Friday, October 16, 2020

Youtube Bans Dozens of Pro-Trump Channels

 We knew this day was coming. After shadow banning, bogus copyright violations, demonetization, diminished view counts, and other forms of harassment, Youtube killed dozens of pro-Trump channels on the same day.

This action occurred as Twitter and Facebook banned the spreading of information regarding Joe and Hunter Biden. Der Fuhrer has decreed silence. SILENCE!

Here is a partial listing of expunged channels:

1 X-22 Report...all three shows. The Weekly Spotlight as well as the two Sunday through Friday shows. Of course, pirated versions of Dave's old shows are still in circulation. I listen to Dave almost every night on my drive home.

2. Citizens Investigative Reports...Katie G. is an incredibly smart Bible scholar and Q decoder. I disagree with some of her opinions and I am sometimes critical of her conclusions--she might see too many Luciferian influences for example--but she is a dogged researcher.Gone.

3. In Pursuit of Truth...Sir Patrick, a mysterious member of the entertainment industry who also has a weakness for cute dog snippets, has been banished from Youtube. Gone.

4. Truth and Art TV....Bernie has a Truth and Art TV2 channel that is a showcase for his musical compositions.

5. Spaceshot76...I stopped listening to Mike from Rhode Island because he started doing more livestreams and I hate livestreams. 

6. Praying Medic...Gone.

7. DeceptionBytes...Michelle from Canada has been scrubbed from Youtube.

8. Amazing Polly...Yet another brilliant Canadian woman. I cannot find her channel but it seems that other parties are posting her older vids.

9. Dustin Nemos...This guy is the poster child for Big Tech Censorship. I feel bad for this guy because his channel was not originally a hobby. He wanted to monetize it and support his family. He was banned and harassed and shunned long ago but he kept coming back. This guy is a fighter and he is also a plaintiff in a class action suit against Google. 

10. Jordan Sather....This guy is out there. Secret moon colonies. Antarctica. Adrenochrome. Antivaccine. Not the most discriminating of conspiracy palates. What gets this iconoclast banned from Youtube? The non-conspiracy/non-theory that got the others banned. Why is Google afraid of a scam?

11.wherewego1wegoall....seems to have been disappeared...Not sure if I was a subscriber or if Google even erased the subscription.

12. SGT Report....This guy is a professed Christian who is not above bearing false witness against people he does not like. Think satanic ritual abuse, murder, etc,, that has never gotten beyond the rumor stage...SGT Report2 is also gone.

13. Lori Colley...another brilliant lady and a pitbull of a researcher who happens to be a devout Christian...Gone.

14. Craig Mason...Another correspondent I stopped listening to because he started doing nothing but livestreams. I have yet to see/hear a videographer who improves in a live setting. The videographer is stroking his own ego (this ain't MTV jackass) as he responds to comments we do not see and greets new arrivals while thanking the donors. If you like vapid Academy Awards speeches....

15. A Posterior Flurry of Logical Faction....recently created this channel because Youtube harassed his original channel...Gone.

16. Patriots Soapbox...Gone.

17. Truth in Context....Gone.

18.TruReporting...I confess that I confuse this channel with a couple of the above mentioned. Then again, if the video thumbprints were displayed, I might be able to tell you more.

So many more, I am trying to find some trace of the lost channels.

BTW, I loathe Fox News. Worse than their phony ass shills, is their pretense of being an alternative to MSM. Fox News is sanctioned dissidence, controlled opposition. Time was, I could watch an In Pursuit of Truth vid and autoplay would deliver s Citizens Investigative Report or something from that shelf. 

Then one day, and every day thereafter, every alternative video was followed by a Fox News video. Which was in turn followed by another Fox News video. Google and Fox are not as strange bedfellows as some might think.

The tip of the iceberg.  I hope to give some leads on the backup channels and direct readers/viewers to their old favorites in their new settings.

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