Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Parallels Between Robert Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, Jr.

In writing about the Kennedys I feel the need to pre-editorialize. 

It is an act of glaring stupidity to speak about the Kennedys collectively. That holds true for Howie Carr, the funniest man in radio who is also capable of objective and spot-on political analysis. We waited years for his magnum opus to arrive, a book about America's favorite family. Those of us who wanted an encyclopedia to park next to our Collier and Horowitz master work would be sorely disappointed. Carr fell back on his tabloid roots to give us, "Kennedy Babylon". I have not seen it but I am told it is a compilation of bad stuff and only bad stuff, a proud homage to Murdoch journalism.

Rush Limbaugh spoke of the Kennedys collectively. "The New York Post", another Murdoch outlet printed the headline "The Hunk Flunks" to inform the world that JFK Jr, failed his bar exam. Murdoch saw the Kennedys as enemies, every last one of them. He was not alone.

At the other end of the Kennedy spectrum, hagiographies still abound. As word spread throughout New England that Robert Kennedy Jr., was going to seek the presidency, a lot of New Englanders voiced their support. Many of them know little about the lawyer activist and probably don't care to know more. They crave Camelot 2.0 and they are not necessarily focused on first names.

If you either hate or worship the Kennedys, your mind is made up on RFK Jr. Whereas those of us who see a family who produces some of the most complex and intriguing characters in American history, we want to see more.

Sirhan Sirhan cheated all of us. He cheated the millions of people who lined up to witness Robert Kennedy's funeral train as it mourned across the country. He also cheated the detached, spectatorial, popcorn-munching, hammock-resting, celebrant of American history as high entertainment. Possibly the most interesting character in the entirety of the United States was cut down just as soon as he stepped into the limelight. 

Ted Kennedy's policies were antithetical to John Kennedy's policies. JFK was one of America's best presidents. He literally launched a space program that has remained unsurpassed for over half a century. He was fervently and resolutely anti-Communist. He strongly believed in civil rights. He effectively fought poverty by the time-tested method of lowering taxes. He locked horns with the deep state and the military-industrial complex (possible redundancy acknowledged).

For all of JFK's virtues, he ascended to the presidency with the aid of organized crime. It is likely that La Cosa Nostra assisted Kennedy in defeating Senator Hubert Humphrey in the primaries, and it seems to be the consensus that they stole the general election from Richard Nixon. JFK was inaugurated with a pocketful of IOU's to the mafia written by his well-connected father. 

What was the reform-minded president to do? Should he honor his debts? Maybe honor some but not all of them? Should he work the incumbent players to maintain law and order in its state of evolution? Should he work with the mob in a Lucky Luciano sort of way, maybe joining forces with them in taking back Cuba from Castro? The president had a multitude of options.

Regardless of what should have been done, we know how history was written. The president appointed his brother to the rank of Attorney General, and Bobby unflinchingly propelled a scorched Earth policy against the mob. The very people who got JFK elected now felt the full brunt of the Department of Justice. Robert Kennedy might not have thought of his actions as betrayal, but the mafia certainly did. Some people theorize that this perceived treachery was what ultimately got JFK assassinated.

Without the mafia, the Kennedys would be comfortable and successful, but they would not be in the White House. Robert Kennedy sang "Aud Lang Syne" to the kingmakers. As Spock once said, "Interesting".

History rhymes. Robert Kennedy, Jr.  is seeking the presidency. The Democrat Party has morphed into the biggest crime cartel in the history of our planet. They are much more powerful than the Lanskys and Giacanas ever dreamed of being. Robert Kennedy, Jr., is starting a campaign from third base, due to his family's longstanding relationship with the Democrat Party.

This is not his father's Democrat party and RFK Jr., knows that. This was an institution that once produced great people. JFK, RFK, Scoop Jackson, William Proxmire, Daniel Patrick Moynihan...Today's party is composed entirely of frauds, thugs, terrorists and thieves, propped up by pathetic brain-dead minions. "Grat Democrat" has become an oxymoron.

To run an effective campaign, RFK, Jr. must bite the hand that fed him. Whether that is a nibble or an amputation remains to be seen. 

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