Thursday, March 28, 2019

David Brooks et al: Can They Ever Be Honest?

So David Brooks wrote an editorial is the ever-sleazy NYT. The headline looks good. Beatle O'Rourke and Gus Hall Brennan should apologize for accusing DJT of treason. Then, we are treated to David Brooks being David Brooks.

Republicans and the Sean Hannity-style Trumpians might also approach this moment with an attitude of humility and honest self-examination. For two years they’ve been calling the Mueller investigation a witch hunt. For two years they’ve been spreading the libel that there are no honest brokers in Washington. It’s all a deep-state conspiracy, a swamp. They should apologize for peddling the sort of deep cynicism that undermines our country’s institutions.

It most certainly was a witch hunt. It was ignited by Obama political appointees who knew tere was zero criminal predicate. All the while, they willfully overlooked the Dems and their assistance from hostile foreign actors including but not limited to George Soros, Carlos Slim, Christopher Steele and even Russian oligarchs.

Yes, we did peddle the obvious: that honest Washingtonians are few and far betwwen. Inconvenient truth: It was a deep-state conspiracy. If you want to talk about undermining our nation's institutions, start with with James Comey and Barack Obama.

The nation’s underlying divides are still ideological, but we rarely fight them honestly as philosophical differences. We just accuse the other side of corruption. Politics is no longer a debate; it’s an attempt to destroy lives through accusation.

More horseshit. We are opposed by a mob of idiots whose components are unable to express ideology, philosophy or values. Thus, the need to silence us as we can advance our viewpoints with logic and reason. The Dems' only values are loyalty to the Democrat Party and blind fealty to its leaders.

The political media, especially on TV, now has a template it can apply whenever a scandal looms into view, to hook viewers into the speculative story line. According to the Tyndall Report, the three main broadcast networks made the Russia collusion investigation the second-most-covered news event of 2018, trailing only the Kavanaugh hearings, another scandal.

A truthful tidbit but watch how Brooks follows up. 
All the players slip into their assigned roles. Straight reporters are doing good, hard work. But the flow of information is not fast enough to keep up with 24/7 programming, so you get this toxic deluge of raw speculation.
More inconvenient truth. The MSM continuously advanced a narrative that they either knew to be false.  If they did not know the Russian narrative was created by political operatives and parroted by other political operatives, they should have known. The Russian Collusion was a less credible, less believable conspiracy theory than the Queen Mother Peddles Heroin or the ongoing Loch Ness coverup. If integrity was not available, could they not used a little common sense? Rhetorical question.

The Democrats won the 2018 midterms by focusing on the issues, not collusion. For most voters, politics is about their lives, not a self-righteous TV show.
LIE! The Dems won the mid-terms not by talking about issues but by piling on even more character assassinations. What is worse, it seems that Mueller and company could have completed their report prior to the midterms but they sat on it to help their Democrat allies.

People like David Brooks just cannot be honest for very long.

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