Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Sessions And Me

I was beyond disgust and frustration with Jeff Sessions' inaction. Last fall I started a Care2 petition to remove Jeff Sessions. A friend of mine, who happens to believe in the primacy of Facebook, identified a dozen or so pro-Trump FB groups to join. I joined with the express purpose of recruiting signers to my petition. To date, I have collected 22 signatures for my efforts. I probably could have achieved the double deuces without Zuckerberg's assistance.

About a month after launching the petition, I discover Q Anon, and I developed a cultish obsession with all things Q. As cults go, it's not bad. Q never asks for donations. He doesn't ask for much. He likes it when we create memes but I have never made one. He also asks us to trust certain people, one being Sessions.

"Trust Sessions" is a recurring theme in Q posts. OK, I guess I will trust Sessions after all. Maybe if  I had gotten 23 signatures, I would be so emboldened that as to pursue this thing further. But 22 John Hancocks?

"Trust Sessions"
"Trust Wray"
"Trust Kansas"
"Trust the plan"

I would like to know the plan I am supposed to trust but being one of the faithful and seeing the merits of belief in the unproven and unseen, I now trust Sessions. The trust won't last forever, of course. Then again, we on Planet Q believe something earth-shattering will happen soon. Sessions will lead the charge he has been leading all along.

Please don't break our hearts, Mr. AG.

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