Sunday, February 4, 2018

Reading Into Comey's "Is That It?" Tweet

Was that a slip of the twongue? Nunes only revealed a conspiracy to sabotage a free election as well as a conspiracy to commit espionage, and possibly a conspiracy to commit sedition. Some pundits even accuse you and your organized crime cartel of treason.

Oh that? Who hasn't picked up a parking ticket along the way?

In other words, they didn't find the bodies. Commodore Nunes alertly spotted the iceberg. Give the Eagle Scout some credit for his keen observations but chuckle at the damn fool who has missed all that lurks beneath the surface. (Insert sound of weasels laughing here.)

We are told that more such memos will follow. Let us hope, Director Comey, that the Leavenworth administrators will allow you to teach your ethical leadership class via Skype.

The Nunes memo was much like a high profile murder case in which everyone knows the suspect is guilty. The guilty verdict is read and we are not even slightly surprised at the results. We already knew what the jury has confirmed.

The difference between the real life murder case and real life is that in the former we don't have to worry about the court reporter rewriting the transcripts, the judge flashing gang signs to the defendants, the bailiffs opening fire on the jurors, or the prosecutors savaged by a sneak of weasels as they exit the courtroom. For that matter, the high profile murder prosecutor probably does not worry about being gunned down at baseball practice or colliding with a garbage truck as he merrily rides an Amtrak.

We are just getting started. I will hereby go way out on a limb and predict that Jimmy the Weasel will never again tweet "Is that it?" Wanna bet?

1 comment:

Hoosierman said...

You have to concede that riding an AMTRAK train is reckless behavior.