Saturday, January 13, 2018

Dow At 25,803! Why Didn't We Elect A Lunatic Years Ago?

When Donald Trump isn't foaming at the mouth or howling at the moon, he is quietly assembling an American Renaissance.

Once more, the Dow is not the best economic indicator and a market correction is as certain as a rainy day. But a high DJIA is better than a low DJIA. Meantime, most other economic indicators (except perhaps the value of the dollar and that might also be in for a resurgence) are encouraging. My crystal ball shows ups and downs but it does not reveal an eight-year malaise.

These days I post less and smile more. We have a man in the White House who has never tasted booze, never smoked a cigarette and never fried his brain with exotic drugs. His vices include Diet Coke, meatloaf, ice cream and golf. Perhaps the prosecution should rest its case right there.

Should the prosecution require more ammunition, they might remind us that the president believes people have conspired against him and even "tapped his wires." Oh wait a minute, his paranoid fears are legitimate? They have all been confirmed? Well he does watch "Morning Joe!" OK, so the president is guilty of bad taste. That charge might stick.

This might be remembered as the era of the snicker and the shrug. A news cycle is consumed by discredited networks parroting a discredited author quoting a discredited source. We shrug at the claims of significance and snicker at our overlords' best efforts to control thought. Their minds spin 24 hours a day and all they can come up with is a Soros-sympathetic buffoon calling the president's son a traitor? Where have you gone, George Orwell? A fourth estate turns its lonely eyes to you.

Recently we heard that Dow 25 would trump the 25th Amendment. Dow 25? That is yesterday's coffee, dude. We are at 25.8 and we could hit 26 as early as next Tuesday. By February 1, Dow 25 might fade from our rear view mirror. The Dow 25 Era might surpass New Coke and Eliot Spitzer's TV show on the list of things that did not stick around very long.

So Trump is crazy? Let's hope he is forever denied access to treatment.

1 comment:

Hoosierman said...

His tax cut plan may produce a few triple winners and theirs will be a fascinating story to hear.

"I went into work and my boss told me I was getting a raise and a bonus. Then I got my gas and electric bill and the local utility had cut my rate. Finally when the IRS got the new withholding tables out my paycheck jumped another $40."