Thursday, December 27, 2018

David Wilcock Update The Mass Sealed Indictments Are Already Take Action

David Wilcock is a colorful and controversial figure, He launched a career by claiming to be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. I cannot confirm or deny.

I try to monitor the paranormal fringe. Wilcock is a recurring character.

At 14:00, Q is discussed. Wow!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Repost from Comments: The Problem With The Bushes

Moose, I concur with your perception of weakness and I believe it a family trait. The Bushes are the black sheep of the ruling class. Their pathetic need for approval--specifically approval from the establishment--resulted in bad decisions that ultimately diminished the family's political stature.

It was that look over the shoulder for the teacher's approval that did them in. Maybe if I break my #1 read my lips promise to the American people I will be praised by the fourth estate, Yale, Skull and Bones members, K Street, Hollywood, et al. It did not work that way.

We saw the same spineless quest for political class recognition from the second Bush president. For 8 years the Clinton Administration blamed all that went wrong in the Middle East of GHWB's failure to complete the job. In other words, to go into Baghdad and remove Hussein. The instant he took the bait, the younger Bush was painted as a racist warmonger. 

Lesson: we can never win approval, recognition, respect or even acceptance from the ruling class, so we should not try. Donald Trump understands this. The establishment likes Republicans who lose. They love Republicans who betray. They adore Republicans who die.

GHWB finally got what he sought all of his life. Now that he is laid to rest and the flags fly high once more, we can state the obvious. GHWB was weak.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Maybe Trump Is Spearheading A Worldwide Populist Movement After All

To give credit where it is due, Nigel Farage might be the better poster child for anti-elitism.
Brexit gave way to Trump and the question that was asked was: Is this a personality cult or the blossoming of an international populist movement?

Europeans are docile. They have been neaten into submission by the velvet hammer. We often wondered if they would ever stand up for themselves. Turns out even Parisians hate the Paris Accord. How do you say, "Drill baby, drill"?

After Trump won the election, Parisian Leftists took to the streets to protest. Protest what exactly? Who knows?

Now, a different kind of protester has emerged. Never are they heard to chant "We want Gore." Or "We want Steyer." But there have been chants of "We want Trump."

Something is happening and you don't know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Rest In Peace, President Bush

While I am not a fan of our 41st president, I feel the need to put his life in perspective.

I am defending GHWB against the baseless criticism heaped upon him by the Greatly Awakened.

If you assert that George Bush had anything to do with the murder of JFK, the defense rests.

If you assert that George Bush's involvement in the Masons had anything to do with anything other than fraternity and schmoozing, the defense rests.

If you assert that George Bush's involvement in Skull and Bones resulted in nefarious activity, the defense rests.

If you assert that George Bush's globalism implicates him in human sacrifice, cannibalism, ritualistic pedophilia and crimes so atrocious that we can never know about them, the defense rests.

If you assert that the elder George Bush helped orchestrate the events of 9/11, the defense will assert that you are as stupid as Michael Moore.
41 seems to be a punching bag for members of the Q Anon underground, of which I claim membership. I don't see any sharks but I am finding myself swimming with lump fish, blow fish and sucker fish. Not a build the tension with a "Lions and tigers and bears oh my" vibe. No theme from "Jaws." "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" falls short both in title and in composition. Think "Waltz of the Flowers" where the audience joins in with an assortment of kazoos, bag pipes and tubas. Q Nation.
I believe that George HW Bush was a well-intentioned individual with whom I shared few, if any, values. His global perspective is a view I reject but one I respect. Those of us who saw Reaganism as watered-down Capitalism see Bush as watered-down Reagan. Politically, 41 was not much different from Kasich or Boehner or George II or most mainstream Republicans. Let us all chant "Lesser of Two Evils" till we grow weary.

Arguably, Bush brought the all-time best resume to the presidency. Successful businessman, vice-president, congressman, ambassador, director of CIA, fighter pilot. No lost years in this man's biography.

George and Barbara Bush lost a child early in their marriage. Personal tragedy does not assure greatness or wisdom but it often brings with it a sensitivity to the plight of others. Empathy.This is highly subjective but I do believe George Herbert Walker Bush cared about other people, especially those he was elected to help. I believe that his compassion went well beyond the photo-op.Had he wielded a 'D' after his name, he would have been treated much, much, much more favorably by the corrupt fourth estate.

