Monday, November 16, 2020

Durham and Wordpress

I was feeling confident yesterday and then I received a double dose of bad news.

1. Wordpress deplatforms "The Last Outpost."

2. Durham is rumored to fold his hand.

The second part first. Durham was the slow-motion prosecutor who was supposed to bring the thugs and traitors to justice. Like a lot of Washingtonians, his talent might consist of little more than collecting salaries. He was our hope and dream but waiting on Durham was like waiting for Godot. Sufficient evidence was never an issue with the likes of the Crossfire Hurricane Gang. Sufficient integrity is another matter altogether.

We will have to wait a little bit longer to see if Durham formally folds. It is but a rumor but then again, his history of inaction speaks loud and clear.

Wordpress. Big tech has many tentacles. I thought Wordpress was primarily a commercial tech establishment. They might not have had a political agenda a month ago but now, they obviously do. How long before Gab or Parler go to the dark side?

"The Last Outpost" formerly "The Conservative Treehouse" is edited by a man named Sundance. Sundance keeps a low profile. I learned from reading "Unmasking Obama" that he is a retired grocery executive who lives in Florida. I don't know much more about him except that he is both a skilled reporter and shrewd analyst. He covers corruption--FBI, DOJ, Democrats--better than anyone else. My favorite aggregate site, Doug Powers Journal, a site listed in our blogroll, links to "The Last Outpost " more than any other site. Some days, 6 of 36 links direct the reader to Sundance, and some days he is the only link reading.

Because the Lefty thugs do not usually know their enemy, they often attack the cape instead of the bull fighter. This time, they nailed the matador. Sundance is a key player in the samizdat. Information warfare con has reached a deafening roar.

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