Friday, November 20, 2020

Stranger Days Are Here Again

Things are moving quickly.

I am not going to embed the 96-minute Trump Legal Team press conference. It was dramatic. It was sensational. Was it epic?  You can watch all of it here

 An aside: I advocate for the newer media (Bichute, Rumble as opposed to Youtube/Google.) But damn, Bitchute is hard to navigate. Their search function is circa 1994. Whatever else might be said about Youtube, we can usually find videos that have not been banned. BUT HOLD THAT THOUGHT!

The content of the presentation is without precedent. A dream team of lawyers has made a series of bold claims. The meat space accusations are jaw-dropping. The digital accusations--Dominion and Dominion related matters--are stupefying.

Later in the evening, Tucker Carlson opened his show condemning Sidney Powell for not sharing her evidence with him. Carlson had been the last honest man standing at Faux News. Was it an et tu, moment? I don't think so.

To be certain, Powell's accusations are earth-shattering. Her claims, if validated, constitute acts of war. They cannot be ignored. In Carlson's own words, the hacking of the 2020 election is "the single greatest crime in US history."  I considered posting Tucker BUT HOLD THAT THOUGHT AND PLACE IT ALONGSIDE THE THOUGHT YOU ARE ALREADY HOLDING.

If you want to see the Carlson opening, go to Fox News.

Let's see if I can pull this together.

 I do not trust Fox News. There was a time, roughly ten years ago, when Fox News offered an alternative viewpoint for a couple of hours a day. Yes, the partisan hack, Shepeard Smith, hogged more airtime than anyone else and the network was more chat than news but they had a guy who was not afraid to touch the third rail. He mentioned George Soros a few too many times and soon he and Fox parted ways.

Fast forward to some time in 2018 or 2019. Youtube was going full-blown partisan but they did it in increments. One of the first things I noticed is that Youtube autoplay followed almost everything with a Fox News video. Ugh! Those wretched sanctioned dissidents in all their slimy essence! I do not care about Gutfeld's reactions, much less, Donna Brazile's. 

It wasn't all bad. I ended up seeing a few Tucker Carlson segments I would have otherwise missed. Maybe the AI had determined that I might sit through a Carlson segment but quickly abandon an "Outnumbered" piece. As mentioned, Carlson was one of the few people I trusted at Fox news.

Fox News and Youtube do not want you to see this segment. You can go to the Fox News site and find it but it does not seem to be on Fox News' Youtube channel? Interestingly, there are several leftist "Even Tucker Carlson Says Trumps's Legal Team Are All Liars" sorts of videos that only show part of the segment. These vids are usually supplemented with the videographer's rehashing of Dem/MSM talking points.

So why is the complete segment absent from Youtube? Because for most of the opening, Carlson discusses Rudy Giuliani's claims of analog voter fraud (taboo) and MSM's inaction on this issue (double taboo.) Instead, we have edited versions featuring soy boy commentators.

Youtube, in cooperation with Fox News has enhanced their mind control procedures. Yes, Tucker might be getting a little bit catty because Powell won't give him a scoop but isn't it about time she released the Kraken? Or Kraken Lite? Given the election and post-election timetable, these revelations cannot be as leisurely as a John Durham investigation.

In sunnary:

1. Google is evil.

2. Fox News Sucks.

3. Show us the evidence!

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