Bush spearheaded the GLOBAL maneuver to defeat Sadam Hussein.

Bush did much to restore the tarnished reputation of the US military that suffered mightily following Vietnam.

Bush did not use the IRS to crush political opposition. He did not use the FBI and DOJ and partisan Intelligence administrators to spy on politicians. He did not spy on journalists, their families and promote the swearing of affidavits attesting to their involvement with terrorists. There is zero evidence that he used voter fraud to get elected. He did not funnel $1.6 billion CASH to nefarious forces...If  this tip of the iceberg just got a little too Poundstone for such a somber occasion, so be it. George Herbert Walker Bush is saintly by comparison.

Oh but there are some harsh lessons to be learned about the GOP establishment, the Bush Family and in particular, George Herbert Walker Bush. Some other time. On balance, George Herbert Walker Bush was a good man. On this, the day following his death, we should all keep that in mind.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Clearly I Missed This One

There will plenty of time for soul-searching.

A few ponderables:

1. From 2016, is Trump the leader of a cult of personality of the leader of a worldwide populist movement? Kind of looks like the latter.

2. Did the GOP upgrade their leadership when Priebus left? Will they ever match the Dems on organization?

3. Can the peasants beat big donors over time? Was 2016 a fluke? Will Steyers and Soros and Bezos, etc., continue to call the shots?

4. Will "The Storm" ever arrive? Why didn't we get a little turbulence before mid-terms?

5. Will China be emboldened with a weakened US president? Did they just win the trade war?

Monday, November 5, 2018

Midterm Predictions

The GOP will pick up 9 Senate seats.

There will be high turnover in the House and a few surprises but the balance of power will not change. The GOP will pick up a few seats.

The GOP will pick up 3 governor offices.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Just In Time For Halloween: "Obama Be Thy Name"

On several occasions I have tried to compile displays of exultation that cross the line and can only be called worship. Yes, I am referring to President Obama and his zombie followers.

It blows my mind how many of these vids got by many efforts to chronicle Life in Jonestown. This blog used to feature a Sunday Worship category that was and is about as creepy as it gets.

I still get weirded out by The Cult of Obama. Still frightening after all these years.

Biden Draws An Audience of 193 Conscripted Union Members

BTW, I lifted this page from Pacific Pundit who pasted it from Twitter posts.

CREEPY JOE BIDEN had a rally in LasVegas & was THRILLED when 193 people attended. Biden comes out saying “I’m Joe Biden and I work for Harry Reid.” The values that built America ‘‘are... 

Former VP Joe Biden speaking at a rally supporting Democratic candidates in Las Vegas, Nevada: "You cannot define American based on their race, their religion, their ethnicity... the only country in the world that is based on an idea, the American idea." 
Joe Biden Draws Only 193 People And Almost All Of Them Are Union Members Forced To Be There .

Well 77,000 are going to hear President Trump and Ted Cruz. Our President’s rallies are still going strong. I wonder how many will be at Joe Biden and Hillary’s rallies?
Creepy Joe Biden had a "rally" in LasVegas & he was crowing proud that 193 people showed up Stephanie! 🤣

Because something is happening here but you don't know what it is

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Oracles Union Local 016 Predicting Blue Wave

Eventually the Silvers and Sabatos have to get one right, right? Right? Right? Right?

Not necessarily. If you are a dues-paying member of the Oracles Union then trivialities like deceit, fraud and gross stupidity shall not be impediments to job security.

Let us take a brief stroll down Memory Lane.




Ali vs Frazier
Phil vs Tiger
Betty vs Wilma

They all pale in comparison to Larry vs Nate.  The Crystal Ball meets The Sultan of Sooth for non-stop prediction/projection/prognostication!

Sorry Nate, we are giving Larry center stage this evening.


And we conclude with a current prediction from L-Sab, now keeping it real on MSNBC.


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Why Was Rosie The Riveting On Air Force One?

OK, so I blew it with the FISA declassification (The Whopper with cheese as Sir Patrick Mack calls it.)

According to Qanon interpreters (if not Qanon explicitly stating as much) the declassification would occur just as soon as Brett Kavanaugh was elevated to SCOTUS. That happened on Saturday and news bombs are best released on Monday, which just so happened to be Columbus Day. So I went way out on a limb and predicted Tuesday.

Then the president hauled Rodro down to Florida on Air Force One and they reported they had a half hour meeting. The boisterous Q goes silent and the declassified FISA doc is not released. What was said at that meeting?

