Friday, November 13, 2020

Rethinking The Unthinkable

There are certain ideas that we have encountered that seem too sensational to be legitimate. Too dramatic. Too contrived. Ideas that might be considered conspiracy theories had that term not been hijacked by MSM as its universal term of dismissal. (Interestingly, that term was never used to describe the most baseless and expensive conspiracy theory ever advanced, the Russian Collusion hoax.)

We must also reevaluate ideas that might not be conspiratorial or theoretical but might seem improbable.A year ago, would you have believed that a virus roughly as hazardous as the flu would serve as a pretext to shut down the world? 

Did you think that level-headed doctors who questioned the efficacy of masks to prevent the spread of virii would be de-platformed, silenced, doxxed, and intimidated? Did you think that people who pointed out that the lockdown brought a set of unforeseen (if one is willfully blind) consequences? Delayed diagnoses, surgeries, and procedures, would also be silenced? Did you think that anyone who questioned the official narrative in any way, shape, or form would be silenced? The war on tin hats had begun.

What was the motive for the lockdown? A deliberate crash of the world economy? A trial run for more oppressive lockdowns justified by climate change? A means of replacing in-person voting with mail-in voting to b\facilitate voter fraud? All those motives seemed unlikely to me. They wouldn't be able to stretch the lockdown all the way to November. Would they? The tin hats would forecast it perfectly.

There was this idea that the news media would announce that Biden was the victor and social media would silence anyone who challenged the declaration. That seemed ridiculous to me but I did put in the disclaimer that the Dem's only hope was massive voter fraud. We got vote-rigging on a scale never before imagined and exactly as the heretics predicted, the press announced a winner, and the losers were silenced. Just as the tin hats called it.

The colors revolution seemed like an idea that might work in backward countries but not in America. Nonetheless, they are playing it to form. Tin hats were once more on target.

The tin hats have predicted an upcoming Internet blackout if Trump does not concede Be careful betting against them 

Some tin hats have said that Trump might activate the military on the domestic front. He might even declare martial law (Of course, in places like New York or Massachusetts, how could you tell? If the citizens are already confined to quarters who would notice a less restrictive form of coinciding martial law?) This might happen. 

Suppose foreign countries have conspired with the Dems to alter the course of a presidential election. That is an act of war and the president is mandated to take action. It could get dicey if we could only implicate our Five Eyes partners or even if we pointed the finger at say, China. I heard a rumor that both Venezuela and  Cuba have funded the Dems' efforts. It seems unlikely to me because both countries have shallow pockets but it is not beyond the realm of possibility. 

Some of our foilhead friends have predicted a hot civil war and a victory for the Deplorables. That scenario seems more likely than a worldwide lockdown would have seemed last Christmas. Let's not shoot the messengers.

I seem to have stumbled onto a pack of oracles (what is the collective noun for oracles?) They are certainly more accurate than our posters. I would say that they have my attention but most of them have been banned from social media and are hard to find. I spend a lot of time searching them out on the emerging social media and I have had limited success. 

It is my intention to locate the heretics and help them spread their messages once more.

Darkness to light.

Darkness to light.

Darkness to light.

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