Thursday, December 6, 2018

Maybe Trump Is Spearheading A Worldwide Populist Movement After All

To give credit where it is due, Nigel Farage might be the better poster child for anti-elitism.
Brexit gave way to Trump and the question that was asked was: Is this a personality cult or the blossoming of an international populist movement?

Europeans are docile. They have been neaten into submission by the velvet hammer. We often wondered if they would ever stand up for themselves. Turns out even Parisians hate the Paris Accord. How do you say, "Drill baby, drill"?

After Trump won the election, Parisian Leftists took to the streets to protest. Protest what exactly? Who knows?

Now, a different kind of protester has emerged. Never are they heard to chant "We want Gore." Or "We want Steyer." But there have been chants of "We want Trump."

Something is happening and you don't know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?

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