I can only think f two reasons for a meeting such as this to take place. One, Rosie is offering up a conspiratorial whale shark on a silver platter (and there are only about a half dozen fishes bigger than him) to desperately try to save his own ass. Or two, the bottom feeder king has found something on Trump or his family or a member of his administration and has gotten POTUS to back off on the declass.

I can't think of anything else. Rosie is not a MAGA kind of guy and I can't imagine POTUS bringing him along for his great company. There is something wrong with this picture.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Kavanaugh Vote Is A Win-Win Scenario

Either we get the justice we deserve or the hornet's nest is kicked and we have a red tsunami.

We might get both anyway.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Rest In Peace, Burt Reynolds

The people's actor is gone. I would say "long live the people's actor" but I don't think there is one out there now.

The Left Ruins Everything It Touches

A genius can be defined as someone who expresses your opinions better than you can. I have long done my Chicken Little best to warn about the destructive nature of the Left. Destruction--not of the creative destruction variety. No, they practice destruction that is pure and absolute--is the currency of the Left.

Everything they touch, turns to feces. Think San Francisco. Before SF there was Detroit and Flint and Chicago. Every major city has been ruined by the Left.

Public education.
Higher education.
Health insurance.
Late Night TV.
Comedy Central.
The very premise of comedy.

The above is not an exhaustive list by any means.  Let my highlighted author say it.

And because of that, when you allow the social justice crowd a foot in the door they will soon destroy the entire institution. If they can take down the Catholic Church, after all, how hard is it for them to wipe out Nike?

More insight:

While Nike’s stock was tanking on Tuesday, so was any semblance of decorum in the Senate, as theDemocrats on the Judiciary Committee — including the potential 2020 presidential nominee Kamala Harris, who apparently achieved her position largely on the strength of her reputed former status as Willie Brown’s “side piece” — followed through on a planned attempt to disrupt Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings. And the Democrats’ foot soldiers in the audience proceeded to show their collective derrières with a cacophony of heckling, sign-holding, and farcical costume displays.
Exactly how this is supposed to affect Kavanaugh’s confirmation beyond making the Republican majority more resolute in passing his nomination to the Senate floor is a mystery. One has the strong feeling all political activism in America now, and particularly on the Democrat side, can be reduced to the simple acting-out of children.
Complete article from "The American Spectator"

Monday, August 27, 2018

Requiem For A Judas

Yeah yeah yeah and Benedict Arnold should be remembered as a great American general who bravely served our country.

The media LOVE Republicans. More specifically, they LOVE Republicans who lose. They LOVE Republicans who betray.  They LOVE Republicans who badmouth the base of their party. They LOVE Republicans who stand on principle, especially a principle shared with the Demomedia Complex.

McCain betrayed us in Syria.
McCain betrayed us on health care (and laughed in our faces while doing so,)
McCain betrayed us on Spygate.

Remember the death of Gerald Ford? The media were generous with their seemingly endless praise.
Ford was not a traitor. He was a good man. Why then, the boatload of accolades?

1. Ford lost to Jimmy Carter.
2. Ford was NOT Ronald Reagan.

We can argue if that was one or two Cupid arrows. Had Ford been a little more Reaganesque he might not have been challenged by the real RR and he might have defeated Mr. Peanut.

The racist, baby-killing war monger would find reincarnation of his maverick status in his overt and covert attacks on Donald Trump, Trump supporters and the Trump agenda. It is hard for me to find kind words for the Senator but out of respect for the departed, I recycle the highest praise ever heaped upon the man.

In the spirit of Clarence Darrow reminding us of the sparkling qualities of Leopold and Loeb or perhaps more like the backlot huckster pointing out that if you keep the slightly-rusted beater on he road for four years, you will have a classic on your hands, I turn this eulogy over to one of the greatest orators of our times.


Saturday, August 11, 2018

Is YouTube Scrubbing All References To Alex Jones?

Looks like YouTube is giving Alex Jones the Confederate Hero treatment. They are not just banning him and his channel, they are banning third party interviews as well.

Scroll down to see social justice at work.

There are so many angles and oddities to this story. Once more, we are reminded that we know the Left better than the Left knows us. Theirs is a mockingbird world where a consensus of opinion and verbiage is spoon fed to them minus the proverbial grain of salt.

