Thursday, December 3, 2020

100% Certainty It Was Rigged!!

This is interesting for a number of reasons. The subject matter is paramount, of course. Of secondary importance, Patrick Byrne, largely ignored by MSM is taking his message to someone who would have been dismissed as a kook a few months ago.

Broad-spectrum censorship has reshuffled the deck. Yes, this is YouTube, but new networks-both formal and informal--are now forming.

Back to the subject matter. This is chilling.

1 comment:

Tea Party at Perrysburg said...

I don't know how anyone could have watched those hearings and thought otherwise. Oh, wait. They didn't watch them. Americans--immigrants, minorities, male & female--bravely standing in front of cameras having signed affidavits to what they witnessed--astounding. How can this EVIDENCE be ignored? Unless of course, it's been planned and part of a larger scammed. Huh.