Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Reflections On Iowa GOP Caucus

I am not surprised at Cruz's victory. He committed to the ground game in Iowa, something he has not done in New Hampshire.

Trump might be a victim of his own hubris. We all respect his unconventional approach but he seems to want to skip out on the dirty work. In other words, he doesn't want to do the dirty work. The ground game--ringing door bells, ride sharing, phone banking, networking--is not glamorous but if a candidate wants to win, he will commit to the ground game.

Trump seems to believe he is so popular that he doesn't have to pay attention to fundamentals. He might be right. It is hard work but you can pay someone else to do it and we all know the Donald has deep pockets. Still, Trump has neglected the details. Can he continue without the ground game? We shall see.

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