Monday, April 17, 2023

Is Ballot Harvesting Code Speak For Cheating?

 Is ballot harvesting code speak for cheating? 

The term is euphemistic but much more accurate than most euphemistic terms. A devoted activist creeps into a nursing home and assists the Alzheimer victims in selecting their Democrat choice for office. The harvested ballots are then dutifully returned to drop boxes conveniently located in areas that impede observation. The next day the loyal sharecropper conducts a harvest in public housing, assisting the residents in selecting Democrat choices without interrupting their busy schedules. The following day, ballots are harvested from Non-English migrants. A cornucopia of democracy is enjoyed by peasant and king alike.

The Dems win elections mostly because they cheat and ballot harvesting is their primary weapon. The only way the Republicans can win through this method is if they are willing to cheat at levels that the Dems cheat. Only by harvesting the ballots of the incompetent, the illegal, the deceased, and the fictitious, will the GOP reap a larger bounty.

I have heard a few pundits propose installing drop boxes in churches and gun shops as if these places can yield more crops than the fields of plenty fertilized with broken voter rolls. Voter rolls where the Mary Smith who changed her name to Mary Jones still votes. Voter rolls where Mr. and Mrs. Johnson who moved out of state still vote from the house that they lived in 10 years ago. Voter rolls where 23 people with the last name Hernandez vote from a house with plywood windows. Voter rolls where the deceased rise from the dead every election year to loyally check the Democrat boxes. There aren't enough pews or firing ranges in America to beat the phantom voter.

If we know that the other side is cheating, shouldn't we reciprocate? The problem with cheating is that cheating escalates and escalates quickly. If a person is willing to nullify another person's vote, what other level of harm would they be willing to inflict? We all renounce violence, but once a line is crossed, another line is soon crossed and then another and then another. Cheating escalates.

If MAGA voters are content to counter-cheat, do they really think they can beat the Dems at their own game? The big city political machines have been doing this sort of thing for decades, refining their skills with each passing election. What would it gain the America-first candidate to collect more votes than there are citizens, only to lose yet another close race to the wily Democrat? 

MAGA candidates should be forewarned that their ballot harvesting might be viewed through a different lens than legacy cheating. Think J6 "insurrection.' Think Hillary's subpoenaed and deleted emails. Think James Comey and the FBI and Merrick Garland and Alvin Bragg and Soros pawns and our corrupt and broken justice system. Look before you leap.

Is ballot harvesting code speak for cheating? Is counter-cheating the answer to election fraud? Can MAGA match the Dems in chicanery? Will there be blowback to counter-cheating? Who owns the moral high ground when both sides cheat? Does moral high ground matter anymore?

I was hoping for some other resolution.

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