Monday, July 30, 2018

Q Is Not A Conspiracy. Q Is Not A Theory. Ergo, Q Is Not A Conspiracy Theory

Call Q a fraud.

Call Q a fake.

Call Q a Psyop.

Call Q a LARP (Live Action Role Play if prefer excessive verbiage to describe a fake.)

But Q is NOT a conspiracy theory. Words have meaning. The JFK assassination explained by someone not associated with The Warren Report is a conspiracy theory. "It was not a lone gunman but a coordinated effort by many and I submit as evidence...''

The media handling of Q is reminiscent of the caged apes who were taught sign language. I think it was Koko who had but one word for anything aversive: Crocodile.

To Koko, something that tasted bad was crocodile. Our news media uses two words where Koko used one. You might take the brevity is the soul of wit defense but I will defend our esteemed fourth estate for their double-sized vocabulary.

 Why do they hammer out terms like conspiracy theory to describe something that is neither? Are they gaslighting me again? Are they just trying to vex me with their baby talk? Are they trying to hamper civil discourse with their foolishness? I say therein lies a conspiracy. That's my theory

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