Monday, June 30, 2014

Hobby Lobby Wins

This is a big story with a lot of facets. On a visceral level, this is pretty cut and dry. Religious freedom won. Federal micromanagement loses. It was fun to watch the MSNBC crowd shape this as some sort of gendercide plot. War on` women. Reproductive health. Slogan overload.

For the Dems, this will push the ACA back into the limelight. As the MSM left this subject, the administration was sipping champagne in the Rose Garden. They had met their enrollment numbers. No need to examine the alleged statistics. ACA is a popular success. Nothing to see here folks. Roll the credits.

I am no soothsayer but I am going to go out on a limb and say that Obamacare will be the most important issue of the 2014 mid-term elections. Hobby Lobby has brought the train wreck back center stage (you can't mix metaphor better than that with a Waring blender) where it belongs.

Thank you, Hobby Lobby!

1 comment:

Hoosierman said...

Anytime Obamacare is in the news it's bad for Democrats. Just before the elections the insurance companies will have to announce their rates for 2015 and we can expect another round of double digit increases.
Then there is the negative growth for the first quarter. Some economist attribute that to Obamacare but in any event the economy is on thin ice.
The administration is treating the enrollment data as if they were the nuclear codes. Indications are that the young and sickly showed up while the young and healthy stayed home.