Sunday, October 23, 2016

If Donald Trump Wins, It Will Be As Miraculous As The First Moon Landing And Every Bit As Significant

It would be a small step for man but a giant leap for mankind.

If Donald Trump wins, he will have defeated the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, The Clintons, the Bushes, the Obamas, the Romneys, the McCains, and every other American political family.

If Donald Trump wins, he will have defeated CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Associated Press, New York Times, Washington Post, 90% of Fox News, Huffington Post, Yahoo News, Google News, Time Warner not to mention Glenn Beck, Michael Medved, Hugh Hewitt, John Batchelor, Erick Erickson, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and anything else considered legacy media or any online content provider.

If Donald Trump wins, he will have defeated the Gulf States plus Iran, OPEC member nations and the many, many foreign countries who donated to the Clinton Foundation.

If Donald Trump wins, he will have defeated social media that have assisted his opponent, web browsers that have shown a bias against subjects that might be unfavorable to his opponent, and a myriad of portals that bombard the email reader with Anti-Trump propaganda.

If Donald Trump wins, he will have defeated the world's premier oligarchs including Carlos Slim, George Soros, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg and Tim Cook to name but a few.

If Donald Trump wins, he will have defeated Silicon Valley.

If Donald Trump wins, he will have defeated Hollywood.

If Donald Trump wins, he will have defeated Wall Street, including Goldman Sachs.

If Donald Trump wins, he will have defeated an army of federal unionized bureaucrats who give mindlessly and generously to the Democratic Party.

If Donald Trump wins, he will have defeated teachers unions that give overwhelmingly to Democratic candidates.

If Donald Trump wins, he will have defeated the leadership of private sector unions who give blindly and generously to Democratic candidates.

If Donald Trump wins, he will have defeated 12 million illegal aliens, many of whom will be voting (illegally of course.)

If Donald Trump wins, he will have defeated every professional vote-fraud racketeer from Scott Foval to James Creamer.

If Donald Trump wins, he will have defeated virtually every special interest group and virtually every lobbyist.

If Donald Trump wins, he will have defeated every entertainment vehicle that purports to provide topical humor. Saturday Night Live, every late night talk show, anything topical, is by definition, Anti-Trump (South Park might be the only exception to this ironclad rule but that remains to be seen.)

If Donald Trump wins, he will have defeated the luminaries of daytime television.

It is a stacked deck. It is a rigged system. What has Donald Trump got on his side? People. Average Americans sick of the corruption, the criminality, the desecration of American values, and as hard as it is to fathom that this has gone unchecked, WHOLESALE ESPIONAGE! Will this be enough?

Let us hope that we will see a small step for Trump and a giant leap for Americans.

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