Thursday, January 10, 2019

Qanon Explained

Q Anonymous is hard to explain to a Normie. Why would parties close to the leader of the Western world post on 4 Chan or 8 Chan? It's a very strange world we live in, Master Jack.

I am going to see if I can explain the Q phenomenon.

First, Everything posted at the Chans is posted anonymously. Posters are thus called Anons. Sometimes anons will sign a post. In that case the poster is not quite as anonymous, Before Q, there was Meganon. Meganon stated that she (believed to be a cover for reasons I will explain later if people are interested) was a high-ranking FBI agent. She posted a lot of material involving deep state corruption and much of this material --so I am told. I have only perused Meganon's posts that amount to several hundred pages--would later be revisited by Q-Anon.

In late October 2017 Q-Anon started posting on 4 Chan. They said they are a small team so that is why I will use the pronoun "they." Q had style. Instead of using a lot of declarative sentences, he often asked questions. "Who controls North Korea? Who really controls North Korea?"

The questions, as well as the cryptic comments, spawned an industry of Q decoders and commentators. On YouTube alone, there are dozens of Q Anon channels.

One quick caveat: An early Q post circa November 5, 2017 stated that John Podesta and Huma had been indicted. 14 months later, they are still walking around. Then again, DOJ now holds close to
70,000 sealed indictments. Two of those might have the names of the aforementioned on them.

I wanted to write a nice, tidy Q-anon overview but the nature of blogging is that the clock is runnig out this morning. I am leaving the audience with two video summaries, The first one is 29+ minutes and was posted in December 2017.

The second video by the same YouTuber runs 53 minutes and is more current, having been posted this past Sunday, that just happened to be the Feast of The Epiphany.



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