Friday, January 14, 2011

In Middle Age I Am As Confused To The Ways of The World As I Was When I Was A Teenager

When you think you have attained some understanding of the world, of people, and of human nature, a wave will sweep ashore and deform your elaborate sand castle. The irrational hatred of Sarah Palin is confusing to me. I did not see this one coming and I did not see it becoming an obsession with a small but loud (due to their entrenchment in the news media) per centage of the population. Nor did I foresee the scapegoating of Sarah Palin for everything that goes wrong in the world. No, I did not foresee the mainstream media blame her for mass murder that she clearly did not influence. The media threw me a curve and no, I cannot hit it out of the park.

The people with minds that open like parachutes hate Sarah Palin. The people who celebrate diversity hate Sarah Palin. The people who view NYT as an oasis of sophistication hate Sarah Palin. The people who hate the very idea of hate and who incorporate terms like "hate speech" and "hate crime" into their daily coversation hate Sarah Palin. The conspiculously sanctimonious hate Sarah Palin. The people who concern themselves with social justice and gender equality and human rights hate Sarah Palin.

When McCain/Palin lost to Obama/Biden, I thought that the lies and hostility directed agaisnt Palin would go away. The heat of battle and all that. I was wrong once more. The media dragged out Levi Johnston, the father of Bristol Palin's son. Joe McGinniss moved in next door to her. The Associated Press trumpeted her misspelling of one word on a Tweet. The MSM was obsessed.

Why Sarah Palin instead of Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee or Rudy Giulani? I don't know. I know Rand Paul endured an onslaught of blatant falsehood and Sharron Angle was treated much differently than the ever-venerable Harry Reid. But the media eventually eased off those enemies of the Fourth Estate. And the focus turned once more to Sarah Palin.

For four days Sarah Palin was libeled by the mainstream media. When I could not imagine it getting weirder. she defended herself only to be blasted for releasing the video of the day of the Tucson memorial service. I understand that some of this is pure politics. But if it pure politics, why not focus on the front runners in the early polls? Romney or DeMint or Gingrich? There is real HATE here that is genuine.

Lawrence O’Donnell, the out of the closet socialist on MSNBC, devoted the bulk of Wednesday's hourlong show to Sarah Palin. He objected to her releasing her video defending herself against baseless charges on the day of the Tucson memorial service. His attacks were vicious and if he was faking the hate, O'Donnell is a damn good actor.

Now let's pause to reflect for just a minute. On the day of the memorial service O'Donnell spewed venom at Palin for releasing a video on the day of the memorial service. Am I the only one who detects a shred of irony here? If the day of the Tucson memorial service was a day of national observance, does it not seem odd that O'Donnell and his guests would detract from that event to bash Sarah Palin?

And there is further irony. O'Donnell is critical of Palin for alleged incendiary speech but his atacks on Palin were anything but polite. If anything, he turned up the heat on this day of remembrance. Again. Am I the only one who detects irony?

One could dismiss O'Donnell as a hypocrite and I would not want to defend him against such charges. But I do not think O'Donnell can comprehend his own hypocrisy. He is not just a hired gun. His seething hatred is genuine.

So, are there any articulate hate mongers out there? Is there anyone who can tell this confused and possibly senile man why Sarah Palin is worthy of our hatred? Can you explain to me why Palin is a font of evil but the Fort Hood shooter, the Tucson shooter, the shoe bomber, on and on, are deserving of our unending compassion? They are disturbed and in need of help but Sarah Palin deserves our scorn (and even worse. See previous post.)

Palin haters, please edify and enlighten me. Please.

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