Monday, October 14, 2019

Bye Bye Shepherd Smith

There are two kinds of people who hate Fox News. Those who have never watched the network and those that have. Put me in the latter category.

I vehemently reject the notion that Fox News presented an alternative viewpoint to the mainstream media. Will few exceptions, they parroted the mainstreamers and they largely promoted the same agenda. My rough estimate is that 80% of their programming in 2016 was either Pro-Hillary or Anti-Trump.

My list of grievances, criticisms and corrections with and of Fox News is long and life is short. So let's leave Brett Baier and The Five and Outnumbered and the endless manifestations of Greg Gutfeld and the whole dork parade of overpaid buffoons aside and focus on but one overpaid buffoon: Shepherd Smith.

For 23 years Shepherd Smith has had 10 hours a week to speak falsely and rest assured, he took full advantage of the opportunities presented. That is 10x the time Janine Pirro is given. It is twice as much time as Tucker Carlson is allotted. Next to the early bird fluff news peeps, Shepherd had more screen time than anyone.

Smith was the face and the soul of Fox news. For 23 years he badmouthed Republicans, conservatives, tea-partiers, Trump Nation and any other non-Democrat. Falsity, half-truth, willful omission of significant detail, character assassination...Smith was a journalist's journalist. He could outpropagandize CNN in 1/3 the time.

When I heard recently that Shepherd Smith got canned, I was pleased. Fox News is not salvageable in my view but if they want to redeem themselves, this is a good start.

Following the Smith bye-bye, Project Veritas is releasing some great CNN hidden camera work. On the same day, ABC News is caught using footage taken at a Kentucky gun range to prosecute Trump's latest atrocity, his alleged genocide of the Kurdish people. I live for moments like this.

Bye bye Shepherd. Go count your money. Go write your memoirs. Go live the good life. But go! Go! Please go!

Life is good.


Moose said...

I can't say that I ever listened to Mr. Smith. It was very odd ... He would come on, I would try to watch, and everything that came out of his mouth just sounded like pure gobbledegook to me... I would wonder what he was babbling about, then be moved to either change the station, or simply turn off the TV... (I'm not joking)...
I'm curious about your seeming dislike of Gutfeld and those of his ilk... He and Jesse Watters are two of my favorites... And, who the hell doesn't love Tyrus????

BOSurvivor said...

My opinion of Gutfeld and to a lesser degree, Watters. First, I prefer news and investigative journalism to talk shows. Both "The Five" and "Outnumbered" are patterned on "The View" and it is a blueprint that I don't think is worth stealing.

Gutfeld was the class clown at Fox News and he has gotten in a few good lines over the years. To say that his talents are spread thin is an understatement. "Red Eye" started out strong but faded fast. Nonetheless, Gutfeld would land on "The Five" as well as guest star on "Outnumbered", O'Reilly, Hannity and every other show Fox put forward. Then, they gave Gutfeld his own primetime show. My compliments to his agent.

SR said...