Sunday, November 29, 2020

Natural News Interviews Jeffrey Prather

I am still undecided on the veracity of Jeffrey Prather but he seems legit so far.

I only saw this video a few minutes ago so have to take my own credit for laying out what a hot civil conflict would look like. Specifically:

1. Team Red controls food and water.

2. Team Blue is vulnerable because they are concentrated in cities that are dependent on rural America for food, water, energy, and gas as well as other vital supplies.

3. Team Red will fight a strategic war. In other words, they will cut supply lines. There might be significantly fewer casualties than one might think.

4. Team Red has the numbers (though the vast numbers might not be necessary.) Yes, Seattle has a lot of people but how many of them are willing to goose step behind Antifa?

5. Team Red is prepared. Team Red will count in their ranks vast numbers of former and retired military personnel, former and present law enforcement personnel, current militia members, gun nuts of all varieties, farmboys, farmgirls, hunters, End Times enthusiasts, mean-ass bikers, as well as an assortment of mild-mannered folk who just want to lend a helping hand.

This is not to say that Team Blue should be underestimated. Some Antifa have trained with                   ISIS and there are reports that some members have fought alongside them. Now, let's get real. Team Blue is outmatched on a scale of absurd proportion.

6. Team Red has stronger morals than their adversaries. They are less likely to slaughter innocents or prey upon elderly passersby. Usual disclaimers about collateral damage and Team Blue holding innocent people hostage, but Team Red is not concerned with arson and looting and pillaging and random acts of terrorism.


This video was posted on Friday,. I saw it earlier today. It must have been recorded before that because they are speculating as to whether or not Michael Flynn will be pardoned.

The most disturbing aspect is the pronouncement that William Barr is on the dark side, something Prather has said before and something a lot of us suspected. Actually, I think he might be more on the coward than Quisling. His status has yet to be revealed.


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