Monday, January 15, 2018

He Did Not Say It But Maybe He Should Have

The desperation of the Left is comical. They call Trump crazy and then go histrionic on fictitious events. Another news cycle is consumed by phony drama. Fake news abounds but it seems like there was a time when it was not ALL fake. Maybe that time never existed. Maybe my memory is getting foggy.

I don't think Trump called any country a shit hole. Why?

1. Trump is more honest and reliable than Dick Durbin.

2. Trump is much more politically astute than the experts will ever acknowledge. Flattery is his weapon of choice. Furthermore, he would choose his words carefully in the company of the enemy.

3. For all of his vitriol, Trump does not attack unless he is provoked.

4. Perhaps most significantly, the Clintons have a legacy of Haitian scandal that might resurface as early as this week. The Loyalists are trying hard to "get ahead" of the revelations.

But what if Trump did call certain countries shit holes? I prefer the term hell hole but...why are places like Honduras and El Salvador so dysfunctional? They should be tropical paradises but instead they have some of the highest murder rates on Planet Earth. Neighbors like Costa Rica and Belize have long been respected for their civility. If he didn't say it, perhaps he should have.

At any rate, this story will only offend the chronically offended. For those whose minds have not been eaten away by Trump Derangement Syndrome, the prevailing question is once more:


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