We understand and appreciate and practice or at least acknowledge nuance. The politburo sees a successful and popular right wing propagandist. We see a slugger who can hit breathtaking home runs but we also see the 20 consecutive strikeouts. Do we want this guy in the lineup? Can we use him as a pinch-hitter? Would you buy a jar of vitamins from this man?

I started viewing AJ in 2016. In the election season, I expanded my my cultural horizons. A few additions to my daily news digest:

Former Sanders supporter and anti-corruptionist, H. A. Goodman.

Former Huffpo contributor (he got canned for reporting honestly on Hillary's health) who might be thought of as the pope of the Pizzagate cult, David Seaman.

Vermont occultist Styenhammer666.

Infowars and their comic book cast of characters.

I should mention that "comic book character" is not an insult. I define real life comic book characters as people with a different sense of proportion. They live in a literally illustrious world where talents are super powers and any and every character flaw is expressed as pure evil. At the top of my list of real life comic book figures is a man who  I have only come to respect in the past few years but for whom I hold more respect than any living human being: Donald Joseph Trump.

Back to AJ and Infowars. The super hero assembled a legion of oversized personalities: Roger Stone, Dr. Steve Pieczenik, Paul Joseph Watson, Zach, Dr. Jerome Corsi, Millennial was a fun place to be. My jumping off point came when Jones starting selling the idea of DJT being compromised by the deep state, even being surreptitiously drugged or poisoned by those baby-raping thugs. I think otherwise.

Infowars seemed to lose a lot of followers on their Q Anon comments. As with the MSM overlords, a lot of Seventeeners do not appreciate nuance. I think some of them might have been a little too harsh in their criticisms of Jones and Corsi but I cannot referee every flame war.

A lot of lessons from the Youtube/Jones saga. First is the inability and unwillingness of the overlords to understand their rivals. In their fervor to ban dissent, they probably selected one of the lesser-influential/higher profile voices to silence. Socially and politically, the Alex Jones ban might be something like banning "Walker: Texas Ranger" reruns.

 While the actions might make sense to the political class, the rabble would probably react by asking, "Why Chuck Norris?" "Is Chuck still living?" "Isn't Norris an underrated genius?" "Do you think Mr. Octagon is getting some of that DCAA moolah?" "Is Chuckles controlled opposition?" "Is this an elaborate publicity stunt in which the alleged victim is actually a co-conspirator?"

As absurd as the Alex Jones-of-all-people-ban might appear, it is also a sobering reminder of just how powerful the tech gods happen to be. YouTube and Facebook flexed their muscles and look what happened. We should all take heed.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Happy Birthday, President Obama

Happy Birthday, America's only unvetted president.

Seem to be enjoying a quiet day for one so outgoing. We certainly have not forgotten you and believe me, we tried.

On August 4, 2010 we posted a video in your honor, every hour of the day. Mostly they were birther-related of course. And btw, I still believe that you were born in Hawaii (but that by no means closes the books on your mysterious family and your shadowy friends) despite the fraudulent birth certificate you foisted upon the public. You know, the one that listed you as African-America decades before that term was coined?

Whatever else might be said about you, President Obama, there is one distinction that no one can ever take away from you. You are the biggest fraud in the history of Planet Earth. There are no close seconds.

Happy Birthday, President Barry Barack Soetoro Obama or whoever you might be! There will never be another like you.

CROWDER CONFRONTS: Firebomb Lady | Louder With Crowder

This is so prototypically Leftist. The reluctance and probably the inability to engage in civil discourse.

The resort to slogans and chanting as a first resort.

The instructions "Do not engage."

More chanting with different slogans.

Finally, name-calling.

The entire Leftist repertoire on display.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Q Is Not A Conspiracy. Q Is Not A Theory. Ergo, Q Is Not A Conspiracy Theory

Call Q a fraud.

Call Q a fake.

Call Q a Psyop.

Call Q a LARP (Live Action Role Play if prefer excessive verbiage to describe a fake.)

But Q is NOT a conspiracy theory. Words have meaning. The JFK assassination explained by someone not associated with The Warren Report is a conspiracy theory. "It was not a lone gunman but a coordinated effort by many and I submit as evidence...''

The media handling of Q is reminiscent of the caged apes who were taught sign language. I think it was Koko who had but one word for anything aversive: Crocodile.

