Thursday, August 22, 2019

Is This The Gettysburg of The Information War?

We are grateful that the Second Civil War has not gone kinetic but it has intensified.

Keenly aware that this is a Google-provided forum as is YouTube, let me state state boldy, "Beware The Google Political Complex."

We have railed against the brainwash broadcasters and antisocial media but these fading glories have nowhere near the massive influence of Google. Cumulatively, they are not a close second.

Q-Anon plays into this story. Q-Anon ingeniously employed the unlikely platforms at first 4-Chan and later 8-Chan to defeat the tech giants at their own game. Earlier this month, both 4-Chan and 8-Chan have been taken out. Q has been silenced.

I should say that as far as I am concerned we don't need Q drops as much as we need action. Yes, it was important to boost our spirits and inform us of a coming storm, but the storm is now long overdue. When is now if. Put up or shut up, Q.

Will Q find a new forum? Probably yes, but Google has made it difficult to find any information about the subject. Do a Google search and you will be deluged by pages and pages of MSM-generated  Q-Anon-Conspiracy-Theory-Gullible-White-Supremacists...Google has selected the final word, the first word and every passage in between.

Meanwhile, I can say with certainty that Youtube has made it difficult to find any Q-related videos. I like InPursuitOfTruth, CitizensInvestigativeReport, X-22 Report to name a few. A few months ago I could watch Katie G at CIR and her video would be followed by an array of other Q-Anon vids. Now if you scroll down the autoplay lineup it is nothing but Fox News videos. Same with every other Q-Anon decoders. Phony Ass Fox News!

The term "controlled opposition" has been used to describe Fox News. We agree with the former but I will dispute the latter. YouTube had been a refuge for those of us who abandoned Fox News long ago, Now I trouble escaping the Sheps and the Donnas and the Geraldos. Google has cut our supply lines.

Let me leave you with a long but compelling video (actually a podcast) about a Goggle whistle blower. This guy has weathered some serious adversity for exposing our overlords. Olease give this guy your attention.

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