Saturday, November 28, 2020

Jerome Corsi on How Trump Became President

This video is probably vintage 2018. I accept the premise that two deep state factions vie for power. One is loosely formed around the CIA and the other group stems from the DIA. 

The two factions are divided culturally and ideologically. The CIA faction is global in focus and the DIA faction holds an America-first perspective. 

This explains why there is such an intense and pervasive and prolonged attack on Donald Trump. Do you really think they hate Trump because he Tweets or because he has orange hair or an insufficient number of celebrity friends? Do you really think they would be spending billions to get rid of Trump because he is crass and crude and gauche? The world doe not work that way.

 You don't sign George Stephanopolous to a nine-figure salary because of his oratory skills. Millions, literally millions of English-speaking citizens could perform his stated job as well as Georgie Boy. And it's not like the eight figures a year bring ratings. This is serious cash paid by serious people who want results.

Because I believe the set of conspiracies Corsi promotes are extremely plausible, I believe that Trump will prevail. This is not a game. If generals were serious enough to plot a coup against Obama, they are not about to hand the country over to Cheating Joe.

You get caught cheating on a scale previously unimaginable and you think the Michael Flynn types are just going to shrug and shake your hand? Have fun with your dark winter and global reset and nuclear Iran and we'll all sing kumbaya at your inauguration, Joe. This is not a game.

It might seem like Trump is vulnerable but rest assured, he has friends in high places.

On a side note, InfoWars has once assembled the most colorful menagerie of characters on the Internet. Led by Alex Jones, they had Paul Joseph Watson, Corsi, Roger Stone, Millie Weaver, and Steve Pieczenik to name but a few correspondents. Reminds one of the Greenwich Village golden age when Bob Dylan would follow Tiny Tim and Richard Pryor and Joan Rivers provided the laughs. Camelots never seem to last very long.

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