To Koko, something that tasted bad was crocodile. Our news media uses two words where Koko used one. You might take the brevity is the soul of wit defense but I will defend our esteemed fourth estate for their double-sized vocabulary.

 Why do they hammer out terms like conspiracy theory to describe something that is neither? Are they gaslighting me again? Are they just trying to vex me with their baby talk? Are they trying to hamper civil discourse with their foolishness? I say therein lies a conspiracy. That's my theory

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Even Money Bet In The Senate? Dem Majority vs. GOP Super-Majority. Part I

Who remembers the 2016 elections? It was long ago and far away but if you close your eyes and focus the mind, you might recall glimpses of that magical season. If not, you can find roughly a gazillion videos on Youtube that capture the charm and wonder of the impossible dream.

Donald Trump shall always eclipse the other characters of 2016 and rightfully so. The triumph of history's underest underdog meets and exceeds Biblical standards. David slayed but one Goliath. Donald slayed an army of overgrown thugs.

In celebrating the Donald's victory and the accompanying populist uprising, it is easy to lose sight of some of the other characters in this captivating saga. At the other end of the hero spectrum are the gargoyles known as pundits and pollsters. Trump's victory did not affect the composition of the pundit class. As with the poor, the pundit class shall always be with us.

The Nate Silvers and Frank Luntzs and Larry Sabatos showed themselves to be either liars or fools or in some cases, both liars and fools. Other professions would change their personnel, but not the punditry. Their job security is tighter than even a corrupt FBI agent's. The only pundits relegated to the unemployment line were those embroiled in allegations of sexual impropriety. Pundit 1.0 is still Pundit 1.0.

The universal excuse for the 2016 collective miscalculation is that Donald Trump is such an aberrant aberration that no one could predict his victory. A corollary of this is that "everyone else was wrong too." If we cheated off of Nate the Grate's paper, why should we get stuck sharing the dunce cap? Points taken but...

The anti-forecasting of 2016 was not a fluke. The pundit class has been consistently wrong going back to at least 2014. Given the volume and frequency and magnitude of bad prognostication, it is hard to encapsulate the falsity but here are a few choice nuggets.

1. The down ballot results of 2016.  The pundits had the Dems capturing the Senate and some of them had them taking the House as well. The House was called for the Republicans early in the evening.

The Upper House seemed like easy picking because Senate classes are skewed (more about that later.) The Republicans had 24 seats to defend while the Dems had only 10, most of which were locked up in safe blue states. The Demoncrats needed five seats to capture the fort. They got two.

Notably, the two GOP losers, Kirk and Ayotte, distanced themselves from Donald Trump. Kirk was opposed by a strong candidate in the Chicago colony of Illinois. It probably did not help that he was also recovering from a stroke. Ayotte, on the other hand, had no excuses. She just blew it.

Two out of twenty-four. Not exactly a wave. Meanwhile, in the bluer than blue state of Minnesota, the Republicans captured both state houses. In the bluest state of all, Vermont, a Republican governor was elected.

Many an entrenched and entitled pundit had publicly advised the GOP to shield their innocents from the blood spatter that would emanate from the Trump campaign. Focus on salvaging the down ballot candidates. As it turned out it was Hillary, not Trump, who poisoned her downstream allies.

2. The 2014 Red Wave. 2014 might pale in comparison to 2010 in the sense that Gehrig paled to Ruth. Yes, the Babe was the long time leader in home runs but the Iron Horse would hold the record for grand slams posthumously for 72 years. 2014 was a grand slam.

2014 saw the GOP win gubernatorial races in Illinois, Maryland and Massachusetts. Of course, they once more held the House. Most importantly, they picked up eight seats in the Senate. Double grand slam!

Those who were shocked by the inaccuracy of the pollsters in 2016 had short memories. The Oracles were every bit as stupid in 2014 as in 2016. Almost every Senate race by almost every pollster predicted better results for the Dems than was reflected in the vote tally. Those of us who occasionally entertain notions of conspiracy observed that the pollsters were wrong in a very predictable manner: They ALWAYS erred in the same way. They always inflated the Democrat candidate's popularity. We would see this trend repeated in 2016 and later in the special elections of 2017. Special

Here is a reprint from November 5, 2014:

The Big Losers: Pollsters

Political polling isn't easy, I will concede that. Meteorology can also be challenging. A weatherman might overstate a blizzard but if he overlooks a Cat 5 hurricane, he should consider a career change.

