Friday, September 7, 2018

The Left Ruins Everything It Touches

A genius can be defined as someone who expresses your opinions better than you can. I have long done my Chicken Little best to warn about the destructive nature of the Left. Destruction--not of the creative destruction variety. No, they practice destruction that is pure and absolute--is the currency of the Left.

Everything they touch, turns to feces. Think San Francisco. Before SF there was Detroit and Flint and Chicago. Every major city has been ruined by the Left.

Public education.
Higher education.
Health insurance.
Late Night TV.
Comedy Central.
The very premise of comedy.

The above is not an exhaustive list by any means.  Let my highlighted author say it.

And because of that, when you allow the social justice crowd a foot in the door they will soon destroy the entire institution. If they can take down the Catholic Church, after all, how hard is it for them to wipe out Nike?

More insight:

While Nike’s stock was tanking on Tuesday, so was any semblance of decorum in the Senate, as theDemocrats on the Judiciary Committee — including the potential 2020 presidential nominee Kamala Harris, who apparently achieved her position largely on the strength of her reputed former status as Willie Brown’s “side piece” — followed through on a planned attempt to disrupt Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings. And the Democrats’ foot soldiers in the audience proceeded to show their collective derrières with a cacophony of heckling, sign-holding, and farcical costume displays.
Exactly how this is supposed to affect Kavanaugh’s confirmation beyond making the Republican majority more resolute in passing his nomination to the Senate floor is a mystery. One has the strong feeling all political activism in America now, and particularly on the Democrat side, can be reduced to the simple acting-out of children.
Complete article from "The American Spectator"

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