Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Memo, Q Anon and Other Rabbit Holes II

As mentioned before, I got into political blogging reluctantly in 2008, trying to find out why people I had respected all my life went Jonestown for an empty suit. I thought with the new administration in place, I could focus my attention on other issues. I was wrong.

Comey, Mueller, Antifa, fake news, fake news, more fake news...this transition was different. Trump was under constant attack and so too, were the average people who elected him. My attention kept coming back to politics.

Rabbit holes galore. Info Wars, Trump Prophecies, Antifa, Jared Kessler, Seth Rich, Sessions, and most recetly, Q Anon.

Q Anon blows my mind. Maybe he will turn out to be a fraudster produced by the deep state to give us false hope and ultimate disappointment. If such is a case, I salute our evil overlords for their originality. They would be clever people to pull this off.

As with the Podesta emails, I don't have time to pour over all the Q Anon posts and I trust others to help with the interpretation. Whereas I was on the Podesta emails from Assange's first drop (but I did not have time to read every message) I came to Q after he had already posted a hundred or so pages. I had some catching up to do.

For a little over a month, I have spent 2 to 3 hours day researching Q Anon. My commute is about 35 minutes and I have a Youtube app on my phone and I listen as I drive to work. Most of the vlogs are audio files in a video format. Nothing to see here, folks. But plenty to listen to.

At home, I put Youtube on in the background as I multitask. I read a few text posts about Q which is about all I have time for in a given day. I believe Q is legit but I will believe more strongly should The Storm commence.

I have gotten to the point where I can decipher a Q post about as well as the experts. Had Q not asked why Eric Schmidt not gone to North Korea, I would not have known why the snake had gone to North Korea so I certainly would not have asked why.

What Q has done is brilliant. By asking questions, he provides--or rather provokes-- an alternative news agenda, a news cycle not respective of the MSM topics de jour. This is bigger than it sounds. For all their efforts, the Rush Limbaughs, Town Halls, Daily Callers and Fox News, are always playing defense. Right or wrong, they are always reacting to an agenda set by MSM (who according to Q, have their agenda set by our CIA, or as he calls them, Clowns In America.) Q, like President Twitter, is wrestling away the news agenda from the legacy players.

Once more, research of an obscure topic has lead me where I did not want to go. Frequently, a rational analysis of Q's queries has resulted in tangents stating that UFO's are piloted by demons, Israel launched a nuclear attack on Hawaii but we can't tell anyone because it would reveal too much detail about our anti-ballistic capabilities. Ditto, the Chinese nuclear sub fired missiles at both Hawaii and Japan because China too, is undergoing a soft civil war and the rogue sub would later be sunk by a Chinese warship. There is the usual pabulum about new world order, globalism, illuminati, Lucifer, Pedogate...But hey, it's better than Sean Hannity on most nights.

Did we always live in such exciting times and just not know it? IDK but it does seem like yesteryear was more predictable, if not more placid.

Q Anon has shaken my perspective in more ways than I thought possible.

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