Sunday, August 25, 2013

Thugocracy In Action: Democratic AG Sues Donald Trump For $40 Million

From USA Today:
New York's attorney general sued Donald Trump for $40 million Saturday, saying the real estate mogul helped run a phony "Trump University" that promised to make students rich but instead steered them into expensive and mostly useless seminars, and even failed to deliver promised apprenticeships.
Trump shot back that the Democrat's lawsuit is false and politically motivated.

Remember Wayne Allyn Root's back to back audits? Remember the DOJ threatening Romney donors? Remember the choreographed IRS attack on Tea Party/Conservative/Patriot organizations? The thuggery continues, and the new target is Donald Trump.

If every student who got bilked by an institution of higher learning sued his alma mater, it would bankrupt academe. I know a Millenial woman who racked up a $120k tab at a prestigious musical institution. She genuinely believed that she would earn a high wage job in a glamorous industry. She never earned a dime from her education and later went back to school to become a nurse.

Like most Millenials, my friend sees herself as a victim. There are millions of sadder but wiser (slightly wiser) graduates out there but the revered institutions of higher learning are not being sued en masse. That is because said institutions were not founded by critics of the Obama Administration.

If the Attorney General of New York was genuinely concerned with the pipe dreams sold by higher education, he would have sued on behalf of the NYU grad I supervised last decade who was working for $10/hr, the same wage she would have earned with her high school diploma. The AG would file a class action suit for all graduates of CCNY, even if the student went for free. Every New York college or university would be the subject and object of litigation, bar none.

We have never seen an administration so abusive of power. There are no close seconds. Sadly, thugocracy is the new norm.

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