Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Now What?

If any man can defeat the deep state, that man is Donald Trump.

Having said that, I am not sure any man can defeat the deep state. They are deeper and wealthier and more ruthless than most people can fathom. Roberts gets compromised. Sessions gets compromised. Flynn gets neutralized. Barr and Durham are either neutralized or compromised. They are either crooks or cowards. No other explanation will suffice. 

Trump came into office facing impossible circumstances and invisible enemies. Obama had weaponized an already-corrupt justice department. Barry vintage 2008 hinted that he possessed some reformist tendencies. We would soon be disabused of such notions. The only people who needed reform were those who disagreed with The One.

Trump also faced the reality of ongoing, refined, and institutionalized voter fraud. He tried to clean up the voter rolls nationwide but the blue states resisted him. Election-rigging had become the Democrats' lifeline.

If Trump displayed naivete it was in thinking he could engage with honest news media. The 99 percent uniformity became 100 percent groupthink. Now, the news media get to "call" and terminate elections and so it seems, ultimately pick winners and losers. 

Meanwhile, alternative media broke out all across Facebook, Twitter, and especially, Youtube. I for one did not foresee the tech titans rising in solidarity to squelch political speech on their platforms. But squelch they did.

Who foresaw a virus that proved to be less dangerous than many strains of flu would shut down the world? Who would believe that the lockdowns would be extended to election day is a maneuver that would further facilitate election fraud? I shickered at the conspiracists who forecast this scenario last winter. I might congratulate them on their insights had they not been abruptly purged from most platforms in the weeks leading up to the presidential election.

Trump will take the fight, our fight, to the courts. Meanwhile, the news media will declare Biden the victor and mostly peaceful protestors will be choreographed to show their support for Trump's surrender. The COVID lockdowns will not affect the mostly peaceful arsonists and the mostly peaceful killers. The media cabal will silence anyone who does not bow down to the new Democrat-in-chief.

Will this election be resolved in the courts? Yes, and no. SCOTUS will slap a bandaid on a gushing wound. The conflict, the discord, the hostility, and the civil unrest will escalate. Bet on it.

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