Monday, September 12, 2011

Media Monday: Stop The Presses: MSNBC Plays The Race Card!!!

Is there a focus group in the house? We know that Obama loves to play the race card and he plays it by proxy. I contend that the blanket charge of racism for all who might happen to disagree with the president has hurt, not helped, Obama.

Americans don't like to be called racist (especially those who are not racist)and the president's lap dogs love to use that term. But don't they realize how weak Obama looks when they use this tactic? He comes across as the biggest pansy this country has ever produced. "Wahhh. If you point out my unending ineptitude, my butt buddies will call you racist. Wahhhh."

It's bad enough that the brown-lipped media continue their one trick pony routine but it makes the candy-ass-in-chief look even weaker than he would already look. If Mr. Civility wants to call his opponents racists, then he should grow a set and speak his mind. But Mr. Sniveler would never do anything so bold. He will let his bullies (such as they are) do his fighting for him.

Poor baby!


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