Pat Roberts was in a statistical dead heat with Greg Orman. Roberts won by eleven points.

Tillis was losing to Hagan. He won by two points.

Perdue was not going to reach 50%. He got 53%.

McConnell was supposed to be in a tussle. He won by sixteen points.

Cuomo was supposed to win by a landslide. He got 54%.

Did they even poll Gillespie-Warner? What about the Maryland governor's race? I don't recall anyone saying Hogan by nine.

The pollsters called New Hampshire races correctly even though the governor's race was closer than predicted. They got the Massachusetts governor's race on target. They called Michigan, Ohio, California, New Mexico, South Carolina and Hawaii. Guess they can still shoot fish in a barrel some of the time.

The Rush Limbaughs will tell us the polls understated GOP leads to encourage Democrats. He might be right. Of course, not every pollster is driven by ideology. Professional reputations are on the line. If a balance of power has shifted, it shifted most dramatically in the pollster arena.

Special Elections of 2017:

The Dems got giddy after defeating Roy Moore for Jeff Sessions vacated Alabama Senate seat on December 12, 2017. The election was a farce from the get go. With only one national race the national news media could muster all of their forces against Roy Moore. The "Washington Post" orchestrated a smear campaign against Moore and their colleagues would goose step in unison. 

The GOP establishment would pile on. Moore had defeated their preferred candidate, Sessions fill-in, Luther Strange, in the Republican runoff. A not great effort by Moore and credible claims of voter fraud would allow the Demoncrats to ride the perfect storm and capture the Senate seat until 2020.

Fluke victory? Yes, I would say so. The other 2017 special elections for vacated Congressional seats would play to form. The Dems would claim the California Congressional seat and the GOP would take home all the other marbles...Kansas, Georgia, South Carolina, Utah, Montana. Maybe there wasn't so much buyer remorse after all. 

Meantime: 538 continues its rosy-glass predictions for the Party of Clinton.

Special Elections So Far Point To A Democratic Wave In 2018

And how about this one where Nate Silver lackeys quote many a discredited pollster.

In Part II we will examine the individual senate races and see why Dem majority versus GOP super-majority is an even up proposition.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Dilbert Takes On The Walkaway Movement

As much as I am encouraged by the Walkaway movement, I find the narratives lacking. It would be more encouraging to hear of a transformation to rationalism or something similar expressed in left-brained terms.

I have not seen much text generated by the Walkaways and this might be telling. The written word demands some concession to the rational process as opposed to a video monologue that rambles and does not necessarily make a point.

Scott Adams makes sense for those who struggle to do so.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Best Insult In The Never-Trump Category

Envelope please. 

And the winner is Kurt Schlichter of "Town Hall" for any of a dozen slings and arrows he landed on the torpid NT carcass. 

Trump threw the Fredocons out of the family business. They are nothing to us. They are not brothers-in-arms and they are not friends. We don’t want to know them or what they do. We’d take them out in a figurative row boat onto Lake Tahoe but we don’t want to be seen hanging around with them.

Fredocon! That seals it for Schlichter but he could have won it with a few other of his toxic bon mots.

They miss the cruise ships, filled with marks handing over cash to mingle with second-tier scribes from magazines put out by lesser sons of greater fathers that we stopped reading when they stopped mattering.

 Lesser sons of greater fathers? To whom would he be referring?

The very next sentence.

Never Trump wants to once stand on a sold-out cruise ship’s bridge, pale puny arms spread wide, shouting, “I’m a minor duke of the world!” 

They’ve been stripped of their silly status, but that silly status – “Oh, I am an assistant fellow at the Institute to For Conservative Studies and Mailing List Compilation” – was all they had. 

 In fairness, the Never-Trumpers have landed a lot of cushy jobs on major networks, often using the tagline, "Republican Strategist."

Sure, the liberal establishment ran things, but the Professional Cons had their own petty gigs pretending to resist, pretending to care, all the while treading water in a sea of mediocrity and ineffectuality.

It is so sweet to bash the Never-Trumpers. Why?

because their combination of condescension, greed, and betrayal was a huge factor in creating the desperation that turned Normal Americans toward the most unlikely conservative hero imaginable.

  So much more.

I would just like to add to our #But Gorsuch acquaintances: Can you please follow Charlie Crist and Mark Sanford out the door? You are better off with your own kind. So are we.