groups that supported Walker. The subpoenas demand all emails, memoranda, correspondence and communications that could be connected to the recall campaign of Walker. One of the subpoenas demands all information pertaining to the recall campaign including a complete donor list.
Chicago's corrupt sister to the North has appointed a special prosecutor to harass supporters of Governor Scott Walker in his recall.Read more at
In the wake of the recall and Walker’s further efforts to cut state spending and balance the state’s budget, unions and Democrats are still angry and are now using a special prosecutor to target and harass many of the larger supporters of Scott Walker. The special prosecutor was appointed by the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s office.
Francis Schmitz, a special prosecutor has been issuing subpoenas against at least 29 conservative groups that supported Walker. The subpoenas demand all emails, memoranda, correspondence and communications that could be connected to the recall campaign of Walker. One of the subpoenas demands all information pertaining to the recall campaign including a complete donor list.
Some of the groups being targets are American Crossroads, Americans for Prosperity—Wisconsin, Friends of Scott Walker, League of American Voters, the Republican Governors Association, the Republican Party of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Family Action, and the Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce.
I'm Not Making This Up! CBS Poll: 84% of DEMOCRATS Want To Change Or Repeal!
I can hear Dan Preiffer explain this one away. This is CBS after all, flagship of the vast right wing conspiracy. Even if we can believe the numbers, this just a blip. An outlier. An aberration. And it's not like Democratic Party is the president's base. Just wait till it's fully implemented and the people can see what's in it....
A note of encouragement for the administration: A full 7% of the country want the ACA "kept in place." That number nearly doubles when Democrats are polled. A whopping 12% Take those numbers back to your district! Happy days are here again!
Note: CBS might have pulled the poll. We will link to Breitbart reporting this. Not big on second hand news but those pesky server errors sometimes plague major media websites.
A note of encouragement for the administration: A full 7% of the country want the ACA "kept in place." That number nearly doubles when Democrats are polled. A whopping 12% Take those numbers back to your district! Happy days are here again!
Note: CBS might have pulled the poll. We will link to Breitbart reporting this. Not big on second hand news but those pesky server errors sometimes plague major media websites.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Video. Kathleen Sebelius watches as Obamacare website crashes in front of her
I wonder who in the administration thinks these promo tours do any good. The media is called out to watch Kate watch the web site crash. Then the television reporter gives the knife a twist by announcing that just 2 people in South Florida were able to sign up that day.Yeah, that's real media savvy.
How The Media Lie
Legal Insurrection does an excellent analysis of one poll spun five different ways, each way bearing no respect for the polling numbers. You got to see this.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Barney Fife call your office
I cannot believe that anyone could be this thick headed. It as if this script was written for Don Knotts on the old Andy Griffith show. The arrested man, Jim Howe, and the "School Resource Officer" (what a title!) are on a first name basis although it's not a mutual admiration society. According to the new school policy parents can pick up their children at 2:35 only by waiting in the line of cars. In this case the parent was walking. There must be more to this case than we know. Howe brought along his fiance to do the videography and like a damn fool the "School Resource Officer" arrested him without cause. Howe promised a lawsuit and most likely he will not disappoint.
Is EVERYTHING About This Guy Fraudulent?
OK, that was a rhetorical question. Now there is evidence that the biggest fraud in US History cooked the employment data in the weeks before the 2012 Elections.
What's one more lie?
What's one more lie?
In the home stretch of the 2012 presidential campaign, from August to September, the unemployment rate fell sharply — raising eyebrows from Wall Street to Washington.
The decline — from 8.1 percent in August to 7.8 percent in September — might not have been all it seemed. The numbers, according to a reliable source, were manipulated.
And the Census Bureau, which does the unemployment survey, knew it.
Read entire story by clicking link below.
Opposition to Obamacare rises to 57% in Washingto Post/ABC poll
The latest Washington Post/ABC poll demonstrates that the country is rapidly uniting in its opposition to Obamacare. As the above graphic indicates opposition to the ACA has risen to an all time high of 57% with only 40% supporting it. The individual mandate is wildly unpopular too, almost by a margin of 2 to 1. When asked " Please tell me if you support or oppose each part of the health care law that I describe: Requiring nearly all Americans to have health insurance or pay a fine?" Sixty-five percent of respondents stated opposition while only 34% indicated support.
As for Obama's job performance, 55% disapprove while only 42% approve but on the specific issue of health care the bummer finds approval from only 33% while 63% disapprove.
It will be interesting to see how individual legislators fare in future polls. Senator Kay Hagan of North Carolina is the only senator who voted for Obamacare who has been polled publicly since the Obamacare rollout and the results were a positive disaster. When matched against the 4 GOP candidates the best she could do was 44%. It will be interesting to see the effect on blue state senators.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Reid, Durban, Murray- If you like your insurance you can keep it
Previously we featured Senators Shaheen, Hagan, and Landrieu promising that "if you like you insurance you can keep it". Now add Senators Reid, Durban, and Murray, the entire senate leadership!
Senator Gillibrand; We all knew
So everyone knew millions would lose their health insurance? And Obama's only fault was he wasn't clear on that point? I'll bet he wouldn't be sitting in the White house to day if he had been clear. And the point of the law was to wreck everyone's coverage. Thanks. We'll remember that.
Students Rail Against Obamacare
Students at Bowie State University, a traditional black college, are from the lower end of the economic scale. While we focused on Obamacare almost since the first day of this administration another index of economic failure has gone unnoticed. Student debt has expanded 463% under Obama. This is an aspect of the young and healthy generation that is supposed to finance the cost of Obamacare that hasn't been stated. Frequently the young who do feel a need to buy medical are villianized as selfish and irresponsible. No one bothers to mention that many of them are also broke. Before Obamacare students could purchase health insurance for $50 per semester. Now that cost has jumped to about $3000 per annum.
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