Sunday, September 8, 2019

Old News But Funny Nonetheless: Walmart Sues Tesla Over Fire-Starting Solar Panels

In years past I would be dancing the remote in between the Red Sox and the Patriots. I cut the cord a while back and I don't miss it. I could get local channels if I wanted to but as I said, I really don't miss it.

This story is almost a month old. I try to curb my schadenfreude but sometimes I just can't help it.

Understand, I am supportive on solar energy and I think powersats have a yuge future. What I resent are the greenback con artists who sell the idea that practical solar energy is here and is ready to replace less politically correct forms of energy.

Moore's Law states that every eighteen months computer power doubles and the doubled power is available at half the cost. Actually, Moore originally had the trend on a twentyfour month cycle but that cycle speeded up to eighteen months along the way.

By comparison, it took solar energy about thirty years to double output at half the cost (early 1970's to whatever we call that first decade of this century.) Most of the cost savings came from moving production to China.

I repeat my prediction: One hundred years from now, solar and wind power will be the energies of the future.Having said that, let us also state that it could be a bumpy one hundred years at that.

This story cam out around August 20 but I was not blogging at the time. Not that I blog much now but I have found the time and focus to share some interesting links.

Hey! USA Today can get a story straight after all.

 Walmart has filed a lawsuit against Tesla's energy division, claiming breach of contract after fires at several stores that were using the electric car maker's solar panels.
In the lawsuit filed Tuesday in New York State Supreme Court, Walmart says fires broke out at "no fewer than seven" stores between 2012 and 2018 and caused millions of dollars in damage. One store in Ohio had to be closed for eight days.

From Electrek

Just in time for CNN's climate scare extravaganza, so it seems.

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