Saturday, August 10, 2013

Pat Caddell Confirms What We Suspected: Boehner Is Orchestrating Benghazi Coverup

Given the nature of blogging, I like to stay away from places like Fox News or Mark Levin. These sources are easy to find and I would rather link to the video with 100 hits or the blog with a dozen members. I dislike Fox News because they prefer chit chat to news. What news they offer is not too Fox, it is not Fox enough. No Larry Sinclairs. No John Drews. No Wayne Alan Roots. No Corsis or Dujans or Reynolds. There aren't even any Becks left at Fox News. Despite their tepid branding, Fox sometimes nails it. In the following vid, Pat Caddell calls out Boehner for impeding the Benghazi investigation. PAT CADELL: THE LAST OF THE PRO-AMERICAN DEMOCRATS
Pat Cadell is not the only critic of John Boehner. Mark Levin has become an habitual Boehner basher. Levin is possibly my least favorite talk radio host. Nothing wrong with rude, brutish and nasty but those qualities have to be tempered with good humor and a human touch. Levin is a bitter enemy of Michael Savage but I mentally file them in the same folder in the same drawer. However, Savage voices concern for wild elephants and affection for his aging dog. Mark Levin is always rude, brutish and nasty. We have to take our allies where we find them and if The Abrasive One is calling out Barack Boehner, more power to him. BTW the following vid is not his only anti-Boehner rant. The Speaker has become his favorite punching bag.

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