Saturday, November 18, 2017

Please, Let Us Not Refight The Battle Of Whitewater

Some people say that Timothy McVeigh killed the Conservative Movement in the 90's. I am of the firm belief that Kenneth Starr did more damage to the Republican Party than the philosophically-stunted terrorist whose delicate psyche was traumatized by what he had witnessed in the first Iraq War.

One of the reasons to take the political high road is that it tends to be more successful than the sewer express. MAGA is the political high road. Trump's pugnacious nature prompted him to "punch down" but the Donald is an instinctive counter puncher. He did not lead with sleaze. His message, a message the Democratmedia never understood or never acknowledged, was one of hope and optimism. Morning in America if we let the sun rise.

Hillary was negative from the get go. Access Hollywood, fabricated gropees from the distant past, claims of pedophilia, racism, misogyny, Islamophobia, basket of deplorables, and on and on and on. Hillary put on her pith helmet and discovered a tribe called the alt-right that most of us had never heard of. Sixteen degrees of separation later, she laid the alt-right at Donald Trump's footstep. Hillary's habitual bitterness only resonated with bitter minds and by the grace of God this country was delivered from evil.

Barack Obama is perhaps the sleaziest human being America has ever produced but his fabricated persona usually took the high road. With 99+ per cent of the news media trashing Hillary and McCain and Romney, Obama was free to babble empty verbiage about hope and change with his skull illuminated by a bright, swirling halo. His zombies saw their deity take the high, if not celestial, road to destiny and deliverance. Yeswecan!

Before Obama, George Bush won two elections hiking a pike elevated slightly above Dan Rather and the Democrats. And in the 90's Bill Clinton's approval ratings would be bolstered by Kenneth Starr's sleazy-ass evil character-assassinating fishing expedition. Let us revisit Mr. Peepers later and now return to this nascent century.

The sewer makes people stupid. I did not jump on the trash Harvey Weinstein bandwagon. I prefer to discuss and advance principles rather than promoting and sniping at proper nouns. I was reluctant to play toilet referee but I suppose I have to in order to establish that sewer politics makes people stupid.

Harvey Weinstein's many and varied accusations range from the expected to the not surprising to the understandable to the harder to understand to the downright gross to the possibly criminal to the flagrantly felonious.  But no one in the press is making such distinctions. The broadside brush of "sexual misconduct" is the only tool the painter brought to the job.

Bear with me for a moment while we examine (eeeee) the antics of one Louis C. K. Like Congressman Danger, Mr. K almost succeeds in making gropers wholesome by comparison. If I were Ben Affleck, I would be screaming bloody murder at my name being mentioned in the same article as this porn circus geek. Ever the exhibitionist, K publicly apologized to his victims, no doubt getting excited at his rehashing of events. K is the kind of guy who gives perverts a bad name but he has resolved one pop culture issue: Louis C. K. is indeed a funny man.

I actually feel sorry for Al Franken. Given his political status, his fake gropes and practice kisses and adolescent attitude have made him the top news item of the week. If Franken's bone chips can be reassembled into a skeleton, every public figure is in trouble. I hereby issue more warnings about the sewer. Stupidity and false equivalency prevail. Tread lightly.

Which brings us to Roy Moore. I dismiss outright claims made by "The Washington Post", Gloria Allred, the Democrat attack machine, Judas McCain, Mitt the (if only I could find a word to rhyme) Romney and the rest of the GOP establishment. I don't care if they produce 600 women from 38 years ago. These allegations are about as credible as Judas McCain's PROMISE to repeal Obamacare. This is as bogus as the appointing of a special prosecutor to investigate Donald Trump in the total, complete and absolute absence of evidence of criminal activity while his opponents have long, lucrative and suspicious relationships with the Kremlin. If Moore is defeated, the issue-deficient Democrats will make character assassination a staple of every election.

At last we return to the sexually-curious Kenneth Starr. I would like to put those days behind us but unfortunately, some people want a do-over in The Battle of Whitewater. Some quick observations about this stain on the blue dress that is American history.

1. The Special Counsel should have been shut down when it shifted gears and focused its attention on Bill Clinton's sex life.

2. Had the Starr Commission publicized what had happened to Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey instead of the consensual relationship between Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, history might have been altered for the better.
     Note: This says something creepy about the Conservative mind. A consensual relationship is more offensive to them than a brutal, animalistic, face-bleeding rape! To this day, talk radio produces more references to Monica Lewinsky than Juanita Broaddrick. I did not follow the news as closely as I do now but I did not learn about Juanita Broaddrick until the waning days of the Clinton Presidency. Like most people, I sided with Clinton over the sexually-obsessed Kenneth Starr even though I never voted for Clinton. It's not necessarily that Conservatives are wrong so much as their priorities are whacked.
3. Nancy Pelosi was right when she said Republicans institutionalized the politics of personal destruction (I am paraphrasing) when they allowed Kenneth Starr to attack Bill Clinton on private matters.
     Note: Karma can suck sometimes.

4. The Republicans attacked Clinton personally because they were too unprincipled or cowardly to engage him on policy.

5. Bill Clinton did not publicly humiliate Monica Lewinsky. The voyeuristic Kenneth Starr did that.

6. Law and order man Kenneth Starr allowed illegal leaks of confidential grand jury testimony.
    Note: Whatever else can be said about sleazeball Robert Mueller, he did not invent hypocrisy or a blatant disrespect for the rule of law. The Mueller Commission is the continuation of a long tradition of public corruption and lawlessness.

7. Some of the sharpest political minds who keenly understand why elections are won and lost, and who were not surprised by Donald Trump's victory, still cannot understand why the public sided with Clinton over Starr.

We are going to conclude on that last point. Sorry Rush and Howie and Ann and Bennie if you are too stupid to understand these things. Here's a crib note for you. Witch hunts frequently backfire. Be careful joining the mob, be it the one chasing Roy Moore, or the one chasing Al Franken.

The sewer will make you stupid.

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