Saturday, December 5, 2020

New Site

Blogs have formatting limitations and blogs hosted by Google are vulnerable to the whims of our overlords.

In fairness, Google has allowed this blog to discuss topics that might get one banned from Youtube or Facebook. This might say less about the Alphabet commitment to free thought than to the dwindled eyeballs that track blogs. Still, I do not want to make myself vulnerable to the Evil Forces of Google who could pull that rug ou7t anytime they please.

With loftier communication objectives I have procured a website that I will not mention by name until such time that it is up and running. This will be my fifth website. The first one was an vanity product. Forgettable in its essence but certainly a learning experience. 

The second site was devoted to commercial writing. It would become a blog (actually two but one was neglected early on), a free blog hosted by Google. The third site was devoted to weight loss and it too morphed into a free blog hosted by Google.

A few years ago I purchased a domain name and a host as I was enduring some serious health problems. It is still a bad memory. I wanted to do A, B and C and I did none of those things. My health bogged me down and I sometimes forgot that I owned a website. On a brighter note, I underwent a complete recovery and my health seems to be within normal limits in all measurable categories.

One would think that the fifth time around would leave a path free of bramble and brier. Yes and no. To mix metaphor, they went and rearranged the furniture on me. They do that sort of thing just to make my challenging life even more burdensome. 

I will give heads up and state that the site is intended to be primarily an aggregate site. Narrative and editorial features served-up on an escalator of interesting links. Looks great on the drawing board. But they moved the furniture on me again. I produced a sample page of five timely links and when they went public...they did not link to the desired sites. 

I want to launch the new site but I also want to continue to call attention to the immediate concern of blatant, widespread transnational election-rigging, the biggest scandal in US history, if not the history of planet Earth. So, I will use this site to do so until I resolve the technical difficulties that are not all that technical and probably not all that difficult. 

Stay tuned.

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