Saturday, November 14, 2020

If There Be Civil War

 It might not be as bad as it sounds. It might not make for a good movie. Not enough blood and gore.

My friends and I have sometimes speculated on what a second civil war might look like. I have said all along that if Team Blue continues to up the stakes, it will not bode well for them. 

It is hard for some of us to think of a war on a checkerboard map. We are more accustomed to north v. south, east v. west, homeland v. distant king. The next civil war will be a little bit different.

The biggest disadvantage the Deep State minions face is that their population is concentrated in small geographic areas, areas that are not agriculturally productive. If push comes to punch, the Left is much more vulnerable to disruptions in supply chains, as well as glitches (one of their favorite words) in electricity and potable water.

Usual disclaimer. The beautiful people will hide out in Aspen or Davos or an island in New Epsteinia as their loyalists burn furniture to stay warm, gorge themselves on housepets and pass up the big screen to loot that last battle of Evain. Think Detroit. Detroit is their blueprint. A place where the citizens are  subjected to a gauntlet of misery but the Dem leaders are content because they have vanquished the competition. In peace, the beautiful people will give us universal Detroit over the long run. In war, Blue America will morph into the Motorless City overnight.

All the while, the Zucks and the Hunters and the Barrys will live the good life as their pawns practice enhanced sustainability. If this scenario--specifically the havoc wrought by disruptions of food, energy and most critically, water--seems unlikely I will remind you that a trucker strike is planned for November 26 to November 29 to protest both the Green New Deal and a possible fracking ban.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One of the organizers of the “StopTheTires2020″ Facebook group Jeremy Riewoldt wrote in a Facebook post.

“Our message is simple and hopefully effective. We fully intend to exercise our rights and will not have politicians making crippling decisions, that will negatively affect our future and the future of our children.

President Trump has worked diligently for four long years to protect the rights and freedoms of all Americans, and very importantly the blue-collar workers of this country.

The blue-collar workers are literally the ones that make the wheels turn! Without truck drivers, this country could not survive for long. Our intention is not to harm anyone. We would like to make a point that we do NOT wish for any companies or private truck drivers, supplying any kind of medical supplies and/or services, to participate in our movement.

We will not participate in the leftist, Biden/Harris Green New Deal. We do not support the banning of fracking. The United States of America operates as a capitalistic economy and OIL is the fuel she survives on.


 By the way, there was a test run, or rather a test stop, performed on 11/11 earlier this week. I heard about it from Dustin Nemos but could not find a mention of it from MSM. Whysoever would they soft pedal such a feel good story?

Another btw. I have to salute big tech for successfully disrupting our communications. You did that well, big guys, but it is going to take more than rearranging the furniture to keep us down. You almost got this looming trucker strike offstage. Nice try.

Truckers are mostly good people and they might be reluctant to inflict harm on innocent people. They might, however, deliver up a few ultimata. Something like, "Good people of Atlanta, deliver these Enemies of America to the Red State Militia and you will find food and water and gas and generators back on the shelves of the one store you forgot to loot." Do you think the rank and file would go Kamikaze for their civic leaders and political donors? 

The next war on American soil might not feature the soundtrack of the shot heard around the world or bombs bursting in air or the shelling of Fort Sumter. No, the next Civil War might resonate with the collective snore of a million truck drivers, fighting the good fight in their backyard hammocks.

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