Saturday, August 11, 2018

Is YouTube Scrubbing All References To Alex Jones?

Looks like YouTube is giving Alex Jones the Confederate Hero treatment. They are not just banning him and his channel, they are banning third party interviews as well.

Scroll down to see social justice at work.

There are so many angles and oddities to this story. Once more, we are reminded that we know the Left better than the Left knows us. Theirs is a mockingbird world where a consensus of opinion and verbiage is spoon fed to them minus the proverbial grain of salt.

We understand and appreciate and practice or at least acknowledge nuance. The politburo sees a successful and popular right wing propagandist. We see a slugger who can hit breathtaking home runs but we also see the 20 consecutive strikeouts. Do we want this guy in the lineup? Can we use him as a pinch-hitter? Would you buy a jar of vitamins from this man?

I started viewing AJ in 2016. In the election season, I expanded my my cultural horizons. A few additions to my daily news digest:

Former Sanders supporter and anti-corruptionist, H. A. Goodman.

Former Huffpo contributor (he got canned for reporting honestly on Hillary's health) who might be thought of as the pope of the Pizzagate cult, David Seaman.

Vermont occultist Styenhammer666.

Infowars and their comic book cast of characters.

I should mention that "comic book character" is not an insult. I define real life comic book characters as people with a different sense of proportion. They live in a literally illustrious world where talents are super powers and any and every character flaw is expressed as pure evil. At the top of my list of real life comic book figures is a man who  I have only come to respect in the past few years but for whom I hold more respect than any living human being: Donald Joseph Trump.

Back to AJ and Infowars. The super hero assembled a legion of oversized personalities: Roger Stone, Dr. Steve Pieczenik, Paul Joseph Watson, Zach, Dr. Jerome Corsi, Millennial was a fun place to be. My jumping off point came when Jones starting selling the idea of DJT being compromised by the deep state, even being surreptitiously drugged or poisoned by those baby-raping thugs. I think otherwise.

Infowars seemed to lose a lot of followers on their Q Anon comments. As with the MSM overlords, a lot of Seventeeners do not appreciate nuance. I think some of them might have been a little too harsh in their criticisms of Jones and Corsi but I cannot referee every flame war.

A lot of lessons from the Youtube/Jones saga. First is the inability and unwillingness of the overlords to understand their rivals. In their fervor to ban dissent, they probably selected one of the lesser-influential/higher profile voices to silence. Socially and politically, the Alex Jones ban might be something like banning "Walker: Texas Ranger" reruns.

 While the actions might make sense to the political class, the rabble would probably react by asking, "Why Chuck Norris?" "Is Chuck still living?" "Isn't Norris an underrated genius?" "Do you think Mr. Octagon is getting some of that DCAA moolah?" "Is Chuckles controlled opposition?" "Is this an elaborate publicity stunt in which the alleged victim is actually a co-conspirator?"

As absurd as the Alex Jones-of-all-people-ban might appear, it is also a sobering reminder of just how powerful the tech gods happen to be. YouTube and Facebook flexed their muscles and look what happened. We should all take heed.

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