Monday, January 8, 2018

Will Pizzagate/Pedogate Make America Suck Again?

In the 1980's and 1990's America endured a series of child molestation wrongful accusations. Wikipedia provides a tip of the iceberg overview: 

Repeat, this is the tip of the iceberg. If Pizzagate/Pedogate continues, we can revisit some of the absurdities and miscarriages of justice in these scandals. My hope is that we learned lessons from these abuses of power that might not ever be repeated. It seems I was overly optimistic once again.

Having escaped childhood and adolescence without being a victim of anything approaching molestation, maybe I tend to minimize the extent of the problem. Yes, there were weirdos in my day. A girl who lived down the street warned me that the father of some acquaintances was "dirty." In high school there were a couple of "funny" teachers but they could be politely avoided and as far as I know, they were always avoided.

Even with some minimization, I don't think that conspiratorial child molestation is all that prevalent. Nor do I believe that ritualistic child molestation is all that prevalent. Nor do I believe that being born into old money necessarily means that one has been exposed to and probably a participant in, ritualized and unritualized child molestation. Nor do I believe that clubs with secret rituals are necessarily child molesters.

It gets even more bizarre. Without a shred of evidence, we are told that elite globalists drink the blood of children as part of their antisenescence regimen. Conspiracies do exist but not every conspiracy is diabolical and not everyone who disagrees with you is a closet Satanist and most Satanists do not slaughter children either ritualistically or otherwise.

Some highlighted crazy talk:

1. A Youtube channel with a fair amount of subscribers repeated a rumor that Vice President Mike Pence has molested dozens of children and even murdered one of his victims.

2. A guest--not a caller, a guest--on Clyde Lewis's "Ground Zero" radio show stated that he had been repeatedly sodomized by Justice Anthony Scalia when the guest was a teenager. Furthermore, the hunting lodge where Scalia was found dead is an elaborate front for man/boy relationships. And of course Scalia was murdered. Clyde Lewis, being Clyde Lewis, never did a "hold on a second" or ask for evidence to support such wild allegations.

3. A woman with a lot of Youtube views and a big MAGA following tells us that the Getty Museum in California has underground tunnels and this is damning evidence of child molestation. Can we think of no reason whatsoever why a museum that moves priceless artwork to and fro might install underground tunnels? More imaginative minds have expanded on the Getty tunnels to inform us that they are a portal to safe refuge for Britain's Royal Family. Another tells us that it is not just the Royal Family but all sorts of global elitists who are ready to spelunk beneath the art should that comet hit. Others tell us babies are warehoused there.

4. Tunnels, robes, rituals, secret societies, clubs and of course, a blue blood lineage, are all damning evidence of child molestation if not child slaughter. What is it about this particular subject that makes people toss their rational judgment out the window?

I saw people go off the rails in 2016 with Pizzagate. An aside: Pizzagate is dismissed by MSM as a right wing tin hat conspiracy. If you want to silence something in the MSM, call it right wing. That is a dog whistle if ever there was one. Many of the people who jumped on Pizzagate and would not let it go were Berniebots.

The most prominent Pizzagator is probably David Seaman. I don't know what his politics are but he got canned from "Huffington Post" for saying politically incorrect things about Hillary. Mostly Seaman discusses the evils of HRC, cryptocurrencies and of course, Pizzagate.

Seaman, like a few others who I chose to ignore, could not let the Pizzagate go. Yes, there was one Podesta email that discussed the names and ages of three children that sounded suspicious and should have been investigated by the locals. The rest was circumstantial and subject to a high degree of extrapolation.

John Podesta and his friends are guilty of talking in code. Last I checked, that is not a crime. Because I don't want to spread baseless rumors, I did not offer a counter explanation that pizza and pasta and hot dogs might be code words for licit and illicit drugs. That seems much more plausible to me.

Why would Podesta block off an hour of time for a slice of pizza? I am hesitant to accuse him of anything but I can think of many activities that are more prevalent than child molestation. Ditto, Obama catered $65,000 of hot dogs to the White House. Huh? I can't say for certain what this really means but we know they were not talking about hot dogs. But do we have to jump to the conclusion that little boys were being trucked in for evening?

This is the calm before the storm. If you don't believe me, see the hashtag by that name. 10k sealed indictments? Maybe they do all involve child abuse/human trafficking in some capacity. Maybe I will be proven wrong and we will find out that discarded baby parts provide sustenance for all the alligators in New York's sewers. I doubt it.

Maybe a lot of questions will be answered when we open the envelopes. Let The Storm Begin!


Tea Party at Perrysburg said...

Not sure how I feel about this; I know after Clinton's presidency, I swore I would never get sucked into conspiracy theories again. But now, looking back, most of those conspiracy theories have proven to be TRUE. (On a side note, why do so many people seem to DIE when they are about to testify against the Clintons?)
Anyway I think there's something to all this. Take, for example, Admiral Rogers informing Trump that he was being spied upon. Who would have REALLY believed a coup was in the process? Yet evidence has emerged that our country's highest security organizations have been compromised by leftists willing to overturn an>Sometimes don't you wonder if your life is just a bit tame compared to these high fliers? Just because YOU wouldn't do horrible things doesn't mean that people in the highest offices of this land won't.

BOSurvivor said...

I did not want to come across as dismissive of all conspiracy theories. I have never accepted the validity of the Warren Report. I am certain there is a UFO cover-up as well as a cover-up of paranormal research, some even funded by our own intelligence agencies.

I agree with you wholeheartedly that the last ten years have made the unbelievable more plausible. I still can't believe we had a two-term president who was never vetted. I would never believe that half of America would accept BO's divinity as they are also phobic to learn anything at all about him. I would never believe that a woman who got caught sharing more classified information with more enemies than the Rosenbergs would almost become president. And that is the tip of the iceberg.

I am so curious as to what names are on those 10k indictments. The Storm might well be a turning point for our country. Let's hope so.